[center][h3] ....Meanwhile, In the Tavern [/h3][/center] Although many of the hunters had left already, fighting for glory rather than money, there were a few left who needed a bit more...inattentive. Abby placed her fingers in her mouth, letting out a rather loud, piercing whistle. Once her tavern was silent, she started speaking. [color=B8860B]"For those of you still here, the town rate for Gnome heads is 8 gold pieces. Don't abuse the honor system,"[/color] She paused.[color=B8860B] "If you aren't interested in battle, well, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here," [/color] Once the tavern was empty of all living creatures, save Marcus and Abby, she turned to him.[color=B8860B] "Do you miss it much? Being a hunter?" [/color] [center][h3] Meanwhile...In the Woods [/h3] [sub][@everyonewhowants to fight somestuff][/sub][/center] [center][color=483D8B][i]I've met so many young men over the years who have thought they were running at their enemy, when the truth was, they were running to me.[/i][/color]~Death, [i]The Book Thief[/i][/center] The wind shifted slightly, washing the smell of the hunters through the entire forest. "So many of them," spoke Bishop, to no one in particular. "Their numbers have grown considerably since I was last awake. Not as strong as those from before but still," A flash of loss, more like a snap as two of his fighters fell. A pity though they had been growing so nicely. "No matter," he spoke again to no one. "No matter," Turning, he head back to where the fighters had fallen, taking only a small team back and sending the masses forward towards the town. "Those who kill their future brethren will make good additions to the family. Kill the rest,"