[center][h2][color=f7941d]Emilia[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/TM6aEt2.png[/img] [@Heap241][@Ebonsquire][@Aether Spawn][@TheWindel][/center] A small head with two twirling pigtails next to it poked out from the corner of the doorpost. It was only for a brief moment that she made herself be seen before hiding in the back of the cafe again. [center][color=f7941d]"I can't do this, I can't do this!"[/color][/center] The short girl was way too scared to go out of the back off the store to help serve the customers. Emilia had a slight fear of ghost, she just couldn't understand how they could possibly exist. Instead of serving the customers she just has been washing dishes and cleaning the place hoping they would eventually be gone by now but they were still there. She had to do something or else she would be seen as incompetent as staff of the cafe. Emilia couldn't stand still for a minute longer and bluntly just stepped out of the back to help with serving. At the back was a girl seen in a french maid costume together with the short cape she wore over any outfit. Timidly she glanced around trying not to notice any of the ghost. She looked as tense as she could be. Customers were calling out their orders but she was stuck, frozen in place. Dinky seemed to be handling everything just fine, she really looked up to her. After a short while she heard the first powers being used. Some of the ghosts had been wiped out and the others were quick to follow. In a matter of minutes the ghost were all wiped out. Emilia let out a sigh of relief and smiled a little more confidently. She walked a little bit more towards the bar passing by a table that was occupied in a weird manner. She stopped for a moment to read the situation a little bit better. A girl that appeared to be a fake magician of some sorts was sleeping on the table. Did she drink too much? There were no glasses nearby... She probably was just tired. Emilia awkwardly smiled and decided to help the girl a little. She got a pillow from the back together with a thin sheet and made the girl a little more comfortable in her position. She gave a short nod knowing that she had done right and continued. Being busy getting some drinks for the npcs in the bar she heard a loud yelling coming further from the front of the cafe. It was followed by the breaking of a glass. Emi her head snapped at the sound and saw the man holding his arm positioned like he threw it to the ground. Emilia excused herself from the customers she was helping and rushed towards the man. [center][color=f7941d]"Don't worry I'll clean this up."[/color][/center] She flashed a concerned smile at the man before kneeling down quickly to pick up the big glass pieces. She rushed to the back and came back with a duster, a dustpan and a wet towel. Her hand was wrapped in toilet paper after she had come back from the back, the white paper had a light stain of red on it at the middle of her hand. She still had her left hand so she could continue cleaning either way. [center][color=f7941d]"Please keep your glass on the counter next time..."[/color][/center] She gave the man a short kind smile before going to the back again and stayed this time a little longer. About two minutes later she stepped out again, the toilet paper had been replaced with a bandage and a pleister to keep it together.