[h3]Dan Coulson (The Seeker)[/h3] [hider=Picture][img]http://i.imgur.com/mS0AlCD.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Info[/b][/u]: Dan is a 30 year old male, with tanned skin, dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair. His hair reaches down just below his ears. [u][b]Items[/b][/u] [list] [*][b]Twin Double-action Revolvers[/b]: A new model 6-shot set of revolvers. Dan keeps them holstered on his waist and can dual-wield them efficiently, with precision and lighting quick speed. The revolvers are white and silver. [*][b]Bolt-action Rifle (scoped)[/b]: A single-shot bolt-action rifle (Dan has to manually load the next bullet after each shot). The rifle is extremely accurate, even more so in the hands of Coulson. The rifle has a scope and is mostly used for sharpshooting. He uses the scope as a spyglass as well. [*][b]Bowie Knife[/b]: Issued to Dan during the Civil War. A close-ranged melee weapon. [*][b]Survival kit[/b]: Contains rope, flint, and other necessary items to assist in surviving the outdoors. [/list] [u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: Dan is a former soldier, so he is healthy and well-conditioned. He is an excellent scout, tracker, hunter, and survivalist. Perhaps what is best known for is his marksmanship; he is easily one of the fastest men on the draw and exhibits unmatched accuracy. [u][b]Background[/b][/u]: Dan was a native born South Carolinian, whose family eventually moved north, where he was raised in Virginia. His father, Bill Coulson, fought in the Mexican-American War, and Dan followed the soldier's life when he enlisted in the Army of Northern Virginia. Personal details of his life are unknown (to be revealed in the RP). Dan saw most action as a sharpshooter and in raids, where he earned a fearsome reputation for his marksmanship and crack shot abilities. His father apparently moved west after the war to start a farmstead. It's not entirely known what Dan did with his life after the war, although he was not heard from for a while. He returns now to visit his father on his new farmstead, but finds his dead body instead. He begins a bloody journey to find Bill's killer, and nothing will stop his vengeance.