[hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmIwNGFkOS5VbWxrWlhJLC4w/grecian-formula.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [u][b]Stalking Victims:[/b][/u] [@vancexentan]--> (Saber & Servant on Rooftop) [@Loki Odinson]--> (Caster) [@Phase Transit]--> (Lancer) [@Grey]--> (Beserker) [b][u]Spymaster:[/u][/b] [@Loki Odinson]--> Brynhilda[/center] Rider didn't need to be reminded of her duties of observing the other servants that she could sense around the neutral area of the church, as she had no worries about the guard (Disguised Saber) handling anything unpleasant that would enter the church. It seemed to have a great sense of honor in performing its duties and would not be likely to let anything suspicious pass by him under his watch with only limited the areas that she needed to watch. The guard had already stop several threats which she also marked with a red flag and approve in the similar taste of their nature in assessing threats, they would be the best proxy who would be freeing her up for other tasks. Her reconnaissance went more or less well enough as she was well out of the reach of prying eyes and magic that she could detect, even the roots underneath the Earth that have surely watched her movement watched her disappear into a blind spot. She was on her own rooftop that she double-checked before she began reciting her collected information to her master. With the assistance of her quick nature and precise abilities of detection, what she discovered in the short span of time from separating from her Master was astonishing. A shame that she wasn't summoned as an Assassin which she seemed to have an affinity for, but pushing such idle thoughts aside, she reported her findings to her Master [color=92278f][b]"Assessing the threats from least dangerous and moving up, there is a Servant whom I assume is Caster (Zhuge Liang) from their unimpressive physical form but sizeable possession of magical energy that makes them stand up like a beacon in the night sky. Not too far from that Servant is another one wearing a cloak that I made sure to avoid being clearly seen from which I assume to be a Servant favoring indirect confrontation, meaning the Archer or Assassin class but never count out being an irregular of the other classes like myself. These two are the least likely to take action and could easily be defeated most likely by me should the situation requires me to do so."[/b][/color] Rider transmitted to her Master about the low threats that she observed and quickly moved on from as discreetly she could do so, her intimidating speed helping her do so. Defeating the two if necessary was little problem in her belief of her own skills, even if she was thought to be unimpressive in the last war from her limited circumstances holding her down. [color=92278f][b]"The only concern that I have that is within the two mediums of a low threat and high threat is the guard figure whom we both saw earlier. To be in such a position to freely defend against the likes of our kind would indicate a similar amount of skill or power to successfully defend the Overseer and meeting itself. Whatever they are is something we can not ignore."[/b][/color] Rider said as she commented on the guard once again doing its duties as it stopped a new pair that seemed to be late to the meeting and the Servant accompanying the Master was surely worthy of being noted as a powerful entity. Her most defining feature being their armor and its color... [color=92278f][b]"Moving on towards things we should take notice of with caution, is another Caster (Olydicus) besides the one that I mentioned earlier. Their pride and skill with their ability to manipulate the land are partly envied at from myself, akin to what I once could do."[/b][/color] She relayed this to her Master with a strange tone that couldn't be contemplated fully on before Rider overwhelmed what lingering feeling that was given with something else. Opening her end of her senses, as Rider left her rooftop and settled her hands onto the earth before feeling the massive network of roots around the neutral area which allowed her Master to feel the connection all underneath them. Rider herself was barely able to sense the magic as it was a graceful piece of work that was contained only within the roots themselves as they grew, her ability to catch this was partially due to her former nature as an earth goddess. Still, from the direction that they were growing from, she could locate a general direction that the Servant was but their presence itself was hidden. [color=92278f][b]"The Servant itself is powerful as it seems to be an abnormality, a powerful heroic spirit that connects with nature at this level and skill but hidden from detection. I would suggest considering this being during from an Age where magic has not fully died off yet but far from the work of more modern heroic spirits. The most likely heroic spirits of this kind are to be a European, Japanese, or Mythological (Hercules, Medusa, Perseus, etc...) heroic spirit but it can be another country's heroic spirit for all that I know."[/b][/color] Rider commented on the nature of this mysterious Servant that for now seemed to be another Caster from the available information. For now, this was her top priority to learn more but going to spy on an opponent that she couldn't detect was disadvantageous for her and would wait until the opportunity presented itself. Once her report on this Servant was done, she quickly ascended to the building that she fell off. [b][color=92278f]"The other high threat has just recently presented herself (Roland), as I suspect her summoning was just recent from what I felt earlier and now my suspicions confirmed. From her armor... I would like to say that she is a Saber or Beserker-Classed Servant but she seems to aware of herself to be what we may commonly believe to be a Beserker so most likely she would be Saber."[/color][/b] Rider commented on the arrival of the new pair, the two being an odd pair with the Master not looking the type to summon one of the knight classes. The possibility of being a Beserker was also on the table with simply her presence that gave, but her intelligence made it less likely. Beyond these servants that she observed and felt, there was little else to comment on as her eyes continued their constant watch for her back and the blind side of everyone else. If everything was going as good it was now, then there would be no problems but knowing the Grail War itself, it was meant to be complicated and cause trouble. This false sense of neutrality would easily be broken and thus her guard also should remain ever vigilant so long her Master was separated from her. [hr][center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjI4MmM5YS5TbTl1WVhSb1lXNGdUeWREYjI1dWIzSSwuMAAA/fridays.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [u][b]Possible Teammates Interaction[/b][/u]: [@Loki Odinson]--> Caster [/center] [b][color=cadetblue]"Yeah that would have been very interesting to see the application of the six command seals per Master, imagine the possibilities with that amount of energy."[/color][/b] Jonathan responded to Caster as he pondered the possibilities of having three extra marks of powers which could have been used to experiment or give an edge in battle. [b][color=cadetblue]"Anyway, Caster remain vigilant in case someone crazy decides to try and blow up the church with a Noble Phantasm or something similar like that. I wouldn't put it past anyone to summon Heroic Spirit who could do that."[/color][/b] He thought amusingly to Caster, and if someone did summon a Spirit of that caliber to wipe the church in one go then it would be a smart move even if they got the hate of the Overseer but that wouldn't matter if he was dead (no offense Father Walter)... Beyond that fun thought, he didn't have to focus much now on the church, as everything prevalent seemed to be have been discussed with everyone who chose to come to the meeting was not exciting as only half of the starring members seemed to jump onto the stage. Besides the two lovebirds come in late, there wasn't anything else of note to focus on and thus he was free to delve into his thoughts to think about their situation that they were in. Despite the lack of the other participant's appearance, Jonathan himself would still need to think about who to team up with as Caster wouldn't be able to handle many of the other Servants and would be hard to win with his skill set. The most likely chance of winning was no doubt to be teaming up early against the many other competitors but prepare a contingency plan should it fall to shambles. To start off the bat, Togami and Takumi were shot down for the most part as he didn't like the former and crossed his fingers that he would get killed early. As for the latter, he didn't trust him for being a proxy to someone who actually controlled the strings and thus the two were the easiest to get rid of on his list of potential allies unless whoever Takumi was representing proved to be a trustworthy ally to team up with, then maybe it could work out. You could also cross out the other half of the other participants until Jonathan and Caster both could see them to determine if they should team up, so until then they were all crossed off as well. This meant, that the only people to team up with this early in the Holy Grail War were inside the room unless a Heroic Spirit wanted to kill their master if their ideals conflicted too much which was unlikely. Part of the summoning process of a heroic spirit was the summoner's personality but he guessed that if they had a relic to summon a Servant, it would be overruled about the conflicting personalities. The others in the room weren't appealing either as the girl with glasses was right about the nature of humans, they loved to one up each other and stabbing each other in the back was something he wouldn't put pass everyone. She would be a good partner until the numbers thinned out enough to be concerned for her own survival and then go stabby stabby unless he played himself as weak enough to be taken out anytime to stab her back. So, mutual backstabbing... Eh, he'll pass for now. The second best were Romeo(James) and Juliet(Amina) who were probably going to have their own entourage with Mercutio and Benvolio at their side, then everyone would die once the domino toppled the others. The best option right now was the other guy (Leon) whom wasn't naive to not suspect the possibility of being stabbed in the back but worked to reduce the possible dying that would inevitably happen in the Grail War which was respectable... in theory. All of this internal thought were being broadcasted to Caster as simply his train of thought but nothing really specific to be commented on, it was more like since your here you might as well be listening to Jonathan rant... Well, at least until he asked Caster for his opinion after droning on [b][color=cadetblue]"Well Caster, do you prefer the Backstabber that we'll be planning to backstab, the Lovers whom might topple over each other, or the Shounen Protagonist?"[/color][/b] He offered Caster amusingly as the options that were laid out for the two of them to decide on and listed his own preference on whom to chose to team up with [color=cadetblue][b]"In my opinion, we throw our chips with the protagonist as he seems most likely to summon one of the knight classes and is basically drooling Saber from his ideals rather than the other calvary classes. I'm sure you've seen them when the cliches show themselves, you follow the favorable ones to the source and avoid everything else."[/b][/color] Jonathan said with a playfulness you could picture through the mental link that would lead to a grin of him trying to be entertained.