Every where I look it seems that people are always complaining how that their RPs never last long enough or how they died/ended too short for them. They might add some extra bells and whistles at the end and have some other words on the subject but in the end they just keep complaining about it and a few even just lead the site over it. However, I never got that, for me the point of RPing is to enjoy it in the moment. Enjoy creating characters/nations, talking about histories, waiting for that reply post, forming collabs, etc. But at the end of it, if and RP dies I don't go like "This sucks. The RP should have lasted longer, this site is bullshit" but instead just accept it and move on since I enjoyed the time already in the RP, no matter if that time was 6 days or 6 months. So yeah, am I the only one with this kind of thinking of not worrying about the long term life of an RP but just focusing on enjoying it for however long its going up without turning dour and sour if it dies?