[@BrokenPromise] Yes, I agree with more or less everything you said. The reason that this move in particular was somewhat annoying (to me) was because I strongly doubt that making a huge deal out of it is beneficial to the LGBT movement. It's like screaming 'GUYS. LOOK AT THIS CHARACTER. SHE'S GAY. HOW.. HOW UNIQUE IS THAT!!!!' and portraying homosexuals as if they're some commodity, something super special, where as in reality most homosexuals are, well, regular people. Of course she is still a regular person (as far as we can expect that from an Overwatch hero, but she's quite normal compared to some other characters) but on the business meta-end of this all, she was portrayed as a super special character [i]because[/i] she was gay. Which led to me making my point: if you wanted to cater to social awareness and not PR stunts, you would've made the character homosexual without the added poo-ha. [@Dannyrulx] 1. Yea. 2. IDK son, Ana fits the list of being a real milf (as opposed to Mercy, who looks like a schoolboy fantasy milf). Also, I suppose pairing her and Pharah would be slightly niché. But as we know, these fandoms aren't particularly opposed to breaking taboo's like that. Never the less, I don't feel like this particular point makes the release of her being homosexual any less screamy and pandering. Trust me from a business perspective I totally understand what they did, I just don't think it's this social awareness thing that they have portrayed it to be. Catering to shippers =/= awareness, catering to shippers = more support for your product. 3. I don't really know, they are still equally masculine, each and every one of them. And Junkrat and Roadhog most certainly [i]do[/i] get shipped by the fandom and I can totally see why. They just match up. Which to me is even bigger proof that they didn't make this decision for the sake of LGBT awareness but simply to earn support and/or money. Also this kind of goes against the things they did with Tracer - Tracer has a girlfriend that is not at all involved with Overwatch Program? So why can't they make someone for Soldier outside of the program? I think they didn't because male homosexuality is still a bigger no-no than female sexuality ever was or will be.