[center][color=40e0d0][h3]Seyrun Leviathan[/h3][/color][/center] [color=40e0d0]"Tama and... Himiko, right? Or would you prefer me to call you Caster, or another name --Miko, perhaps?"[/color] Seyrun seemed slightly unsure of how to refer to Tamamo's peer, especially given that they shared even the same class. Either way, the Norwegian magus cleared her throat, to regain her composure. [color=40e0d0]"I'm sorry to interrupt your talk, but I believe it's about time we move to learn the actual purpose of this gathering. You may chat on the way, and certainly we will have plenty of time to spare later. However, keeping Master Kaleidoscope waiting forever is not good to show our capacity to conclude this quest. Don't you think?"[/color] Seyrun asked, while flashing an easygoing smile to both Servants and Ravel. [color=40e0d0]"Also, if it helps, along with Tama's counseling, of course, I might have for you, erm..."[/color] Seyrun came to a natural halt at her speech, still unsure of how to address Himiko, while holding her phone with the browser open on the first page of the site of a famous teens magazine. Seyrun wasn't sure about the specifics of Himiko's story, but if anything on her matched her apparent age, then a magazine for teenage girls would have just what she was looking for. Naturally, all of this was carried out in secrecy, as Seyrun tried to not let Ravel find out that she and Tamamo were giving 'tips' to Himiko. [@Nanashi Ninanai][@ADamnFiddle][@Lonewolf685] [center][color=00ff7f][h3]Atalanta[/h3][/color][/center] Atalanta followed Keisuke silently for most of the duration of the trip to the bottom floor. She could feel a great power coming from it as well as a feeling like that one gets from watching an approaching storm. And, storms were something all Greeks respected, as signs of omens from the gods. Especially those who lived on an age when their presence on the world was very real. [i][color=00ff7f]"This man... no, this being, you call with so much reverence, he's the one that reunited all the Masters present here, right? What kind of influence and power would he have to call such a gathering?"[/color][/i] Atalanta still wanted to understand their situation better, before taking any action and no one would be better than Keisuke to provide her with the details. That's why she made such a question that would otherwise look like nothing but small talk, before falling silent again, waiting for a reply. [@PKMNB0Y]