[center] [color=7AEB16][h1]Hyestia [/h1][/color][/center] Hyestia spit on the ground as Shai finally took her leave, it didn’t seem like her eyes worked or at least it would have taken longer than normal for them to take effect a possible side-effect due to her birth. Nevertheless, she left meaning she didn’t have to deal with the headache of a witch anymore or at least until the little trespasser came back with more hunters to endanger the forest, but that would be an issue for another day, right now she wanted nothing more than to go home, strip naked and continue to bake in the heat in peace. Twisting around on her heels, she began to make her way home shaking her head in frustration cursing at the fact she had just gotten a headache from the day’s events making her a very grumpy old snake. Folding her hands when she got to her door, she remembered something the child said about her being a sensible human being, couldn’t she tell she wasn’t human in the slightest, sure her body was human like but she wasn’t a human in any sense of the word. [color=7AEB16]“Stupid girl, can’t even see what's right in front of her, ”[/color] she muttered to herself shaking her head and going into her home hoping to never be bothered again. [center] [color=gold][h1]Samantha Trainer[/h1][/color][/center] [@Ellion] [@Deos Morran] [@13org] [@shagranoz] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@WeepingLiberty] [@Every hunter near Seren's Folly] Samantha kept shouting about her miracles of her potions waking the bottles around talking about a special wartime deal when in fact she was charging ten silvers per bottle when the ingredients themselves, plus the bottle cost a total of one copper per vile, but she wasn’t going to say that. [color=gold]“Look at the wondrous strength that someone as weak as I can do under the influence of this drug, ”[/color] she screamed enthusiastically; punching a nearby gnome using a bit of wind magic to chop its head off, but any witch with a careful eye could probably tell she was faking the entire performance, but hunters weren’t the brightest and the added urgency of a fight just made it more likely she’d get away with a ton of money. Just when she was about to preform another feat a dome entrapped her alarming the witch until she figured out it was just some young witch trying to do the good things, she probably didn’t understand the way things were but she’d find out soon enough. [color=gold]“Hey, you lady, ya ruining the act could you shrink this thing to just let me out?”[/color] Samantha whispered to Shai only turning her head to smile and wave at the humans reassuring them she had nothing to do with this.