[@WeepingLiberty][@Ellion] [center][b][color=00746b][h2]Arden[/h2][/color][/b] Chapter 1.3 Chores and duties [/center] [hr]([i]@ the Fortress [/i])[hr] [center]"[Color=ed1c24]I suppose that'll do for the moment, but don't think you're off the hook. A beast like that is likely to hold a grudge. I'd watch my back if I were you.[/color]"[/center] Hold a grudge!? That was the understatement of the year. Arden had been watching his back ever since he met the animal. The two had been at ends even before the 'arrangement' was put into place. Back when Arden was foolishly breaking into little old cabins in the woods. He had learnt to be mindful of Sunni long ago and was sure it was the only reason he was still alive and not bat food already. [center][color=BC8F8F]"I forgot how cute he was. He knows beg and speak does he know anything else? Speaking implies a talented tongue, and that would a nice trick," [/color][/center] Suddenly Arden felt the eyes of another run over his body before he heard her speak. Her voice was faintly familiar, sweet smooth and most certainly womanly but managed to hold no indication of the usual female frailties. She sounded strong, certain and confident yet still held a motherly nurturing pitch. Still her words sowed weaves of anger through his curiosity, she was nicer but still condescending. Still refraining from looking up there was a slight tensing around his mouth as his jaw clenched tightly Then his view of the dusty cold dirty floor was stolen as Miria stepped in front of him and dropped down before him. Coaching his gaze up by running a sharp nail across the soft underside of his chin. He was forced to see her face to face. That spiteful, sickly gleeful, condescending and tormentive grin that was forever already permanently seared into the far back depths of his mind. She spoke mockingly of him, lesser than that of a pet animal, all whilst mere inches from his face. Despite the familiarity of such treatment it still took all his focus and skill to remain flat and emotionless, to hold a stone cold demeanour and push any feelings deep down or away. He had to be empty less Miria catch notice and further exploit it to her pleasure. It ended when the other woman continued conversation. Arden wanted so badly to look up and see who could speak so freely and subversively order Miria. Arden had been in the game long enough to recognise an order dressed as a question for the pure sake of pleasantries. Miria respected no one and nothing, so who was this stranger? It was after then another new voice spilled into the foray surprising Arden. He would have been facing the witches if he hadn't spun to face Sunni. So he still sat kneeling with his back to them and his gaze to the floor. [center]"[color=f49ac2]Are you just going to make him kneel there all night? It's unsightly.[/color]" "[color=f49ac2]I just think it's a bit of an eyesore is all. Couldn't you at least make him useful?[/color]"[/center] The words alone caused no pain as they washed over his hardened thick skin but the thought of new eyes already seeing him as nothing added new weight to the soul. Still he remained resilient and obedient. [center]"[color=ed1c24]I do see your point. Honestly, I'm surprised any girl could fall for a creature like that. That illness of hers must have made her blind, poor thing.[/color]"[/center] And just like that hot flush ran over him. She dared speak of the one he loved! His hands on the ground before him balled uncontrollably into tight fists. Before he even realised what was happening he had stood without command.