[center][img]http://s1.zerochan.net/AkiZero1510.600.2054433.jpg[/img] [h2]Elliot S. Gordon[/h2][/center][hr] Elliot sipped on his drink casually as the others worked to remove the Spirits from the building. At the last of them removed he held out his hand whistled gently to his bead that dropped into his palm. He placed it into his sleeve where a pocket was sewn for it inside. The ambient whispers stopped when the bead dropped leaving the sound of casual chatter in the air. He drained his mug then picked up his payment for his contract. The blood had oozed all over the counter where Ellie had begun cleaning it up. He pulled out a few bills from his contract and handed them to her while giving her a wink, waving off the pink haired employee whose name he still couldn't remember apologetically. Elliot received another drink when the speeches began, then listened intently to everyone's concerns and responses to the oncoming threat of the yellow coats. At the last word from Sheolred he stood up quickly and enthusiastically. [color=orange]"I don't care who the fuckers are! This guy is going to take care of um!"[/color] He threw his glass on the ground, shattering it into millions of pieces before using his thumb to point at himself. Orange liquid began running its way into the cracks in the floor. He jumped up onto a chair and pointed at the Leader of the Youkai Junction. [color=orange]"I've got the talent, the strength and the motivation, you tell me who to go after and I'll bring you their heads, the same way I brought you that one!"[/color] He pointed to the Youkai head, that was now moved off to the side, he had brought in earlier. His voice was loud and excited, echoing throughout the cafe and getting louder with each word spoken. [color=orange]"Tell me a location and I'll go, give me a bounty for each head and I'll go even faster. If any of these other jokers aren't bitches and want to tag along, I may just let them!"[/color] Elliot pointed around the room at each of the other chasers and creatures moseying about one by one until to turned back around on his chair and plopped down on top of it, flagging Ellie for another drink. [@KoL], [@Ebonsquire], [@Lucius Cypher], [@RoflsMazoy], [@Lonewolf685], [@Aether Spawn], [@Letter Bee], [@BubbleGumKing], [@Mimik], [@TheWindel]