[right][b]Rear Admiral William Locke[/b] Corridors of the [i]Vitae[/i][/right] Being in charge of a ship the size of a small nation was strange, while he had been in command of a vessel before he had already grown to understand the position of being a figurehead of a group of people. In a position where everyone looked up to him, followed his command and watched your every move. With a ship this size it was something else, he made a job of trying to remember the names of all those who worked for him but it was [i]impossible[/i] due to the sheer size of the vessel. As such he took to noting important names, such as the ensign that served him his breakfast and food in his quarters and as many of the bridge crew as possible. The big one was head of departments, especially as not every department was military. Though it didn't matter where he went, everyone knew who he was. The military personnel that noticed him would salute, some of the non-military would too(poorly), civillians would acknolwedge him in some way or another. In this particular instance no-one particularly bothered him, which was a novelty. However the reason they were probably neglecting to bother him was likely the fact that two [url=https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/t/52f1b848e4b0a96c7b530d60/1391573068200/745_max.jpg]TR-90s[/url] fell in step with him. Their menacing red eyes scanning everything around them as their feet literally made a 'clanking' noise when they hit the floor. Far heavier than the standard security droids these were Martian built, and built for war. Several military personnel still stopped and saluted, though he could see the questioning on their face as to what was going on, was he about to declare martial law? Had there been a threat to his life? Was he giving the droids some exercise? As he entered the Sec-Centre there was the understandable raised eyebrows. [i]Technically[/i], he had no judicial authority as the minds behind the Arks had set the Security up as a civillian organisation, separate from the military forces to ensure that if authority was being flaunted or there was evidence of corruption security could step in and take control of the situation without red tape getting in the way. In Hindsight it made things complicated with very little civillian infrastructure, but then these were things that weren't really considered until they had been cut off from the laws and regulations of the old world. After all the UEC never had a constitution, and each faction had their own way of dealing with matters. Had the cyborg been classed as a Martian Citizen, then under Martian Law he could have had her shot if he had really wanted. While the laws of the Nagasaki Conglomerate actually loopholed enough that she could be released, thankfully she had proven herself enough of a threat that he could still have her held. The legal nonsense that he needed her to actually threaten a psychiatrist and several guards was ridiculous, and it'd be one of the things he'd discuss with Kevin Ford as soon as they had time to meet up with one another. he needed to be able to have his people work in the best interests of the Arks survival without having to worry about legal jargon. Next thing is the Federals would be petitioning for the right to bear arms and the Armani would demand that security wasn't armed as they feel 'threatened'. He still had himself riled up as he got through security, his droids disarmed (Not that they weren't deadly without weapons, the TR-90 was essentially a walking weapon) he made it through the layers of security until he stood face to face with her. "So, you're what all the fuss is about?"