[hider=Hider] [b]Name[/b]: Barnabas Fuhrmann [b]Title/Alias[/b]: Oracle of the Stars. [b]Age[/b]: 23 years old [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Height[/b]: 174 cm [b]Weight[/b]: 61 kg [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0URrRve.gif[/img] [/hider] [b]Powers[/b]: Western Astrology: Magic created through the study of the celestial objects, such as the Sun, the Moon and the stars, the planets, constellations, among others. He uses it to invoke the power and attribute of those objects, such as the light of the stars and the flame and light of the sun into terrifying attacks. He has a particular fondness of making those attacks into lasers. Normally it is used as a tool of divination, which with the careful study of the movement of the stars, he is able to gain knowledge of far away events and the possible future. He is able to use a lesser version of it in combat, by connecting to the stars he would be granted an instinct-like ability to foresee one of the possible future. [b]Weapons[/b]: Magic is his only weapon. [b]Equipment[/b]: He has a backpack with which he carries most of his necessities like money and food and also his prized portable telescope with which he can observe the stars at any location he so desires. [b]Theme[/b]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNWUE4R2pRs [hider=Sample Post/Introduction ] In this world, what mattered the most was money. An all-powerful force that could destroy nations and individuals, yet it was something that all humans needed for their life. And so there he was, fighting with supernatural creatures just to receive some paltry paycheck. At least it was a decent sized paycheck, but was it worth fighting with Youkai that could easily rip humans apart like a hot knife in butter? He didn’t know, but that was what the stars told him would be the most suitable path for him, which is why he was now on his very first feral Youkai hunting mission on the Crimson Sky. But still, fighting with those feral Youkai was not something that an ordinary human would be capable of. Luckily for him, he had magic to surpass humans, his star magic would be able to cut, burn and pierce the powerful defenses of theirs. But he still had the fragile body of a human, he wouldn’t be able to resist even a single strike from them. “Dammit---” He said as one of the Youkai ranged attacks almost hit his right arm, possible tearing it apart had he acted any slower. But that also give him an opportunity to strike back, he started to use his magic, the light of the stars converged around him into globes of light which then transformed into lasers, cutting and piercing the youkai, which finally succumbed of his many wounds from the long battle. “Phew, I was almost a goner… This Crimson Sky is far too dangerous for a first job.” He muttered under his breath, and it was true, there were many feral youkais there and that was the reason he was attracted to. Since the more of such youkai, the greater the paycheck would be, however that might be too much for a first job. Maybe he was too blinded for money after all. [/hider] [/hider]