Now that she was free to escape, Magical Girl "the Reaper" did exactly that: dash over to the door and... wait awkwardly for the automatic glass to slide open. In a hectic fight against an enormous Negari, patiently waiting for something to open seemed to be a bad choice but... what else was she going to do? She was hardly equipped to break safely through glass, and anything else was full of monstrous tentacles. Outside, other magical girls had already come to the rescue: at least one unfamiliar one and another she recognised from her magazines, and probably the one responsible for the inexplicably moving tree. It was good to know that she didn't have to take down something of this size and on her own, with nothing more than a supply of knives to use for it. But maybe she could still be useful in another way? If its tentacles just split into more tentacles, then its body would [i]have[/i] to have a weak point. And with more space to move in, she could keep dodging it whilst trying to identify where the others could strike that wasn't "the big part..." Once again jumping off the very things aiming to ensnare her, Noriko bounced her way behind the front line and looked at the Negari. If it had a physical weakpoint...