[img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/e5c1/th/pre/f/2013/138/9/7/riverwood_during_the_day_by_els236-d65qk96.png[/img] 5 years have passed since the fall of the fearsome Dragon Alduin at the hands of the mighty Dragonborn, who left Skyrim to travel all across Tamriel. Little has changed in the Kingdom of Fatherland, Riverwood however started to get visited more often by travelers, some of them decided to even buiod their house in the small town. This Roleplay goes about those adventurers that decided to stay in Riverwood and what they do to live, run their own shops or go on adventures to get easy money. Character sheet: Appearance Name: Age: Race: Items and gear: Abilities: Job: Bio: Rules: -All weapons cause the same damage (Dragonbone sword = Iron sword) the same goes for magic. -The only Quest the Dragonborn completed was to defeat Alduin, dungeons are untouched -Its a bit obvious but players will be able to travel all across the Province