[quote=@Silver Carrot] Darn. I'm not sure how well I can play a non-OC faithfully, especially Advanced post quality, which I've never once reached on this site before. [/quote] [quote] [b]Advanced Roleplay.[/b] Advanced RP focuses on longer posts, often with in-depth plots, character development and extensive settings/lore. Must make a dedicated effort to minimize typographical errors and to use good grammar. [b]Generally two paragraphs, but usually longer.[/b] [b]See individual GM for RP specific standards.[/b][/quote] I wouldn't worry too much about meeting some arbitrary standard regarding what constitutes an "advanced post". I can't speak for the GM or anything like that, but here's what the designers of the site outlined as far as what meets an Advanced roleplay. Pick a character you're comfortable with and expand from there. Imo, having an established direction and people to write with is far more important.