The pigs and piglets snorted happily at Shana. They waddled to the new food and began to dig in. ~ Franklin raised his head from his work as he spotted two figures coming towards the farm. He stood up and straightened his back. After hearing a couple satisfying crunches from his spine, he went to investigate. As he got a little closer, panic filled his chest. "S**t...". It was two guards from the castle. He knew they were coming to harass him for money to pay for his land. He looked between his little garden and his house. He could try to make a run for it and hide in his house. Maybe the guards would go? No..of course that wouldn't work, they had already seen him. He kicked a rock at his bad luck. The two guards approached the chunky man who stood with his arms crossed and a ticked off look on his face. "Franklin.", one of the guards started as he began pulling a long scroll from his side strap, "By the order of the King, you need to--" "I know! I know! But look....It's been a slow growing season for me, and it's hard to--" Franklin attempted to argue but the smaller of the two guards raised a hand to quiet him. "You keep giving us excuses, Franklin! Today we ARE going to receive payment or it will be the dungeon for you!" Franklin lowered his head in defeat. There was no way he could pay. He looked out the corner of his eye and seen Shana looking at them. A smile crept across his dirty face. "I have an idea that might interest you boys! How about you take that girl over there as payment! She is a very pretty girl who works very very hard! She will do anything you guys want!" The shorter armored guard looked defensive and began to speak, but the other guard shut him up, "The King was recently complaining how he needed more servants in the castle." Franklin's smile grew larger. "But! But--" the shorter guard protested. "We will take her." the other said. Everyone looked at Shana. The smaller guard had a great look of doubt in his eyes.