[center][h3] Why Else Does a Boy Need a Tongue [/h3][/center] Rose watched the scene unfold, not even attempting to hide the smile that crept up onto her face. [color=BC8F8F]"I forgot how cute he was. He knows beg and speak does he know anything else? Speaking implies a talented tongue, and that would a nice trick," [/color] The was a part of her that was jealous of Mirai's little pet. If she had the time to care for such a creature, she might make an effort to find one of her own. But she didn't want the distraction. She watched the boy's struggles to obey...not unlike her own problem. [color=BC8F8F] " Celia..." [/color] she said absently, she wasn't worried, more annoyed. She'd sent the girl off to...something...was it today or yesterday? Anyway, she should have been back by now for sure. It was easy for her to forget about the girl, honestly if she spared her much thought at all, all she got was frustrated. She had never seen such a ...wreck of life before. A quick scurry told her all she needed to know.[color=BC8F8F] "It would seem that my little Celia has gotten herself in the middle of something. I shan't be more than a moment. Can I borrow Sunni?"[/color] [hr] [center][h3] Home. Now. [/h3][/center] It turned out that her little apprentice had wandered much further than she expected. Had it not been for Sunni, the whole trip would have made her a lot...angrier. Through wasted time alone. Along the way, she saw the creatures who were off to fight the hunters for whatever reasons. And of course, not ten meters away, was Celia. Sunni dropped her with a lot more grace than she did Arden. The scene before her was only one that her apprentice could find herself in. No less than two hunters and two unknown witches. Making herself known, Rose interrupted the scene.[color=BC8F8F]"Hunters,"[/color] she barked. [color=BC8F8F]"I don't know what is going on, but I do know that there are four of us and two of you,"[/color] She paused for another moment. [color=BC8F8F]"I also know that there gnomes heading to destroy Seren's Folly. Do you her them?"[/color] Indeed there was a faint growling sound not far off. [color=BC8F8F]"Not that I care, but you might," [/color] She took another step.[color=BC8F8F] "So, here are you choices hunters. You can stay and fight us, even if you do win, think of how many people will die because your not there to help. You know nothing about us and you might end up dead yourself. Or, you can go fight the gnomes, be heroes. And we shall meet again another day," [/color] The fact that saving the town was suggested by a witch of all people made Nox was to reject it on principle alone. But he couldn't deny the sounds heading towards the village. It was also very clear that he and this other hunter weren't the problem or really a matter of interests to these witches. So against his better judgement, he nodded.[color=FFF8DC] "Until later then,"[/color] reaching out, he took a step forward, grabbed the new girl's hand and bolted off in the direction of Seren's Folly. With her fake smile still plastered on her face, she rounded on Celia [color=BC8F8F] "As for you,"[/color] she said. [color=BC8F8F]"Start walking," [/color] her voice firm as she pointed in the direction of home.[color=BC8F8F] "If you stop for ONE nap along the way, I will know and I will introduce you to a new way of sleeping, it is called being dead," [/color] Only then did she turn to the remaining witches in the clearing.[color=BC8F8F] "Ladies, my name Rose, I've taken up residence in the castle if you ever feel like being neighborly,"[/color] Making sure her apprentice had started her trek back, Rose returned to Sunni, making her way back up to the castle. [hr] [sub][@Rune_Alchemist][@13org] [@Noxx][@Dark Light][@WeepingLiberty][@Viciousmarrow][/sub]