[center][color=Gainsboro][h2]Dio Hyuga[/h2][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/k3I4VHJ.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=Gainsboro][u]Location:[/u][/color][indent]Kumoagakure Border[/indent][right][color=Gainsboro][u]Interactions:[/u][/color][indent][@pkken] - Mu Sarutobi [@Buddha] - Mori Mawari [@Hillan] - Ira Sarutobi[/indent][/right][hr] With each passing moment, the very presence of the legendary Tailed-Beast began weigh on Dio's psyche, a testament to its power. All the more, it offset that of the Hokage's, making her seem tiny in comparison, its very presence seemingly overlapping hers. The whole scene was reminiscent of a young daughter gazing up at her rather hulking father. A nostalgic and untimely analogy as his own life was certainly in the hands of that very same Hokage. Despite the weight of the whole situation, Dio's anxiety had seemingly disappeared, now replaced with a deathly calm. A likely side effect of his relinquishing fear of death at the hands of a tentacled bull-octopus, but he took what little relief he could derive from the situation. Ironically, the relinquishing lie in his confidence in the Hokage's abilities, which surely wasn't misplaced. Even as a massive tentacle swung his way, his calm solidarity stood firm, fueling his mind and pushing him to remain still, a testament to his trust in the Hokage's power. Much to Dio's relief and expectation, the Hokage dealt the blow that more or less saved all their lives. Complete with handseals and all, sharp gusts of wind ripped up and halted the tentacle attack in its tracks. Blowing a sigh of relief, Dio found himself clenching and unclenching his fists; thankful for the Hokage's quick thinking but somewhat jaded by his own lack of power in the same regard, the power of the two beings before him once again personified in thier techniques and attacks. The sudden retreat of the Beast though confused Dio, something was off. Mimicking the Hokage, Dio himself turned to look behind him, surprised to find three shinobi armed and waiting. Gritting his teeth, he found the same line in front of him; completely surrounded. Through simple observation, Dio easily deduced that the fight was no easy win being that many of the Kumoagakure Ninja ranked higher than he did, their aged faces an open book. Dio peered past the wall of shinobi to gaze upon the Hokage who to was confronted by three ninja; whatever decision she made she made, he would support no less, but had to be made pragmatically: with carful reasoning and logic. Unfortunately, after a plethora of hand seals, Dio assumed that the pragmatic route had been thrown out the window. In conjunction with a clone messenger, the Hokage set of the spark that ignited the battle with a sweeping wind scythe that ripped across the battlefield. Cursing under his breath, Dio brought his body low to the ground, dodging the attack. While the outrage of friendly fire may have consumed Ira and Mu, Dio saw it as an opportunity to escape. From his squatting position, Dio quickly rose and took five giant leaps back, clearing the former Kumoagakure formation. In no time what so ever Dio was charged by a rather skinny Kumo shinobi wielding a katana with other-worldly ease. Activating his Byakugan Dio took to the defensive, dodging swing after swing, surprised to find that despite his lacking knowledge of Kenjutsu, the ninja's attempts were mediocre at best. It was at this moment when Dio's gaze fell upon the Hokage. Within the lapse of time in which he was able to witness her prowess on the battlefield, he noticed a seeming weightlessness in her attacks, as if she was holding back. Soon, it came together; striking down a Kumoagakure Ninja in thier own territory was a means to war, a potential disaster if they weren't careful. This same doctrine was what held the Kumoagakure back themselves, although that seemed to wane as Dio narrowly dodge a wicked swing at his abdomen. Despite the situation, Dio found himself grinning madly at the Hokage's brand of seeming genius. Although genius wasn't the word for her hindsight, Dio still found himself adding another notch of respect to the Hokage's already growing reputar in his eyes. Spurring himself into action with the doctrine of non-lethality and self-preservation in mind, Dio renewed his defensive posture, ducking under a lazy swipe at his forehead. Attempting to throw his opponent off balance, Dio swept is leg across the undergrowth towards the ninja's feet, but this was no clone, and he effectively jumped away from its range. This opened way for another Kumo Ninja to renew the offensive, sprinting at Dio and launching a knee attack at his head without let up. Gritting his teeth, Dio leaned away from the oncoming attack only to be greeted by the skinny shinobi's downward kick from above. Cursing under his breath, Dio leapt away, rolling in grass a few feet away as dirt was kicked up into the air by the shinobi's missed attack. Without missing a beat, Dio stood on the balls of his feet, ready to take advantage of the chance given to him. [color=Gainsboro][b]"Wind Style: Gale Palm!"[/b][/color] Clapping his hands together, Dio summoned gale force winds, assaulting the shinobi the the sheer force of it power; dirt and dust kicked up into the air, adding to the effect as the shinobi attempt to cover their eyes from the derbies. Taking this as his chance, Dio charged the shinobi. Before they could regain thier sight, Dio thrust his palm into the gut of the swordsman. [color=Gainsboro][b]"Palm Bottom!"[/b][/color] He echoed as a palpable amount of chakra was thrust into the shinobi's stomach, causing him to belch as he was thrown back a few feet. Regaining his sight, the remaining shinobi was taken back by the scene. Taking advantages of the of his weakness, Dio launched a two finger strike towards his shoulder. Snapping back into reality, the shinobi blocked with his left forearm, sending Dio's well placed fingers into the shinobi arm and effectively sealing a chakra point. Before the shinobi could react to that pain launching his arm, Dio twisted his body to send a another strike towards his pectoral. Gritting his teeth, the shinobi backed away, wary of the young leaf ninja's unusual technique. This gave Dio time to survey the battle field with the full ocular power of the Byakugan without losing sight of his opponent. The whole field of battle fell under his overwatch, although his main focus fell upon Ira, who was much to inexperienced for this level of combat, although he wasn't much farther. Ira held his own against his opponent, but his lack of experience shown bright as a second shinobi readied a strike from behind. Letting out a string of curses Dio tore across the battlefield, ignoring his opponent who fell in pursuit. Grabbing a shrunken from his pouch, he launched the projectile, succeeding in having it whiz past the front of the shinobi's face and effectively halting his attack. Startled, the shinobi was surprised to find a young leaf ninja sprinting towards him. Without let up Dio engaged the shinobi behind Ira. [color=Gainsboro]"Learn to watch your back!"[/color] he breathed harshly between blows at Ira. Dio never imagined his first true mission with the Hokage would be so action packed.