[hider=Snowy (Snowflake Obsidian)] [Center][h1]Rebellion Gem CS[/h1][/center] [Center]Name:[color=black]Snowy[/color] Gem:[color=black]Snowflake Obsidian[/color] Appearance:[img]http://img14.deviantart.net/c5b9/i/2016/028/5/8/gem_oc__snowflake_obsidian_by_forbiddendesirers-d9pkayt.jpg[/img] Gem Placement: [color=black]Head[/color] [Seen in the photo] Gem Item: [color=black]Pickaxe[/color] [Seen in the photo also] Powers: [color=black][/color]-[b]passive[/b] [color=black]Frost Manifestation[/color]-[b]active[/b] The user of this ability is able to create anything from ice and frost. Can backfire. [color=black]Night Vision[/color]-[b]active[/b] Self-explanatory, Snow can see better in the dark than others are able to. [color=black]Backstory:[/color] Snow formed while the rebellion was going on in the kindergarten. Looking outside of her hole, she saw other gems either being shattered or battling for their lives. Her instincts kicking in, she moved back to the corner of her hole in hopes of blending in with the darkness. Moments past, and everything died down to silence. Snow looked out again to see the area barren of war from before. Well, not all that barren…other gems were getting out of the walls and either talking or looking around. She did the same, being curious about what's happened. While looking around, someone tapped Snow 's shoulder. Flinching, she summoned her weapon to face a Aquamarine. Ever since that false alarm, they became good friends and banded together with other gems to create the rebellion. [color=black]Other:[/color] In battle, Snow is the tanker of the group. Snow is fascinated by the change of climate and weather on earth. Her favorite earth animal is the snowy owl. (Ironic ain't it?) Snow is 4 ft tall. (Yeah, she be short.)[/center] [/hider] [hider=Eliza Hart] [Center][h2]Name:Eliza Hart Age:19 Appearance:[img]http://www.sword-girls.co.kr/Img/Card/200533L.jpg[/img] Backstory:[/h2] Ever since she was a young child, Eliza was fascinated with old fables, myths, and the paranormal. some ranging from mostly fantasy to a tad morbid. One old fable she read upon was about aliens that weren't like the ones in sci-fi movies and novels, but we're just like humans, called gems. Fascinated by them, she began research on them for a few years of her life. Eliza did have two eyes once, but an incident with a knife caused her to need an eyepatch for who-knows-how-long. In the aftermath, she once accidentally mistaken a blood-pack for a juice box in the hospital. She wasn't fazed by it and went away to continue research, growing a bit of a habit of drinking blood packs. When she was 18, she moved to Crystalisis and finally encounters some gems..well, more like she fainted..not a good first 'hello'.[/center] [/hider]