[center] [color=silver][h3]~Celia Mockett~[/h3][/color] [/center] [@13org][@Viciousmarrow][@Ellion][@Noxx] [hr] Someone was cranky. That much the snake lady made perfectly apparent. She could sympathize, but the snake lady was the one making her cranky. See, this is why everyone should just stay inside and sleep all day! No one would bother anyone then. They'd all get along just fine and all of this wouldn't be happening. Celia simply cocked her head rather nonchalantly as the snake lady summoned the Hydra. Oho, something tasty showed up. Smelled like...fish? Water fish. Serpent? Either way, it smelled as ugly as the snake lady and she really didn't want to fight it, though she did think it could be a rather entertaining fight. If it wasn't so tiring, she would do it as well. Instead though, she gave it an unimpressed look, yawning loudly. [color=silver]"I...think I'm gonna go find a new place to nap. Quieter..."[/color] She grumbled. [color=silver]"Less unpleasant smells..."[/color] A cool, impassive glance at Hissy made it obvious who that sentence was directed at. [i][color=BC8F8F]"Hunters,"[/color][/i] The voice caused her head to turn to the source of it. [color=silver]"Oh...I've been found."[/color] Scratch that idea. She wasn't getting any sleep at all, was she? Not since Rose was here. She was about to be told to march towards the castle at an unreasonable pace with no breaks along the way. How cruel. Rose was so cruel and mean and unreasonable when she was just being perfectly reasonable. [i][color=BC8F8F]"I don't know what is going on, but I do know that there are four of us and two of you, I also know that there gnomes heading to destroy Seren's Folly."[/color][/i] Oh good. She wasn't being addressed. Had she not be seen? Maybe she could slink away quietly before Rose started talking to her. The rest of the conversation went in one ear and out the other as she focused on thinking of an escape plan that did not involve going back and doing more work. She made a few quiet steps backwards in the most subtle manner she could possibly muster as Rose spoke to the hunters until Rose' voice was definitely directed at her. [i][color=BC8F8F]"As for you,"[/color][/i] Welp, there went her not so quick escape. She could of pretended not to hear, but she doubted Rose would take too kindly to being ignore and she didn't want to deal with whatever cruel and unusual punishment she came up with. [i][color=BC8F8F]"Start walking, If you stop for ONE nap along the way, I will know and I will introduce you to a new way of sleeping, it is called being dead,"[/color][/i] [color=silver]"Yes, [i]mom[/i]."[/color] Celia grumbled, under her breath as Rose told her to head back up to the castle on threat of death. Honestly, death seemed like it might be the preferable option to whatever Rose was going to make her do back at the castle. Really, today was just going so...so not well. Still, she wasn't going to start walking in any sort of hurry. As Rose flew off, Celia turned her head towards the mysterious girl. [color=silver]"...you should come. It's...quiet. When Rose isn't being a slave driver."[/color] She wanted to say more, but she was tired, it'd take about as much energy as she had left to head back. Really, it'd be nice, wouldn't it? It was very rare that she ever really...spoke to or really felt like talking to someone a bit. She never really talked with the other witches much...they never smelled very nice. Tolerable at least though, as long as no one bothered her unlike the snake lady. Well, Silvienne was nice enough. Rose was...well, if she had to be honest Celia wasn't fond of her either, but she didn't have much of anywhere else to go. With a yawn, she started walking back. She almost wished she asked Rose to carry her, on the off chance she said yes. [center] [color=f26522][h3]~Phoebe Longhurst~[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [color=f26522]"So this little backwater town was Seren's folly, hm?"[/color] In one of the many churches in the area, one in particularly lively even at this time of night. One of the Bastille's of Arasil. While they weren't one of the more popular hunter stops due to the religious affiliation and only recent opening, it was a rather special moment for them. The two story building nestled close to southern edge of the small town was a flurry of activity. Phoebe was currently leaning out one of the windows of the top building, a small black cat sitting on the windowsill with her, watching the town below. [color=f26522]"Bah, it [i]reeks[/i] of the creatures."[/color] She had been doing this long enough to know evil and corruption when she saw it. Her hand idly moved to the top of the cats head, giving it a small scratch behind its ears. She had arrived earlier that day, and she had to say she was rather unimpressed with the local hunters. Almost all of them were ignorant fools, blissfully unaware of the things that lurked in the shadows at best. At worst, part of the problem. She had been sent by the Bastille to root out evil here, but she was just one woman. Her help was limited, but she would do her best. ...if her mentor had been here, it'd be easy. But she was alone, and she would hunt. That is a hunter did, after all. Walking away from the window, she headed downstairs to the main assembly hall, noticing the head priest just about to head upstairs, likely turning in for the night himself. [color=f26522]"Father. Heading to bed?"[/color] She greeted him, giving him a respectful bow at the bottom of the stairs. [b]"Hmm...I was coming to see you, Hunter."[/b] He shook his head. [b]"Something is amiss tonight. I do not know what, but if you intend to leave use caution."[/b] [color=f26522]"Always, Father. Nothing will escape my watch. If need be, I will rally the...[i]hunters[/i] here, but I am confident in my abilities. God will see that I am victorious in my hunts."[/color] With another, smaller, respectful bow Phoebe left the church and walked out onto the street, covering her face with her hood and temporarily checking her supplies. Everything seemed in order. Whatever was out there, she could deal with then. The cat mewed as it sat on the windowsill above, but ultimately went back inside. [hider=Current tools] Firebomb x6 Holy water x2 Throwing knives x20 Nets x4 Bolts x15 Lavender and Wolfsbane [/hider]