[quote=@ineffable] [@Riverbeak] Okay so I've been thinking (let's make it a bulleted list shall we?). - Relationship/Love :wub * I have a feeling that Amelia might become drunk or something this night and kiss Taylor. Which ultimately leads to an awkward situation. I think that Taylor would want the relationship but Amelia might not want it at all, that she can't be distracted much less fall in love with some guy from the past! etc. Also the point that she is kind of using him. - Robots :rollin * So as for the robots Amelia is going to use Taylor. Which basically means that both of us are going to have to search up lots of programming info. I know some Javascript and such but we need more than that because after all it's not 2016, it's 2014. - Posting schedule :btw * So I would suggest that we post as much as possible and if you're online or I'm online just shoot each other a message to meet on Titan or something. I'm online all the time these few weeks so feel free to write to your heart's content. Conclusion: You're going to need lots of coffee and I'm going to need lots of novels and movies :lol See you when you reply I guess? [/quote] - YES. Make it a relationship because I am slowly needing that. * [i]Why don't we make it super awkward like, where they lay besides each others and slowly ends up kissing and they both freak out because hey- they barely know each others? [/i] Yeah; Taylor would definitely go for the relationship. And I like the idea of her kinda using him. It gives us some angst. (; - YES ROBOTS. * I can research on concept art of robots, perhaps make some ideas myself for their design perhaps?? IF you want me to that is. I also know a little bit about Javascript but not that much again. You know; the basics, I suppose. - Yes. I'm currently gonna be offline for the rest of this evening due to Christmas, but else; I'm most likely online every day. Time may wary. Do you have Skype, or Discord? That might do things a little bit easier? * I will! Thank you! ;o; [@ineffable]