[center][h2][color=f7976a]Draco Russ[/color][/h2][/center] Currently: In Seren's Folly (Outside) Interacting:[@Noxx][@Deos Morran][@13org][@shagranoz] .............................................................. Nodding his head a little as he took the witch with a tail's word, Draco ignored the idiot of a merchant who thought that selling to people [i]while they were being attacked[/i] was a good business strategy as he gaze turned to look at his adopted son's current... condition. The fact that he appeared to be struggling so strongly with the creature inside of him was not a good sign; He had been sure to train the boy in emotional control in order to prevent things from spiraling out of control to easily and either Lusius had been neglecting his training or something else was at play here. Since the witch seemed to be covering his withdrawal from the battle to safety well enough on her own, Draco's gaze briefly left his struggling son to check on the battle at large... before withdrawing his pistol and firing off a single shot to assist a huntress that was going to be overwhelmed otherwise. Happy with his shot, Draco started to reload the pistol while he waited for Lusius to get to safety on his own. Once the boy had made it to safety, Draco quickly put the pistol away in order to free up his hands to reach under his coat for a water bottle before rushing over to Lusius's side. Experience and common sense told him that touching Lusius while he was in this state was a bad idea, so instead he removed the lid of the bottle in order to start pouring water over the boy's head and body, aiming for the more heavily effected areas to start and sooth the pain a little. "[color=f7976a]I suggest you let the magic drop.[/color]" He said as he glanced over at the witch; While he had been polite enough to word it as a request, the look in his eyes reveled that refusing it wasn't an option.