[quote=@Silver Carrot] My problem is that I'm ridiculously lean with words. I say in three paragraphs hat someone else can say in five and then you compare the two and I haven't missed out anything that they included. It's annoying when your posts are frequently shorter than other people's (And this is on the Casual section), but it also means that when I do manage a five paragraph post, it does about seven paragraphs worth of character and plot development. [/quote] That's not a problem at all, quality above quantity, to a degree, though both are welcomed. If you can do in three paragraphs what they're doing in five, and considering it was the casual section, I'd say that more so reflects the other writers are fluffing their posts with irrelevant material. I haven't seen your writing, so I can't say for sure, but that's generally the case. As I said above, though, character exposition in the form of inner monologues, etc are great ways to add more to a post both in quantity and quality. This is a good habit to get into as a writer.