[center][h1][b]Albert Prelati[/b][/h1] Interacting with: Berserker ([@Grey]), Saber, Leon, Takumi & Togami ([@vancexentan]), James ([@Shadow Daedalus]), Brynhilda ([@Loki Odinson]), Jonathan ([@BubbleGumKing]), Amina ([@Phase Transit]) [h2]Fuyuki Church - 6:26 PM December 1st, 2012[/h2][/center] [hider]The "Frenchman" snorted. He just [i]had[/i] to go and say it, didn't he? "I'm sorry, do I or [i]am[/i] I supposed to know you? It's just zat I 'ear zis bullshit so often from so many second-rate magi zat I 'ave kind of started to lose track of whose ass'ole it's being shit out of. And pardon me if I find zis whole zing just a little bit funny. If you were really serious about zis, Mr... what was it again? Togami? About being a 'real Master', zen you wouldn't 'ave even bozered showing up 'ere. I know I wouldn't 'ave, 'ad my Servant not made a point of wanting to scout out ze competition." [i]At least I can only assume zat's what she's doing...[/i] he thought to himself, then continued. "No, what I see 'ere are fools. All of us. We're all great big bloody fools, making complete asses of ourselves sitting in zis church like a Sunday breakfast club when zere's a war to be fought. Isn't zat why we're 'ere? To fight in ze 'Oly Grail War? So zen tell me. What sane Master would come 'ere willingly, wizout being strong-armed," he added hastily in his own defense, "and risk zeir life and limb on ze faint promise zat someone won't just decide to blow zis place to kingdom come wiz us in it when a familiar could do ze job just as well? Hmmm? Zat's what [i]I[/i] zought. In fact, I've 'ad a few of my familiars posted outside zis entire time, outside ze neutral zone." The candle-lit room flickered, distorting the shadows like static on a TV. Albert rubbed his still-frozen hands together, breathing on them in the faint hope that he'd be able to extract some fleeting warmth from the church before venturing back outside. Curse him for not bringing gloves. He looked back up. "Zey 'ave excellent 'earing, animals," he said. "Did you know zat? No, of course you did. Even a child could tell you zat. A dog hears its master coming home before zey're even at ze door. 'Ow easy do you zink it is for a bird, or a hound, to listen to ze whispered secrets of men standing behind closed doors? 'Ow difficult do you zink it would be to find a fly on ze wall, or a mouse inside one? I already know all your names. What you look like. My plan, and ze plan of anyone not currently 'ere who still has a modicum of common sense, was to simply listen to what ze Overseer had to say wizout risking detection or exposing myself. But now, zings 'ave gone awry and zat plan 'as failed. Mr. Togami 'as said some zings I'd razer not be 'eard, and I 'ave degraded my family name simply by playing along wiz zis charade. Such is ze nature of warfare according to Moltke ze Elder. No plan and all zat business. You know how it goes, no?" He got up, making a point of leaving before Togami if he had to. Albert turned to face the small crowd of Masters [i]other[/i] than Togami who had gathered. "As Masters, I'm afraid we 'ave all failed already. 'Owever, ze difference between Mr. Togami and I is zat I do not intend to continue making such stupid mistakes. Zat's not how I was raised. Ze 'Lord of ze Squids' as you so elegantly put it," he said, turning to face the snotty little shit, "does not 'ave time to spend talking shit wiz loud-mouzed fools like you who don't know zeir 'ead from zeir ass-end and whose bark is bigger zan zeir bite." He paused. "But if anyone 'ere wants to actually start taking zis Grail War zing seriously, feel free to come and meet me at ze Ahnenerbe cafe tomorrow. Eleven o'clock brunch. We'll be in full sight of a few dozen onlookers. We can discuss our future plans, as well as any potential 'team ups' now zat ze Grail 'as seen fit to make us all play nice. I expect I'll be seeing you zere again as well, Mr. Takumi. It seems like you serve a mage wiz some sense at least." He tuned into Berserker. [i]Ma chère, I've said my peace. Be ready to leave at any time. Ze meeting is winding down. It seems like we arrived a little too late for all ze 'and-shaking and baby-kissing. Did you find out anyzing interesting about ze ozer Servants present?[/i][/hider]