[quote=@Andreyich] [@Jbcool] Then what difference is there between Specialty and Rank? Also I sent you a CS. Finally as you will read my guy is more than "hurr hurr kill stuff" in his personality. [/quote] Speciality = Tactical Marine, Apothecary, Chaplain, Devastator Marine etc Rank = Where they are in the hierarchy of their parent Chapter I.E. Brother-Sergeant, Captain, Honour Guard, Sanguinary Priest, and so on and so forth. This page (https://www.reddit.com/r/40krpg/comments/210lfr/deathwatch_seems_to_be_the_least_popular_rpg_in/) pretty much explains what I'd expect in better terms than I can...especially these gems: "It has a the heaviest 40k-lore requirement to play from both the players and the GM." "It's hard for the players to conceptualise what it's like to be a superhuman killing machine. Most attempts to roleplay this mindset result in them being one-dimensional and assume that their personalities are completely robbed from them by the SM creation process. This creates a situation where you have a bunch of super powerful arthurian knights that are all about duty killing stuff. This is not necessarily true. Space Marines are duty-bound, sure, but if this were 100% the case, you'd never have renegades or traitor marines. Furthermore, every chapter is different and has their own different ways of doing things. These difference may be small, but the players need to dial up their reaction towards those differences to at least 10 (if not 11) due to their chapter's own sacrosanct beliefs." So, yea.