[center][IMG] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-uU44Xie88e0/UPgHUi13J2I/AAAAAAAACoo/QEMobRuNeUU/s1600/angels-water-wings-wall-long-hair-feathers-green-eyes-anime-white-hair-anime-girls-HD-Wallpapers.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Mrytle Spade [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality: [/b] Mrytle often finds herself in her own world. She stares off into the distance, and creates scenarios of what she really is. Mrytle likes to believe that she was born into the wrong species. Something about being human just seems to small. At least thats how she would explain it. In reality her longing for a different species is really just her longing for an explanation for why she feels like she's doing everything wrong. Even when she is being praised for a job well done the words don't seem right to her. In her heart something tells her that she is wrong. Mrytle is very friendly even still. People often gravitate towards her. Mrytle loves this and cannot get enough friends. A good reason why this might be is because myrtle doesn't judge people. She accepts any and all. it doesn't matter how they dress act or talk she doesn't mind. [b]Basic or Draconic:[/b] Draconic [b]Type of Dragon preferred: [/b] (Not actual size. Much smaller xD) [IMG]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/255/3/3/330729c4c2a73acf64ed837225974fec-d49orkl.jpg[/IMG] [b]Bio:[/b] Mrytle was born into a very rich family as an only child. Growing up her parents indulged anything Mrytle wanted to pursue. This made her a bit of a Jack of all trades. At home Mrytle used to feel completely happy, but when she left for school that changed. The other kids didn't like the way Mrytle dyed her hair. They didn't like her name. They thought the costumes she dressed up in everyday were silly. Mrtyle didn't know what to do the bullying was relentless. Thankfully in middle school she met a small group of people who didn't quite get her, but thought she was the greatest. They said that her ability to be who she is was inspirational. Mrytle bloomed into the social butterfly that she is today during those years. Though there were still very bad days. One of the worst was May 13. Mrytle had come home tears streaming down her face. Little paper planes were stuck in her hair and splashes of red stained her nice dress. myrtle didn't reach her own door. She threw down her back pack and ran into the woods. She climbed the highest cliff she could find, and stood at the very top. After losing all her energy from climbing and crying Mrytle fell asleep atop that cliff. When she opened her eyes before her was a beautiful iridescent dragon. She had known that there were some in the world, but never had she thought she would meet one. It spoke to her in the voice of a wise old cosmic being. "Why do you cry so" She asked. Mrytle was star struck and only uttered "they…th…they tease me". Mrytle wiped away a few tears and her long white hair dripped into her face. The dragon with her large talons carefully moved it away from Mrytle's eyes before setting down her foot, and saying "Shh little one, you do not look so weak to me, no, I know why you cry, You are lost aren't you, Lost in here". The dragon pointed to Mrytles head. Mrytle nodded more tears falling from her crystal eyes. "No, no darling, No more tears, Its okay to be lost, Would you like to know something" The dragon questioned. Mrytle nodded her head looking up to the beautiful old one. " I am lost too". Mrytle's eyes widened "your lost too" She asked bewildered "but your so old". The dragon let out a great laugh "yes, that is true, but sometimes it takes a very long time to find what you are searching for". Mrytle smiled a bit. The dragon's last question was the one Mrytle had been hoping to hear "Would you like to search with me?" . From then on Mrytle was searching. Searching for who she was. Searching how to be happy, and searching how to become one with the comos. She doesn't get teased like she did before, but the scars of it stay with her. Mrytle later learned that her dragons name was Andromeda, and that she was a type of dragon that had been long lost. What Andromeda was in fact searching for was her family. She is sure that there are more of her kind out there. She just has to find them. [/center]