[center][h3][color=brown][u]Ai Isukami[/u][/color][/h3] Interacting with: Erik and Amy (NPCs) --> Open for interaction[/center] [hr] It had been three year since she had started living in Sacalonia and she has learned the language pretty quickly. She still refuses to use their language for her songs. She had started as a J-Pop artist and she will end as one as well. It didn't seem to bother the people though as they seemed to still love her songs. She knew others who sang in Japanese as well and she highly enjoys to listening to them. They may all be in a competition to get to the top ranks, but she still liked listening to the other idols. They were interesting after all and she'd like to meet some of them. Back to Sacalonia, it was a great place. While she still longs to go back to the Land of the Rising Sun, her time here had been enjoyable. When she debuted as an idol here, she has gained quite a few of fans and she had been placed in the rankings. While she wasn't anywhere near the top, it was fine with her. She wants to enjoy it after all and she wants the audience to enjoy her performances as well. She earns enough as it is. She was eating, had a roof over her head, can buy clothing and pay for her mother's hospital bills. Just that was fine. Currently, she was watching Nan Matsuura's latest performance. Ai was quite a fan of her even before she went to Sacalonia. She closed her eyes and she placed herself in a memory long since past. She attended as part of the audience for Nan's performance three years ago, just a little bit after she debuted here. Not many people knew her so she was able to get in without much of a fuss. Her voice, her movements, her aura, her skills - everything replayed itself vividly in her head as she listened to her music. It was no wonder that she was second in the ranks. Once it was done, she opened her eyes and placed the headphones on the desk and then leaned back on the office chair she owned. Ai then reached for her phone and then noticed that she was registered for a major concert. She closed it again and then placed it back on the desk. After a few moments, her eyes widened and then reached for her phone once more, now more hurried, and then looked at the screen again. [color=brown]"A... concert? Did Amy place me here? No, she wouldn't do anything without saying anything to me..."[/color] She muttered to herself. As if on cue, Erik and Amy arrived to her apartment. [color=00746b]"Afternoon Ai, thought you might want Chinese food so I brought some."[/color] Erik greeted and then raised the plastic he was holding and then noticed the weird look Ai was giving to his mother. Amy noticed this as well and raised a single eyebrow, [color=662d91]"Something the matter Ai?"[/color] Ai tossed her phone towards her manager and she scrolled through it. Her eyebrows were raised once she was finished. Erik had taken a peek by looking over his mother's shoulder to read the contents. [color=00746b]"Hey, that's a pretty big concert."[/color] Erik commented before handing Ai the small box for her Chinese food which she dug in, despite the situation. Erik then took out his phone and began looking through something. [color=662d91]"I didn't sign her up for this though."[/color] Amy said before placing the phone down. [color=662d91]"However, I think it's a good chance to up your rankings though."[/color] Erik then showed the screen of his phone, [color=00746b]"You can't exactly back down now too. Your fans are going nuts over it."[/color] She had a small group of pretty good fans that could borderline die hard. And they were already going off about how she was entered at such a big concert and how she'll probably shine just as much as the others and so on. Ai rubbed the back of her head and then sighed, [color=brown]"I guess I'll go check it out then. Drop me?"[/color] She asked and then Amy nodded in reply. She quickly put on her outside clothing and then they all piled up to the car and then headed towards the main concert hall in hopes to see the other performers and maybe engage with a conversation with them. She said her goodbyes to the two and then exited the vehicle. She looked at the main concert hall and then entered. Time to start some conversations and whatnot. They may be competitors but they were all in the same profession.