[center][img]https://images.follownews.com/2134/2134292/black-panther-director-calls-the-marvel-movie-his-most-personal-project-yet_1.jpg[/img] [h2]♛||[color=black]B L A C K P A N T H E R[/color]||♛[/h2] [i]"“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptq7UpNkN-I]T'challa's Theme - Nightmare (Super Robot Taisen OST)[/url] [/center] [hr][hr] [color=black][b]Your Name:[/b][/color] NubianLegend [color=black][b]Character Name:[/b][/color] T'challa Udaku [color=black][b]Character Alias:[/b][/color] Prince Panther - His Majesty - The Client - Coal Tiger [color=black][b]Character Alignment:[/b][/color] Pragmatic Hero [color=black][b]Character Appearance:[/b][/color] T'challa is a somewhat tall (6'1") man of African descent. He is characterized by his unusual vertical cat-like pupils and impressive physique (205 lbs, 8.5% Body Fat), not unlike the animal his tribal clan are named for. T'challa's overall physicality is lean but solid with definition similar that of someone who regularly engages in rigorous exercise. As the Black Panther, T'challa appears in a formal vibranium weaved suit of sorts bearing resemblance to the animal he's named after. The grain of his suit appears to have a kente pattern-like design. A signifying touch of Wakandan pride. His suit is invariably black, with silver, sometimes gold outer trimming. His overall appearance is meant to convey the presence of a sleek but intimidating looking predator. [center][hider=Appearance] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-HuzdKiKB7n8/V3yA-0k-MqI/AAAAAAAAE-M/qltOFzKl2NYQVW5d81LkS6Xvm-nkyQ9Tw/w800-h800/tumblr_o6lunmKFGv1tvf34jo1_1280.jpg[/img] [img]https://static.f-list.net/images/charimage/4429458.jpg[/img] [img]https://static.f-list.net/images/charimage/4428947.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] [color=black][b]Characters Abilities:[/b][/color] Prior to undergoing his training as Black Panther, T'challa possessed exceptional talents that put him in the realm of a World-class athlete, respectively. Since completing his training and consuming the heart-shaped herb of his tribe, his refined abilities have been enhanced even further, roughly to that of "super soldier" like levels. Due to consuming the heart-shaped herb and having completed the rites of passage as a Panther warrior, his abilities are such: --Superior Conditioning/Physiology. The user's physical and mental abilities are above natural members of their species, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. This entails that they are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to fellow members of their species, without being obviously supernatural. Notably, T'challa has demonstrated such feats as: [i]-Bulldogging a 1.5 ton Rhinoceros. -Clocking 52 mph on foot. -Outmaneuvering Wolverine of the X-men. -T'Challa is also a polymath genius and has an eidetic (aka photographic) memory. His genius is as such that he is one of the eight smartest people on Earth. -T'Challa's musculature generates less fatigue toxins than the bodies of most humans. He can exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair him. -Has shown mastery of virtually all forms of armed and unarmed combat.[/i] --Enhanced Senses. The user has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to see, hear, smell, taste, and/or touch more than an average member of their species. He can track a target by scent and track them to the exact location, can smell fear, and detect if someone is lying by change in body odor. T'Challa's sense of taste is sensitive to the point that he is able to taste the exact ingredients of any particular food he is eating. --Soul Tracking. The ability to see and track the souls of others, only the living. --Force sensitive. It would seem that Black Panther is able to manipulate vibrations in the atmosphere to produce a "force-push" like effect. This ability is range restrict. [center][img]https://images.newrepublic.com/2efaef357c8910865def0dde9a263218de7a4c83.png?w=400&q=65&dpi=1&h=225[/img][/center] [color=black][b]Characters Skills:[/b][/color] [b]Super-Genius Intelligence:[/b] T'Challa is also a polymath genius and has an eidetic (aka photographic) memory. His genius is as such that he is one of the eight smartest people on Earth. He possesses accomplishments such as a PhD in physics from Oxford University. He also combined alchemy with science to create a new scientific field called Shadow Physics, a dangerous discipline which allowed him to track Vibranium on a quantum level, craft weapons which would be particularly effective against Vibranium, and create an unstable teleportation device which at the time ripped apart anyone using it with great healing ability. [b]Master Martial Artist: [/b] He has been groomed to be a warrior from birth. An expert in practically all forms of armed and unarmed combat, and a master of all martial arts including African and unknown forms. He is a master of stealth, disguise, etc. He is considered to be one of the best martial artists to have ever walked the Earth. [b]Master Acrobat:[/b] T'Challa is a rigorously trained gymnast and acrobat. [b]Expert Marksman:[/b] He is a master marksman adept with hunting knives, firearms, and other projectile weaponry. [b]Master Tactician:[/b] T'Challa is a genius tactician, strategist, and leader who is practically peerless. He was taught tactics and strategies in his youth by his father who encouraged him to always think two steps ahead of his enemies and three steps ahead of his friends. His prowess is such that he is able to out think and outmaneuver individuals such as Tony Stark, and other geniuses. [b]Expert Tracker & Hunter: [/b] Even without his superhuman senses, he is a master tracker and hunter. He can pick up a prey's scent and memorize tens of thousands of individual ones. [b]Multilingual:[/b] T'Challa can fluently speak his native language, English, and other various languages. [b]Master Inventor: [/b] He can invent various devices with special properties when needed. While not all of his inventions are as good as others made by Tony Stark and so on, he possesses engineering abilities and intellect that makes him a peer and has proven to be able to invent and create weaponry that rivals their engineering capabilities. T'Challa can also duplicate practically any other technologies after learning how they work or by glancing at the designs. [b]Highly Influential Connections:[/b] As regent prince of Wakanda, the Panther has access to a vast collection of magical artifacts, technological and military hardware, as well as the support of his nation's wide array of scientists, adventurers, and superheroes. [b]Diplomatic Immunity:[/b] As heir to a sovereign nation, He often visits the United States or the United Nations for political reasons. He enjoys diplomatic immunity during these trips, and his embassy is considered foreign soil. [b]Piano Proficiency / Music Prodigy:[/b] He can play just about any instrument by way of ear and some improvisation. He's shown aptitude as a self-taught pianist. [color=black][b]Origin Story:[/b][/color] T'Challa is heir to the centuries-old ruling dynasty of the African kingdom Wakanda, and Vice-leader of its Panther Clan. A sect of dutiful warriors entrusted with overseeing Wakanda's future. As next-in-line in throne, T'challa will someday take his place as ruler to one of the most technologically advanced nations on earth. For the most part, I'd like to keep the origin story pretty consistent with what we've seen in various accounts in the comics, though with some key changes. Events like his birth mother's passing is still acknowledged in-universe, Wakanda hasn't been invaded. His father is still alive and is presently presiding as king. There is no hotel bombing ruse or anything like that. I'd like to take the character in a different direction then the character we saw in Civil War. Primarily, this character has a different set of circumstances and doesn't feel beholden to the burden of rulership. This version of T'challa is more of a consummate playboy and philosophy. This version of the character is a lot more relaxed in temperament if not playful. He's college-aged and doesn't appear to have any other expectations other than having a good time abroad. He doesn't take his princely duties all too seriously. To put things into perspective, he'd rather play adventurer than be ruler. He's worldly, streetsmart and a dreamer of sorts. He's sort of flippant, self-satisfied might be a good way to describe him. He's no joke though, he's very much as capable as any other version of the character we've seen. He only lacks a passion for royal affairs. [color=black][b]Story Arcs:[/b][/color] --The promised prince (intro arc) --The Hunt --Panther vs Hydra [color=black][b]Supporting Cast:[/b][/color] [b]King T'chaka[/b] - father [b]Ororo Munroe[/b] - estranged fiance [b]Princess Shuri[/b] - half-sister [b]Queen Ramonda[/b] - surrogate mother [color=black][b]Sample Post:[/b][/color][hider=Post Sample] [b]"Black king to coordinate axis d7"[/b] A hand extended forth to suppress the toggle of the chess timer noting the end of his turn. The older man seemed puzzled by his opponents unorthodox maneuver.[b]"You choose to lead with the king?[/b]" The vagabond moved his knight vertically hoping to capitalize. [b]"The king is but a piece among many others, it's what he symbolizes to his people that's what's most important." [/b]The well-decoured man mused, a sharp visual contrast between himself and that of his opponent. He made his move once again before revisiting the timer.[b]"...So, tell me more about yourself"[/b] [b]"An interesting theory you got there. I've never seen anyone use a king like a pawn before."[/b] The veteran took a moment to re-evaluate the board. Furthering on, he added. [b]"Oh. Me? I know I don't look like much but I'm an American hero. Not like Rogers or anything but I served in both Desert Storm and Iraq. I lost my legs, I lost my job and I lost my wife and kids in that order, but don't take pity on me. I'm an American. Your turn...Mr.?"[/b] [b]"Luke Charles. You can call me that if you wish. "[/b] He seemed visibly aloof to the mans story, but his eyes seemed to quell with interest taking in every word. By now the game had shifted away his favor, perhaps consciously. It was then that he was flanked by members of his personal bodyguard entourage, Dora Milaje who seemed to take exemption with his use of time, and then he gave away his king concluding the match. He thanked the man for his time before going his way. He was approached by Aneka, leader of the Dora Milaje who offered a word or two. [b]"My prince. You have business in this city if I remember correctly. I've never known you to lose a game of chess before. What was that back there?"[/b] [b]"The world's wealthiest man beating a homeless vet in chess, doesn't quite sound like much of a victory now, does it?. "[/b] His glance panning over to the skyline, a placement ad for Stark industires in his sights to be exact. [b]"Now Stark...I'd beat the breaks off him without hesitating."[/b] [/hider]