[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]Xavier might have expected his opponet to get close, but his feint was an opening before the superior speed of Auz. After all, the fleet swordsman's counter came immediately after Xavier's initial attack, and so at the very best Xavier could expect to launch his second at the same time as Auz's, whose blow would be faster, and hence might land first. If Xavier wasn't devoting any attention to stopping Auz's swing, then he'd probably wind up without a head. It'd be worth noting that since Auz was aiming for the base of the neck, the chance of Xavier having second thoughts and trying to duck or otherwise Matrix his way out (without having intended to do so until having seen the conclusion of his own counter) would be slim to none. He was trying to beat Auz at his own game. That being said, Xavier's attack probably would land, as Auz was in the midst of his swing. [/i] [color=ed1c24]*A single trade, a split second fight. The most likely result? Two deaths, Auz sheared by Xavier's whipswords, Xavier missing a significant fraction of his cranium. The ghosts of both warriors might even spit snarky insults as they waft upwards.*[/color]