[center][img]https://s27.postimg.org/el6ke7o0j/Freeman.png[/img] [color=F7923A]Level 1 Day One, Evening Tetris Castle Reception Interaction: None Mention: [@Holy Soldier] [@DracoLunaris] [@Argetlam350] [@Simple Unicycle][/color][/center] Gordon froze as he caught sight of the large man in a green tank top, dropping the ruined pieces of fruit in his hand. He slowly stood up and snapped to attention on instinct. He always did that when he was faced with someone in authority. He recognised the man as the one who had more or less stopped the food fight simply by shouting at the top of his lungs. The man, was, of course, Guile, Capcom's head. A blonde woman in a blue dress had followed him in, but Gordon failed to recognise her. He would have to find out later. Meanwhile, Mario was desperately attempting to save everyone in the room by reverting to his, uh, [i]chipper personality[/i]. [color=00a651][b]“We have some important things to discuss here in the Council Room. If you’re covered in crap, kindly do your best to clean yourselves off before entering this room. If any of you try to enter the Council Room covered in shit, then I’ll personally throw you out. If you fall asleep during my brief, two words…Sonic Boom.”[/b][/color] Guile said, getting impatient with Mario and the woman's talking. Gordon didn't know what this 'Sonic Boom' was, only that it sounded really, [i]really[/i] painful. Fearing that, Freeman picked up a paper napkin from one of the intact tables and began to hastily wipe off the cream and jam from his armoured legs. [color=00a651][b]“My name is Guile. I am a Major in the United States Air Force back in my home realm. Here, I am an ambassador of the Capcom Kingdom—one of the Seven." [/b][/color] Guile introduced himself to those who didn't already know. [color=00a651][b]"It’s nice to know that there is some discipline around here. I need to start the brief. Get everyone inside.”[/b][/color] Taking the cue, Freeman nodded as he wiped the last bit of filling from the orange metal, and tossed the paper into a nearby bin. Sure, it wasn't exactly [i]clean,[/i] but it was good enough to pass off for good. He had taken the time to give his HEV suit a proper cleaning in White Forest. Gordon noticed some new arrivals, namely a man dressed in black, some weird human-animal hybrid, a woman with green skin and webbed feet, and a muscular man with brown hair and glasses. Normally, Freeman would give them a friendly greeting, but he was pretty sure it was time for business, and only gave each of them a polite nod.