In a process typical to her by now, Chizuru's face cycled through widely different expressions - surprise, disgust, curiosity, aggression, and finally amusement - and she fluidly rose to her feet. "Mr. Locke, a sight for sore eyes to be sure." She said slowly, looking interchangeably at the Admiral and his mechanical bodyguards. "[i]Finally[/i] someone takes me seriously on this ship." Taking a step towards the force wall, the cyborg scrutinized the droids with her shining red eyes. "Yeeesss... these may work well. I will request to beat one up later." She was silent for a long minute after centering herself in front of Locke again, her augmented face stuck in an artificial half-smile, as if goading a response from him. "Well, let's get down to business. I am not sure how much of Mr. TreVayne's report has reached you, nor have I [i]read[/i] such a report, so please stop me if I am saying things you already know. I have infiltrated this ship with the sole purpose of joining one armed crew or another, in order to use my acquired [i]skills[/i] to humanity's benefit. After studying the ship's personnel structure I have reached the conclusion Mr. TreVayne's security forces are an appropriate destination. Due to unforeseen side-effects, my first official encounter with his crew was a bit [i]angry[/i], so I have decided to run a short drill before turning myself in, the results of which the Security forces had better analyzed already, because let me tell you, they are [i]far[/i] from perfect." The cyborg tilted her head slightly, to see if the Admiral was actually listening. "In a meeting with Mr. TreVayne, where I have officially requested to be accepted into his roster, we have set the path which would make this possible. Among the points this path hinges on, the two most important ones are Dr. Larson and [i]you[/i]. She would not budge about the results of her testing, so I have no idea where I stand. Thus I have no choice but to assume I did fine. And now, Mr. Locke, I am at your mercy." She spread her arms to the sides. "My purpose was set in [i]flesh and steel[/i], to stretch the proverb, ten years ago, after the Three Day War. I am a tool to be used by humanity, a sword to cut a path for our fate in unknown waters. Take me, Mr. Locke, and use me. It would be a horrible waste otherwise."