[center]T A Y L O R[/center] Taylor eagerly grabbed the bowl of cereal, and took a dry bite when Amelia went to get some water. He sprawled his legs out in front of himself, and took another dry bite. His stomach appreciated it, but he could use some milk in this. He didn't complain though, because - hey, he got free food. Amelia sat down again next to him, as he noticed how close she sat. It made his heart flutter momentarily. Taylor took another dry bite of the cereal, feeling the heat from the woman next to him, slowly slide over him. Taylor swallowed heavily. "Well. My name is Taylor, I'm studying..-" he paused for a second, "Or well, [i]used[/i] to study technology at the University of London. I uh.. I'm allergic to cats, I'm diagnosed with chronic restlessness, and as my brother used to say; 'I speak before I think' syndrome. Perhaps he might be right, which also says; I have an older brother, and shitty parents. I moved out when I was 16, uh..- I'm a huge Star Wars nerd..-" he paused his rambling. "...you don't know what Star Wars is, do you?" he asked, looking at Amelia with a sad face, resembling a kicked puppy in a way. [@ineffable]