*Crashes back into the RP* You know... I thought that I would get one up. Thing is, idk if it will this time. I should be still trying to run this RP regardless, but interest kinda plummeted to a new low. Something just wasn't coming into my head. Plus being a bit busy with not only RPs here but irl stuff as well also suffered on everything regarding to here. Damnit, and this is why I'm not the biggest fan of making RPs. I mean... all I can say is this RP is dead. Idk when or if I'll make another one, but in the event that I do, I'll make my damn hardest to keep my toes in and GM. Possibly be sure to get a CO-GM as well. But yeah... I'm sorry to say... but this RP is dead. So damn sorry for pulling a Vongola here... really damn am.