Gabriel listened to Jason's thoughts on the weapon. "Well, we want to be on a trusting field here, and I would much rather tell you about a weapon of that magnitude myself then your engineers coming to you with the information. That wouldn't exactly put me in a good light. As for your comment about not using the weapon, I would agree to not use it if able. I have used it once to try and save my Earth, and I have seen its destructive capabilities. Not a day goes by that I am not haunted by the destruction that weapon caused, and if I never have to use the weapon again it will be to soon." Gabriel said his tone getting cold as he finished with the weight of actions weighed on him. "As for your question, War is war, death is an inevitability, But personally that weapon carries more weight to me than killing your opponent itself. At least when in a firefight your opponent has a chance to defend themselves and fight back. Against that cannon there is little that you can do, and innocents are more likely to die in its use. And I understand your ideals, but then again as you said I might just be as old as you, so old men seem to think alike." Gabriel joked at the end giving a smile. "Now as for its use, I am a ground solder and a weapon, although I might not like the weapon given to me, I am willing to use it if necessary, and I will live with the consequences of me using it. But the reason I give you the command of the weapon is just that I am a soldier, not a strategist or a leader it is not my place to make a call when to use a weapon of such magnitude so I leave that to you the one in charge. But given your disposition against it, I hope for both of us you don't feel the need to order the weapon fired." He finished his talk on the weapon for now and continued to his other question. "My other question is about your Lieutenant in fact. I don't know if he informed you, but I am a Newtype or Innovator as you called it as well. And my question is, how do your people treat Newtypes? I see how you interact with him, and it is refreshing to see a Newtype accepted by a government official, but how do the others who know what he is treat him? I ask this because where I came from, Newtypes were nothing but weapons in the eyes of the military, we were feared in battle, but lab rats in between battles. Is it wrong of me to hope that somewhere Newtypes like myself are treated as equals instead of just weapons?" Gabriel asked not trying to dig to deep into Paul's past, but more a general question on how people treated him. "And I would also ask if I may watch him in combat, and possibly teach him to use his potential powers, not now of course, as you said, first I must prove myself to you, and he must prove to me that he is ready to move forward and has the potential for the growth." He added before waiting for the captain's reply