[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmI1OTdiZS5TMkZ5YVc1aElFUmxibnBsYkEsLC4w/yugoslavia.ffp.png[/img] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/971a/i/2016/040/8/8/_com__veda_by_fuwaffy-d9oukal.png[/img] [color=bc8dbf][b]Gender[/b][/color] Female [color=bc8dbf][b]Age[/b][/color] 31 [color=bc8dbf][b]Height[/b][/color] 5'6" [color=bc8dbf][b]Weight[/b][/color] 170 lbs [color=bc8dbf][b]Race/Ethnicity[/b][/color] German [color=bc8dbf][b]Voice[/b][/color] Ashley Johnson, but with undertones of a barely-noticeable German accent. [color=bc8dbf][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Karina hides her feelings behind a sarcastic facade - she acts like a sitcom bad-girl simply so she doesn't have to talk about her feelings. Not to say that she doesn't [i]have[/i] any, but she's just too self-conscious and ashamed to show them as to not bother people with them. Karina views the world through cynical glasses, focused more on the bad of the world and the people in it rather than the good side of things, although that could be blamed on her life events. She doesn't [i]like[/i] to be miserable, but she just finds that ignorant happiness was rather... [i]irritating.[/i] [color=bc8dbf][b]Job/Career[/b][/color] Unemployed (previously [i]Military Medical Technician[/i]) [color=bc8dbf][b]Current Residence[/b][/color] Brooklyn [color=bc8dbf][b]Biography[/b][/color] Unfortunately for the curious, Karina doesn't like to talk about her past, and she absolutely [i]refuses[/i] to disclose how she lost her left eye. The truth of the matter was, Karina didn't have much of a life outside of the military: She moved to the United States with her immigrant family when she was a toddler, too early for her to even [i]remember[/i] Germany. Karina had a typical upbringing, except with a lot more emphasis on her studies and sporting activities. Her father was in the German military, and of course expected his only child to follow in his footsteps, so as soon as Karina turned 18, she enlisted herself for the armed forces. The majority of her service was highly uneventful, until the year when she was posted in Afghanistan: Karina worked in the medical tent in a small local town, having been taken over by the American army. Unfortunately, this didn't seem to please the locals: The base was ambushed and destroyed, and the entire platoon was slaughtered. Only few survived, having to play dead amongst their murdered friends. Karina was barely in her medical tent at the time, unable to react to a grenade being thrown in before it exploded, nearly killing her. Karina and the other few soldiers that survived the attack were hastily flown back to the United States to be treated for their grave wounds. It took months, but Karina eventually recovered, albeit covered in horrific burn scars and her left eye having been removed due to it's extensive damage. [color=bc8dbf][b]Strengths[/b][/color] * She has extensive knowledge of emergency first aid. * She has proficient gun training [color=bc8dbf][b]Weaknesses[/b][/color] * Due to only having one [i]working[/i] eye, Karina has terrible depth perception. * She suffers from PTSD. * She is [i]awful[/i] at hand-to-hand combat. [hider=RP Sample]One thing Karina was never going to get used to was seeing heavily mutilated used-to-be-human creatures. It was obvious in most cases that the mutilation was pre-mortem - only lunatics would intently leave another to suffer. True, these [i]things[/i] didn't look like humans any more, but the fact of the matter that they were. Maybe, somewhere buried deep down under the instinctive need to maim and eat the living, the real person was still [i]in [/i]there and killing their undead body would finally set their soul free. At least that's what Karina wished she could believe - it made the act of actually killing the undead a little less callous. Karina made sure to stay close to her companion's side as they slinked down the building's stairwell. Being unarmed in such a place was [i]terrifying[/i] to say in the least - there were [i]a lot[/i] of nooks and crannies that were a perfect place to hide to ambush an unsuspecting villain. And what was she going to do if a starving [i][u]undead[/u][/i] grabbed her? [b][i]Punch it in the face?[/i] [/b] At least with a human, she could bite, kick, or scratch them to make them let go, but the dead didn't feel pain - they just kept going on with their unrest. Nothing would kill them except for destroying the head - if the world wasn't so dire and in a state of anarchy that could kill her any second, she was sure that, if given the chance, she'd come up with some pretty inventive ways to destroy the head. Mostly involving explosions. [color=bc8dbf][i]Though,[/i][/color] she supposed, [color=bc8dbf][i]there's [b]a lot[/b] of crazy in this country - there's no doubt that [b]someone's[/b] fulfilling my dreams right now.[/i][/color] Karina clutched both of her hands onto the guard rail, making sure to take each step slowly and carefully as to not make a sound (and to diminish [i]any[/i] chance of falling down the stairs, as she so often did). "[color=bc8dbf]Wait,[/color]" she finally said in a hushed tone, stopping dead in her tracks on the stairwell's middle landing, "[color=bc8dbf]are we just going to [i]walk out the front door?[/i] Because that's a terrible idea, what if someone [i]sees[/i] us?[/color]" Her concern sounded like a complaint from a god-awfully shy child; but in this case, Karina supposed having that kind of attitude was a [i]good[/i] thing. Her fear was justified, though: Walking out into an empty street put a rather large target on your back, and there were three options: [list][*] If you were lucky, the dead would be the one that found you and they'd tear your face off and you'd relatively quickly. [*] There was also the chance that you'd run into another [i]living[/i] human, and there was a chance that they'd either try to tag along with you, or blow your brains out and steal your things. [*] And if you were [i]really[/i] unlucky, you'd be greeted a psycho who'd shoot your kneecaps in, steal your stuff, and then leave you laying there to be a Human Happy Meal for the undead, if you don't bleed out first.[/list][/hider] [/center]