[i]"Sigma, scan those hostiles again, any of 'em stand out to you? Different ethnicity or maybe someone who looks like they're in charge? We need confirmation Primary Target or Targets are in the base before we even bother to engage. Over"[/i] Romek listened to Captain Upton's voice. He focused his eye on the Leupold Scope to get a better look at the occupants of the base. He scanned each individual in his field of vision that he could see. After scanning for more than several seconds he came to an obvious conclusion. Of the fifteen combatants he was looking at, there were obvious differences in two different races of people. He counted ten soldiers who all stood roughly five feet to five feet six inches in height. They had lightly tanned flesh, black hair and Asian almond shaped eyes. Their uniforms were the same camouflage pattern used by members of the Indonesian Army, but none wore the Indonesian flag on the right shoulder or the name tapes over the breast pockets. Their uniforms appeared worn and old. These soldiers carried an assortment of Russian and Chinese built small arms and wore Chinese made jungle hats. A few were unshaven and none appeared as though they were currently serving in the Indonesian Army. They did appear as though they may be veterans of the local military but currently spending their time as rebel insurgents. The second group of people he could identify numbered at least five and appeared closer to home for the Polish Paratrooper. They were all between five foot nine and six foot five in height. Their flesh was pale white. Two of them wore full beards and mustaches. Two wore camouflaged jungle hats, one wore a light blue beret and the other two wore olive drab bandannas tied in a knot at the back of the head. They also carried Russian built small arms. The camouflage uniforms they wore were slightly different from their local insurgent counterparts working with them. As an Eastern European, Romek thought the uniforms were the same as those used by Russian Infantry, but then noticed something strange about them. It was quite possible this group originated from Southern Russia near the border with Georgia or Azerbaijan. [i]'Chechens?'[/i] Romek thought to himself. [i]'What the fuck would Chechens be doing on a South Pacific Island?'[/i] "Eagle, this is Scooter, I can identify ten local insurgents clad in the same camouflage uniforms worn by the Indonesian Army, minus the standard identifying patches of active soldiers; possibly Indonesian veterans. Another five appear to be Eastern European; possibly Chechens or Azerbaijanis, wearing Russian Camouflage uniforms. They appear to be experienced hard core troops who have seen action, over." Romek was slightly nervous about this revelation. He knew, if these guys were Russians or Chechen veterans, they would not role over on them. They would fight to the death. [i]'Who the fuck is this Valkyrie Syndicate anyway?'[/i] Romek thought to himself in Russian. He figured if he was going to be working against Russians or Chechens he should freshen up his Russian.