[hider=Aki Ogawa] [center][h1][b][color=a187be]Aki Ogawa[/color][/b][/h1] [i][h3][color=a187be][b](to-be) Alias: Nyx[/b][/color][/h3][/i][/center] [center][hider=Appearance] [i][center][img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/82ff/th/pre/i/2016/208/9/4/mob_by_artsed-dabibla.jpg[/img][/center] [i][b](to-be) Costume:[/b][/i] A smart, red overcoat positioned over his school-wear and the velvet mask to match, both sewn together by his loving mother. Accents of black and white patterns dot and line both articles of clothing, black leather boots and gloves are attached to enhance the get-up even more. It's much like a Zoot Suit in it's extravagance. [sub]"I think mom went a little overboard..."[/sub][/i] [/hider][/center] [b][color=8882be]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=8882be]Age:[/color][/b] 14 [color=8882be][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'6" [color=8882be][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 154 lbs. [b][color=8882be]Personality:[/color][/b] Usually seen wearing a bored face stuffed into a history novel, Aki is a bookworm that is interested by nothing more than new experiences. A lover of exotic literature, knowledge, and of course, powers, Aki gets engrossed in any new information you'll give him... For a time (His attention-span is not the best). Socially, he's quite open and ready to make connections unless you find him nuzzled in a book already. He is an intellectual, veering away from street smarts as humanly possible, but knows Pi to the 70th place. He also strays away from being a proud, rambunctious, or cynical person, but can be hypnotized by interesting new material and people: a core reason why he came to Komei Academy. [color=8882be][b]Background:[/b][/color] Blessed with a rich, non-enhanced, immediate family and a quirk descended from his grandfather, Aki has had almost every worldly splendor open to him since birth. Able to engulf all the information and experiences he wanted as a child (which he feverishly did), he started to grow into boredom and solitude as an adolescent due to a new-found staleness in his life, unique items becoming obsolete in his privileged eyes. For a few long extensions of time, Aki preferred literature over human interaction and was scarcely seen. Noticing this sudden decline, and worrying for their only son's mental and physical health, Aki's parents resolved to send their child to Komei Academy in order to finally give him a taste of the real world, as well as cultivate his supernatural gifts: two things they had willfully neglected to do for a [i]very[/I] long time. They chose this academy for him knowing it was a prestigious center of education, as well as it's close proximity to their home in Musutafu. Aki also saw this as an opportunity, one to develop a sense of profession and heroism of sorts, something to provide a purpose to his life that neither money nor his protective parents could ever attain for him. Now, if only he'd get his head out of a book and learn something there... [color=8882be][b][u]Quirk:[/u][/b][/color] Multi-color Armor Production [color=8882be][b]Name:[/b][/color] Shell Coating [color=8882be][b]Classification:[/b][/color] Transformation [color=8882be][b]Description:[/b][/color] Aki is able to produce a body-wide, crackling neon barrier around himself for as long as he is not exhausted. The barrier not only protects Aki from most physical battering, but also ensures the stabilization of his body. As long as Aki is standing or sitting on a flat, solid surface he is unable to be punched, thrown, or kicked down. Yet, this ability only works when Aki is not exhausted, and thus, is not eternal. The more damage, battering, and attacks Aki's barrier takes, the more exhausted he becomes. [b][color=8882be]Talents:[/color][/b][list] [*]Surprisingly, this reclusive bookworm is a fantastic cook. He has read a variety of cookbooks and is experienced in traditional Italian, Japanese, English, and middle-eastern cuisine. [*]Aki is also talented artistically, having practiced his drawing and painting talents throughout his early childhood. He can craft drawings and designs much like that of Leonardo da Vinci's anatomy sketches due to his self-study in traditional art, but has trouble coming-up with purely original concepts. Thus, he commonly enjoys to depict the world or people he sees around him. [*]As said, Aki is very skilled academically, and thus has a great memory and a way with words.[/list] [/hider]