[color=DodgerBlue][h1][center]Cayde Godfrey[/center][/h1][/color] The building stands quietly with not even a creature stirring. The rooms filled with sleeping individuals. Boys. Girls. Some older people. You can skip over them. However there was one room that is not silent. One room were a dim blue light peeks from underneath the door. One room that, clearly says "Knock before entering". Inside sat a fully awake Cayde, holding a white controller in his hands, a headset on his ear and a bottle of green tea next to him. Oh, and he's surrounded by at least a half dozen empty cup of noodles. [color=DodgerBlue][b]"JR on the point. Watch out for the turrets! My ult's ready! Going in!" [/b][/color] He sat in front of dual monitors with an impressive looking sound system. The room, however, is so dark that you can only make out minuet details. However, the light from the screen provides enough light to see how messy the room is. The only two areas that remain untouched were the bed, clean and made and the computer desk, not even a crumb or empty container laid near it. [color=LightSlateGray][i]"Victory"[/i][/color] [color=DodgerBlue][b]"Aaaand that's how it's done~ Well done, Claire. You did get good-"[/b][/color] He pauses as if being cut off. He stifles a laugh before responding [color=DodgerBlue][b]"Hey now! You have way more time to play than I do! Hey, watch this, bet I got Play of the Game"[/b][/color] He leans back in his computer chair as the screen continues to dance in a plethora of colors. [color=LightSlateGray][i]"Play of the Game"[/i][/color] [color=DodgerBlue][b]"Hah! Told ya! Mark it down, sis! 258,083! I'm ahead again!"[/b] [/color] Despite his energy, his voice never carried to far from his room. Outside the door, you could hear a soft whisper. You could attribute that to the many complaints Cayde has received since living here. Or, you can thank the sound proofing material he ordered last week. Regardless, he takes off his headset to stretch some more when his hears movements. [color=DodgerBlue][b]"Jeez, what time is it?"[/b][/color] The exhaustion is clear in his voice as he checks the digital clock for time. [color=DodgerBlue][b]"[i]Ah[/i], welp, the chef awakens`"[/b][/color] He places the headset back on while a smirk creeps its way onto his face. Granted, Cayde is always one for minimal effort toward food, but that changes when homemade FREE food enters the mix. He stands up and bends over to his computer, typing faster than a normal person by leaps and bounds. [color=DodgerBlue][b]"Going to head down for breakfast then head to class. Make sure to let me know when the loot boxes reset via text." [/b][/color] [color=Lime]"Are you sure, brother?"[/color] [color=DodgerBlue][b]"About the loot boxes? Hell yeah! I still need that legendary skin!"[/b][/color] [color=Lime]"No I mean"[/color] Claire's voice held hesitation [color=Lime]"Do you really have to go?"[/color] Cayde sighs and smiles, softly. [color=DodgerBlue][b]"I'm sure, sis. Don't worry, I'll be back tonight, hopefully. In the meantime, don't forget to check HOTS for the dailies on my account too."[/b] [/color] The conversation wraps up as "normally" as you would expect from Cayde and he swaps out his darken yellow shirt for ... another darkened yellow shirt. His wardrobe is pretty limited. Checking the time, he smiles and just as he opens the door, he hears: [color=Fuchsia]"I'm making breakfast guys,!" [/color] [i][color=DodgerBlue][u]'Right on time~'[/u][/color][/i] He thinks as he walks out of his room, closing, and locking his door before making his way toward the kitchen.