[quote=@Andreyich][@DracoLunaris][@Jbcool] [i]Oh.[/i] I thought you meant rank and specialty pre-Deathwatch - within their Chapter. [/quote] That's exactly what I meant - in the Deathwatch you get a whole new hierarchy (and pretty much begin as equals), but it's good to know what level each character is at in their own parent Chapter. [@Hank] is correct, and has given you the relevant quote, that I [b]also[/b] sent you in the PM I wrote in response to you...which you seem not to have read. I will state this once more, and please pay attention: [quote]Please read them both, I'm not asking for everyone to be experts in 40k lore, or even Marine lore, but if you know nothing about Marines and simply like them for the coolness factor (which is fine in itself) then you're going to have a hard time with this RP. The Deathwatch are a specific group of specific marines with specific stuff to do. If you've no idea about them, then there's no point you joining.[/quote] The scout armour can, if you like, be from his Ultramarine days...he'll still need to paint it black anyway, just like everyone else; that just makes it kind of redundant. [@Dead Cruiser] Aaaaaaw :lol Fair enough, I can understand that! I look forward to the sheet. May as well get writing my own then. Good stuff thus far people, keep it up.