[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmMzNTcyMi5UV0ZrWld4cGJtVWdRM0oxZUEsLC4w/brief-moment-between.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][sub][@Ellion][@Rune_Alchemist][@Noxx][@13org][/sub] Madeline had begun to regret coming into this scene. Not because she was surrounded by four witches, a hydra, and a rival hunter, but because it was so [i]annoying[/i]. The dragon… lizard… [i]whatever[/i] was crying and throwing a hissy fit, the other reptilian woman was mocking her, and now this new bimbo was talking about gnomes attacking Seren’s Folly. Who the hell cared about [i]gnomes[/i]? They weren’t worthy kills! The hydra, on the other hand, had her salivating at the thought of how much prestige she could garner from slaying such a beast. Seriously, if this head honcho Witch thought for one second that Madeline was going to relent, then she had another thing coming! [color=#ffba00]“First, Im going to kill this Hydra and that gross snake thing, then I’m going to kill you, Witch. I don’t really care about the lizard thing or the frail one because their heads won’t look good on my wall!”[/color] The redhead prepared to charge into glorious battle and to her probable death when her fellow hunter grabbed her by the hand and jerked her away. They weren’t rushing headfirst into the fray, they were retreating! Madeline’s eyes were wide with surprise, a twisting vortex of confusion and rage writhing within her. [color=#ffba00]“Hey! What’s your problem?! I was just about to slaughter them!”[/color] she shouted, while attempting to pull herself away from the man. Like small child trying to escape its parent’s grasp, Madeline was having no such luck. This man, whoever he was, apparently harnessed more strength than herself. [color=#ffba00]“My glory! My fame! The perfect beginning to my legend… You’ve ruined it!”[/color] She attempted to kick the man in the back of the knee, but only managed to hit the air and nearly tumble to the ground. [color=#ffba00]“Let me go, you oaf, so I can kick your ass back to last year! You’re just a nobody! You aren’t worthy of grabbing my hand!”[/color] she began spouting all manner of insults at this mysterious guy in a spiteful tantrum. If she had possessed a darker heart, she probably would have thrown her axe into his skull, but fate smiled upon him today. Screaming and shouting to the heavens on high, Madeline begrudgingly accepted this forced march without resulting to murderous violence.