[img]https://i.imgur.com/caTrtbM.png[/img][hr] [hider=All versions of Adam Blackmore][hider=Adam Blackmore (RP: Academy 218 ver. 1)][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Adam Leo Blackmore[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]The All-Father[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 48 [b]Height:[/b] 5'8 [b]Weight:[/b] 164 [b]Status:[/b] Teacher, Power Instructor [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Prematurely Grey hair, formerly Black. He still has a few strands of black hair here and there. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Hazel [b]Ethnicity:[/b] British [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Adam is a very aged man. When people look at him, they get the idea that he'd easily fit well into the "wise old man" cliche. Adam moves slow and steady, and with constant restraint with every step. His face is covered in aged wrinkles, and he usually has a mature stare in his eyes. Despite his aged appearance; he's actually in good shape for a man his age. He's a bit pudgy around the mid-section, but otherwise, he's has high stamina and looks good. His shoulders are broad, not in the muscular sense. Adam's sort of a few inches under the average male height (5'8 ), being dwarfed by some of his children, and others. Then again, his arms and legs are quite long, making up a good deal of his height. Adam is Caucasian, British in fact, with a beige skin tone, that has plenty of wrinkles and rolls here and there. He's been in quite a bit of action over the years, mainly due to his ability. He has a few scars on his body, with the most being on his arms and legs. None of them are too notable, and are well concealed under his outfit. Otherwise, his skin is mostly clear. Adam has a very mature and weathered face. Adam has squared, and pronounced facial features. He didn't age badly, but in his youth, he was much better looking. He's not hard to look at, or overwhelmingly beautiful, would be putting it in better words. Adam has a inverted-rectangle shaped head. He has a very strong, thick, jawline. With a medium-sized chin, that sticks out a bit away from his face, and a subtle cleft. He has a very large forehead, and it is very, very big. With wrinkles and everything. Adam's cheekbones stick out a bit, and are quite noticeable once one examines his facial features. His nose is a little larger than average, his nose-bridge is thick, and his nostrils are very wide, with the tip of his nose being dull. Adam's ears are very round, medium-sized, and point outward. Adam's eyes are a hazel color, and are a little small. They're thin, but they're fairly round. Adam's hair is prematurely graying, most of his hair now is grey, but there are some notable strands of black hair if one is observant enough. It adds to that mature man vibe people get from him. Adam has short, well-groomed, straight hair. He keeps his hair combed over his head in a fancy manner. Adam also has a thick manly beard, it's styled like a duck-beard. [b]Attire:[/b] Adam dresses very fancily, when out on the Academy. He usually is seen wearing any kind of suit (Usually a black pinstriped suit), and a fedora. Sometimes he'll wear a coat. Dressing professionally as possible. When he's alone in his room, he usually dresses causally and remarkably as anyone else. More than often enough, Adam is seen walking around with a heavy book in his hand. Adam is near-sighted. Thus he needs glasses to see. So he wears round, wire-y frame, glasses. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A hard-working and logical man. Adam has the mind-set and mentality of a leader. Having been a patriarch of a rather large family for quite awhile - Plus adding teacher for the Academy for several years. Adam is quite well disciplined and shows a super-humanly large amount of restraint. To say the least, Adam uses his head, and always chooses the best options. He'll always put people at large before himself. Adam has plenty of experience in many fields. Such as dealing with people, super-powers, and he's even faced a few super-villains in the past. Since he's been a teacher at the Academy for X amount of years, he's also quite experienced with dealing with the students. Whether they're starting fights, or getting a little too overzealous, he knows how to handle them quite well. He's the type that'd stick his nose into their business if he feels that he needs to. Since he has the authority to do so, they can't really complain. In conversation, Adam is a nice and endearing man. He treats people fairly, and never says ill about people. He acts mature and professional all the time - Being a bit of a hardass. Adam also rarely gets into arguments with people, he'll never be seen saying anything harsh about people - Regardless of what they're doing to him. Speaking of which; he almost never swears. Adam usually acts calm, but he can be extremely annoyed easily. Mainly by people who act arrogant and egotistical. He can also get quite pissed off when pushed far enough. Forcing himself to yell at people, pointing at their many flaws without mercy. To him; it's constructive critism. Adam tends to act a little condescending when it comes to the students, and well, young people in general. He treats them like they're kinds. Little idealists that are too green to actually get anything meaningful done. He usually will take charge when they think they do, and will be quick to remind them who's knows best. He also has a bit of a habit of taking what those younger than him say at a little less value. Which can cost him, if they're telling the truth. To say the least, he doesn't respect teenagers. There are a few, and I mean few, students he'll trust and treat with uttermost respect, but they're hard to come across. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Adam is quite the fan of books and reading. He's always seen with a book for a reason. He likes to read older books, those made in the 1900's era. Because those are the best to him. He will read any book really. In general Adam likes his entertainment about crime/police/detectives and mystery. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Adam is a determined, logical man, that knows people quite well. Which makes him perfect for the teacher position he's been assigned. In addition to that Adam has great social skills. He knows the school quite well, and can easily find his way around. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] His collection of books. [b]Quote:[/b] [i]"Great strength leads to arrogance."[/i] [b]Family:[/b] The patriarch of the Blackmore Family. [list] Wife - Lisa BlackmoreFather - Logan BlackmoreMother- Tersina BlackmoreBrother - Douglas BlackmoreSon - Drake BlackmoreSon - Charles BlackmoreSon - Daniel BlackmoreDaughter - Victoria BlackmoreDaughter - Amanda Blackmore[/list] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Henry Olin[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Former Student/Budding Teacher[/b] | [i]"He is one of the most surprising developments here. I never thought he would become a teacher."[/i] | [b]Shannon Balore[/b] | [b]Neutral-Bad[/b] | [b]Chatty-Student[/b] | [i]"This girl should focus more on her work than attempting to appear wise beyond years... Only the truly intelligent can know what true failure is."[/i] | [b]Deborah Termellio[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Student[/b] | [i]"She has a powerful ability, I know she can be more than a simple gossip girl."[/i] | [b]Sylvia Bertoose[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Annoying-Student[/b] | [i]"Loud, forced nonchalance, and a need to prank the teachers to look cool. I am glad my current ability nullifies hers. She has potential, but she is wasting it."[/i] | [b]Valjean Vaseal[/b] | [b]Very bad[/b] | [b]Troublesome-Student[/b] | [i]"One of the most irritating students. I have not seen true arrogance until he opened his mouth... I just hope he is ready for the fall...."[/i] | [b]Dana Alcott[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Student[/b] | [i]"I can understand her dislike for training. Her power is... one of the more unorthodox powers out there... She has a kind soul, and one of."[/i] | [b]Theresa Obott[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Student[/b] | [i]"... Just because I said I would keep his- her, power, a secret, does not mean she is free to 'test' it on me."[/i] | [b]Vespera Spindel[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Troublesome-Student[/b] | [i]"Sociopath, I have been keeping my eye on her... I will be the one to stop her if she crosses the line..."[/i] | [b]Karlie Davis[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Student[/b] | [i]"I do believe she has potential, despite never showing it."[/i] | [b]Christoper Fox[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Former-Student[/b] | [i]"One of my finest students. I have trained him to an expert degree. Fortunately that tragic accident occurred and he went into hiding. My prayers go out to the families that died that day. I will treat him no differently, in fact, I will be putting a considerable effort forth to make sure this doesn't occur again."[/i] | [b]Victoria LaRouse[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Annoying-Student[/b] | [i]"While some may find it cute, her juvenile attitudes gets annoying quite fast. Fortunately, at this point, I am able to put her down with three words."[/i] | [b]Jago Javaunt[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Troublemaker[/b] | [i]"I mentor this child, but I believe he is becoming more trouble than he is worth."[/i] | [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Power 8 [b]Power:[/b] [i]Observational Power-Replication.[/i] Like the many Blackmores before him, Adam has a form of power replication. It runs in his blood, and the creator's love for this specific power. Like the others, he has his own special form of it. Basically, he copies powers from people by observing the power in action, and it's effects. However, he won't get the entire power at once. What he sees is what he copies. It might sound confusing - But here's an example. Say we have a pryomancer, and he shoots a f*ckload of flames, while many other fire powers are in his potential; Adam will only be able to shoot fire, until he sees more. Once Adam does see more, then he can copy more traits of the ability, until he completely copies the power. Passive powers can also be copied by Adam. He just needs to know the person's ability, focus on them, and he'll copy it. The strength of the copied ability will depend on how much Adam has observed. The more he observes, the stronger the ability will get - Until it matches the original in terms of strength. However, Adam will get a mutated form of the power, different from the original in some ways. In which ways the ability is mutated is random, in a way. When someone uses their power, Adam will intuitively understand how it works, and understand their power at a level that they probably won't. He'll also know if someone's using even the most subtle of all powers. Adam can store up to five powers (Complete or not) inside of him at once. When he chooses to start copying another power, he'll discard one power of choice. It is also possible for Adam to use two powers at once. However, it's more of him being capable of using one support/passive power and one power that's activated at the same time. In order for Adam to use a different power, he has to swap it out with another. Adam will start off with Telepathy, and Air/Wind Manipulation. [i]Air Manipulation.[/i] Aerokinesis, Adam has control over air within a 25-meter range. He can do the basic airbender techniques of moving air in a variety of forms (Gusts of wind, tornadoes, etc), but he is also capable of controlling air on a deeper level - Controlling the temperature of air, interfering with elements that use air as a medium, limited telekinesis/flight. He is incredibly skilled with this power, and his knowledge of air allows him to pull off a few techniques (Minor-sound manipulation, flight, and so on). [i]Telepathy.[/i] Not much to go on about this ability. It's the basic telepathic ability. He has a mid-tier telepathy ability capable of reading thoughts, sending them, mental attacks, and minor alterations of the mind. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Adam is still afflicted by the two standard Blackmore weaknesses. Beat him enough, and he'll lose all powers. He also won't know how to use a power off the bat. Now with that out of the way, time for the drawbacks specific to him. At the start, his copied power will be weak as hell, and it'll take him awhile before it gets stronger. To get his power stronger, Adam will need to observe the original owner using the ability. He can't build up on someone else using the ability - Even if it's the exact same power. You could also be clever and blind his @ss and make this power absolutely useless! [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Adam is a long-time teacher at Academy 218. He teaches the Elemental-type students, and will give lessons once requested. [youtube]izvOE3hyOMY[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Adam Blackmore (RP: Academy 218 ver. 2)] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT][i]Adam Leo Blackmore[/i][/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT][i]All-Father, Head Power Instructor, The A-Train, Mr. Blackmore[/i][/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]49[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5'11[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]194[/INDENT] [b]Type:[/b] [INDENT]Head Power Instructor[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Prematurely Grey, formerly black - with a few strands of black here here and there[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Amber[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]British[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Adam certainly has the wise mentor look down. He is an average heighted man of sharp facial features that is accentuated by how well maintained he is and his round glasses. Adam certainly looks like an intellectual man, definitely the kind of person who would be a teacher. Starting off, Adam is finely aged fruit. His face is lined with wrinkles, and his hair is grey - quite prematurely. He moves slow and steady, every step is taken cautiously. He has a great posture, he's constantly standing straight up. A stern and serious facial expression is on Adam's face, one that is omnipresent. Never changing. Which ties his serious and no nonsense personality. Moving on, Adam is a Caucasian Man, of British descents that actually grew. He has a slight British accent. His skin is a weathered dark-biege skin color, one that doesn't have too much of a tan. His skin isn't clear. Adam is scarred man, with a scarred past. Underneath the suits he wears, is a part of his past. Starting off, Adam has small and simple scars that come from mishaps and other minor injuries such as clumsiness, and childhood injuries. More devious injuries include bite scars on his shoulder, apparently coming from a shark-like creature. There's also a slashing scar going up from his chest, down to his waist. There's also a burn scar on his foot. Finally, there's a large scar on his back, behind his shoulder, as if someone impaled/ran-through him. Some of these scars are fading, others are not. Another injury Adam has is that he's missing the tips of his index and middle fingers on his right hand. It was lost in a rather hilarious incident. It's actually amazing he's still able to stand up straight. But superpowers/it just works. Adam, while not flawless/perfect as some people idealize, is in great shape for a man about to enter his fifties. Pudgy around the midsection, but otherwise thin. He has a high stamina and has the sharp looks of a mature man. Adam has wide shoulders, not in the muscular sense, but his shoulders look great underneath a suit. Adam stands an inch above the average male standard. Like it was stated before, he's a bit pudgy, so naturally he's going to weight a little extra. 194, in fact. Adam has a very mature and weathered face. Adam has squared, and pronounced facial features. He didn't age badly, but in his youth, he was much better looking. He's not hard to look at, or overwhelmingly beautiful, would be putting it in better words. Adam has a inverted-rectangle shaped head. He has a very strong, thick, jawline. With a medium-sized chin, that sticks out a bit away from his face, and a subtle cleft. He has a very large forehead, and it is very, very big. With wrinkles and everything. Adam's cheekbones stick out a bit, and are quite noticeable once one examines his facial features. His nose is a little larger than average, his nose-bridge is thick, and his nostrils are very wide, with the tip of his nose being dull. Adam's ears are very round, medium-sized, and point outward. Adam's eyes are a amber color, and are a little small. They're thin, but they're fairly round. Adam's hair is prematurely graying, most of his hair now is grey, but there are some notable strands of black hair if one is observant enough. It adds to that mature man vibe people get from him. Adam has short, well-groomed, straight hair. He keeps his hair combed over his head in a fancy manner. Adam also has a thick manly beard, it's styled like a van dyke beard.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Adam dresses very fancily, when out on the Academy. He usually is seen wearing any kind of suit (Usually a black pinstriped suit), and a fedora. Sometimes he'll wear a coat. Dressing professionally as possible. When he's alone in his room, he usually dresses causally and remarkably as anyone else. More than often enough, Adam is seen walking around with a heavy book in his hand. Adam is near-sighted. Thus he needs glasses to see. So he wears round, wire-y frame, glasses. On his finger, he keeps his golden wedding ring.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]A hardened man strictly bound by his temperance. The shit Adam has seen has certainly mellowed him out from being a hotblooded youth, to a much more calm and loyal man. Known for how logical and reasonable he is. Adam is known as the Head Power instructor for a reason. It's his strict and unforgiving nature that's earned him the ire of the students. Adam is strict with his students, and does not tolerate foolishness. He's extremely quick to put down any unruly or disrespectful students. Adam enforces the rules of the Academy upon everyone. When teaching, his hand is strict, and he doesn't accept fooling around. Because, in his eyes, if you're not taking it seriously, then you need a little [i]push[/i] in order to come to your senses. However, deep down, he legitimately cares about most of the students. He merely wants to see the ones with potential succeed. However, when it comes to the Students that he knows are trouble, he's known to be unhelpful as possible. Keeping them from advancing their abilities will be blessing on the world. To say Adam has a bit of a bias is an understatement. That said, Adam isn't known to place too much faith in the students. No matter how strong or experienced they are, they're all merely children. Children that make mistakes. Children that are idealistic. Children that are green. That said, Adam doesn't believe that the students of the Academy are old enough to get anything meaningful done. Merely indulge themselves in their various vices and pleasures. He doesn't let them take charge, and when they do, Adam will certainly put them in their place. Adam sometimes take what they say with a grain of salt. Because he's been pranked and lied to a lot. It's sometimes that can cost him. There are a few, and I mean few, students he'll trust and treat with uttermost respect, but they're hard to come across. Another plus of working at the Academy is that he knows exactly how to deal with the students. With a firm hand to the behind. In conversation, Adam is very polite and calm, albeit easy to annoy. Adam talks to everyone with a very professional demeanor, and treats everyone with respect - no matter how annoyed he is. It's because of how disciplined and restrained he is - age helps plenty with that. Adam rarely slips and swears (However, he does do minor swears). Adam keeps this professionalism up even in casual conversations. He's certainly not one for humor, he never jokes. However, he can be seen laughing at a joke or two. This constant professionalism is something that keeps him from really connecting with people. They just can't see him as a friend, more of a boss or co-worker. Adam himself is aware of this, and fully understands. It's merely something that's become apart of him, it's innate. However, underneath it all, Adam is quite a ruthless man. Driven too. He'll do whatever is necessary to preserve the peace, just like he's done in the past. If there's a serial killer threatening the students, then Adam will certainly do everything possible to stop it. In the end, he won't regret a thing. He's long passed that point. Adam lives as a paragon. Lawful Good best describes Adam's morality. Adam believes in order and following rules above all else. Which is why he's quick to smack down a rule-breaker. Innately, Adam is quite sullen. The years haven't been kind to him, and he's been having doubts. Doubts whether or not he could (or should) make a difference anymore. He certainly knows he's exiting his golden days, and that eventually someone is going to need to replace him. Adam's an old-dog that has seen shit that nobody could make up. Murder, death, and the uttermost peak of human depravity. It's the kind of stuff that keeps him up awake at night. The last thing he wants to see is it all happen again. Adam has also seen the person he has become. Going from a passionate youth full of energy and vigor, to a cold and calculated man. Deprived of what made him so happy before. To say the least, Adam doesn't exactly like the change. More importantly, he . These bottled up emotions keep him up at night. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]What Adam has over most of the cast is experience. He went from a teen, to a battle hardened man. Adam has served with NEST for several decades, and taught at the Academy for more than one. Both of those fields gave him combat experience that no one else has. Of course, Adam is also a great teacher. He plans on teaching this generation of Metahumans how to use their powers responsibly even if he has to do it one at a time. He's quite experienced at teaching students, and he knows a great deal about Superpowers and how they work. He's intelligent, and always thinks things through. He has that level head that people strive for. Which makes him perfect for being a leader. He can give orders, and lead in a time of crisis. He is organized and efficient, and it shows in his teaching. Adam has basic, and advance Military training under the NEST organization. He knows his way around a gun, and knows hand to hand. Not that he's spectacular (Especially the latter, old age is a bitch). He's also badass at chess.[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]His wedding ring.[/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT][i]"Power corrupts, but only if you let it..." "Great strength leads to arrogance." "The world is in shambles, and who's to blame? God, or man...?" "I present order in the face of chaos..." "I, Adam Blackmore, have far more experience than you."[/i][/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [hider=Adam Blackmore, his past, present, and future][INDENT] Gather round kids, I'm going to tell the story of Adam Blackmore, the Bravest Man in the Universe. But, a bit of background here before I start. Adam is a descendant of the Blackmore family, a very special bloodline of Metahumans. You see, they've descended from one of the first Metahumans ever. A man who gained the power to Replicate the powers of other Metahumans, an ability which he passed down to all his descendants. In different forms, each generation of the Blackmores saw the ugly world of Metahumans. Blessed with what was considered to be one of the strongest abilities out there. Adam was born in the late sixties, to Logan and Rose Blackmore, being their second, and youngest child. Adam's other brother was Douglas, who's power had already manifested. They were British-folk who had the displeasure of living after Metahumans were outsed to the world by the President. The world had reacted to the news in different ways, and Adam was oh so young, so he couldn't possibly understand it. Adam's grandfather was a soldier that fought in World War I. Yes, that is important. Anywho, Britain particularly wasn't exactly a good place to live during that era. Metahumans were hated, hunted, yadda, yadda, yadda. Naturally, that put the Blackmore Family, and their one young child, at risk. They did the natural thing; stayed out of sight. However, that didn't last long, as the Black Fall Effect drew Metahumans towards them. It all ended with a short confrontation between Adam's father, and a hostile Metahuman. Which outsed all of them. Their house was burned down before the sun was down. Fortunately, they all escaped with SUPERPOWERS! Seeing that they were now missing a house, and Britain was pretty pissed off at them, they left the country. They went to a place where people could understand them, accept them: America! All before lil' baby Adam could walk. They all arrived in America, the city of Black Fall, the only place that was known for harboring Metahumans. The Blackmore family fit right in. They had to start at the bottom, but they eventually got themselves an apartment. Now, enough about those fuckbois, time to describe Adam's life! Well, that paragraph above just sums up the first three years of Adam's life. Growing up, Adam was a lonely youth. He never had any friends, he was the one kid who everyone had ignored. Every attempt to connect anyone was dashed aside. He was also picked on plenty of times. He certainly couldn't find solace in his family, as they were incredibly busy. Working multiple jobs in order to move up the social ladder. And it showed, they started from the bottom, and worked their way up into buying a nice house on the outskirts of town, towards the woods, which was going to be known as the Blackmore Manor. Other than that, his childhood wasn't anything remarkable. Up until he was twelve, he met a strange girl that was snooping around his house. Adam fearlessly confronted the girl, quickly realizing that she was around the same age as him. Despite a brief misunderstanding, Adam learned who the girl was; Lisa Biyung. A young Korean immigrant that was wandering the woods of Black Fall, and found their house. The two children played for a moment, simply tossing a ball back and forth. A curious incident occurred when Lisa decided to get a bit more playful. She used her power, a control over wind, to shoot the ball at Adam at high speeds. Adam innately knew what her power was, and accidentally copied it. Of course, Adam was knocked on his ass, and Lisa panicked, so she ran off. Adam rose back to his feet, angry. He slammed his foot onto the ground, and summoned a powerful wind. He was confused, but he did a similar move, and created the wind again. That was the manifestation of his power. He copied his power from Lisa Biyung. However, he didn't quite understand that he had replicated her power, he believed that he somehow had the same power as her. With a bit of practice... it didn't produce too many results. Because, all in all, Adam had only copied a small fraction of her power, rather than the whole deal. Adam naturally set out to find this girl. Which was difficult, since he only knew her name. Not where she lived, or anything like that. This was long before the age where Internet ruled. However, right when Adam was about to give up and call it quits, he found her while he was in school. He immediately confronted her, and in his over-zealousness, nearly drove her to tears - as her power was supposed to be the family secret. However, Adam comforted her by telling her that he had the same power. In that moment, they agreed to train their powers together. They met in the woods of Black Fall after school, and they trained together. Training montage after training montage, Adam and Lisa improved. Adam in particular improved as he copied more of her power, and got a feel for it. That wasn't all they did, Adam and Lisa became extremely close friends. They talked a lot, and shared experiences with each other. One could say that they were falling in love. Adam felt great, he told his family about his strange new gift. Finally feeling confident. However, he was then told about the Blackmore family power. He was told of everything about it, and how he didn't have the same power as her, he merely had the power to copy it. He felt a little betrayed knowing that they withheld the family secret from him for so long, but he felt far more confident in himself knowing the true nature of his power. Adam vowed to become the best Metahuman there is. Gaining the best powers there are. Adam didn't stop his training with Lisa, however. He needed a start if he was going to be the best, and he really liked Lisa. Life progressed uneventfully. Yes, Adam did well in school, practiced and grew closer to Lisa. He was adept with his wind by the time he was 17, Lisa was always a few steps ahead of him. However, by then, he had encountered several Metahumans, and seen what Black Fall had to offer. Before that, he had long gotten bored of idly training with Lisa, he wanted to put his training and power to good use. So Adam took it upon himself to go out and battle other Metahumans, and fight crime. Amateur vigilante work. Adam fought many Metahumans, battle after battle, he gotten more and more arrogant, and he loved every second of it. Fighting for the hell of it was fun. However, he wanted to do more. He learned of NEST, and their exploits in keeping Black Fall, and by an extent, America, safe. Adam thought it'd be exciting to join their organization. He had plenty of talks with his family, and NEST, and they all agreed on Adam becoming a NEST Agent. NEST in particular wanted him because he was an offer they just couldn't refuse. A Power Replicator that had a large amount of versatility. Allowing them to study powers, fight in multiple situations, and more. So, once he was eighteen, and finished with High-school, he had enlisted himself with the NEST faction. The training regime was hard, but Adam dedicated himself to it, and passed through it with flying colors. Shortly after, he was deployed on the field as one of Black Fall's many NEST Agents. To say it wasn't pretty is an understatement. NEST has to deal with the worst Metahumans have to offer, which Adam saw with his own two eyes. The shit he's seen, you couldn't even make it up. Metahuman serial killers, rapists, and monsters going on the rampage. Adam saw people killed in the worst ways (Or subjugated to a fate worse than death). It was far from his expectations, however, it was just the reality check he needed. It made him far more driven to put an end to it. Though the years, Adam worked his ass off to ascend the ranks, until he reached the rank of sergeant. Adam was considered to be one of NEST's best Agents at that point. No matter how high he rose. Adam's NEST adventures include, being sent into another dimension full of killer rabbits, being turned into a woman, being saved a little Irish girl from a Pedo Lizardman, and saving young Japanese women from a Japanese tentacle monster. He got better. He never neglected his childhood sweetheart, Lisa, for a second. They grew closer together, especially with Adam's noble cause. When Adam was twenty-five, the two of them got married. It wasn't just any marriage, it was one of the best marriages of all time. On-par with Disney shit. They lived quite happily, as their jobs netted them plenty of money. Adam worked in NEST as a hardened soldier, fighting for justice, while Lisa worked as a chef. In their spare time, they spent plenty of time together. However, the question quickly came of whether or not they should have kids. To that, Adam creepily said yes. When he was twenty-eight (His first decade with NEST too), the lovers had their first child, Victoria Blackmore! Holding his daughter in his hands filled Adam with hope. Hope for the future. It also filled him with love, because when he was thirty, he had his second child, Drake Blackmore (The greatest Blackmore). A year later, he had his second daughter, Amanda. He gave both his wife's uterus, and his penis, a break. However that break only lasted two years. He had his second son, Charles, and a year after that, his third and last son, Daniel Blackmore. With that, Adam quite adeptly filled out his family tree. He had to, his penis was going to stop working soon. However, what he never told his wife was that he had gotten into an affair with a NEST nurse known as Maria Obott, who was temporarily transferred from Highroller Heights NEST Branch in order to help. The wife of a man who owned a resort too. He had fathered a child with her known as Scarlet Obott. This all happened between the birth of Charles and Daniel. After the birth of Scarlet, Maria moved away to Highroller Heights with Scarlet. When he was thirty-eight, Adam's dedication to NEST never faltered. Through the years, Adam worked more and more towards helping the people of Black Fall. However, he had to choose. He was working with NEST, and recently, things have been getting more and more dangerous. Lisa wanted Adam to stop, and find a safer job - and help his family in another way. Adam said no. A family matter of the different kind had drawn Adam away. It was his brother, Douglas. His brother had become a madman, killing people in order to gain their powers. Adam only heard about it then, and he immediately set off to solve the problem himself. He worked day and night to track down his brother, until he finally found him in the woods of the city. Adam tried to talk him down, but Douglas was too high on power to listen. Adam tried more and more, until Douglas attacked him. Adam was forced to fight his brother to the end, and killed him in the resulting battle. Adam stood over his brother's body, whispering, "Power corrupts, but only if you let it...". Adam reported in the incident, and signed in his official resignation. That fight changed him. Lisa was right, it was best if he quit while he was ahead. Adam took a break after he stopped NESTing. He searched for another job was raising his band of children, reflecting on his life. The person he became. After a few months, one of his old NEST buddies told him about Academy 218, and the positions that were opening up. So Adam worked on getting the position as a Power Instructor - it was the only decision that made sense to him, he had plenty of talents and other skills that must be shared with today's youth! Once he got the position, he learned what a mistake that was. He was stuck teaching some of the most annoying and arrogant children on the planet. He tried being nice, that failed horribly. So he put his angry eyes and shouted orders at them. That was the Adam Blackmore the children listened to. Which earned results, Adam, despite how annoying he found most of the kids, taught many people the ropes how to use their powers responsibly. Even though he earned the ire of many of the students as well. This, of course, netted Adam many promotions. Until he reached the title of Head Power Instructor (He totally didn't murder the last one). Teaching the school for a total of eleven years. This year was no different. It was just going to have new and old faces. [/INDENT][/hider] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Wife - Lisa Blackmore (Has wind manipulation) Grandfather - James Blackmore (Long deceased) Father - Logan Blackmore (Deceased) Mother- Rose Blackmore (Deceased) Brother - Douglas Blackmore (Deceased) Son - Drake Blackmore Son - Charles Blackmore Son - Daniel Blackmore Daughter - Victoria Blackmore Daughter - Amanda Blackmore Illegitimate Daughter - Scarlet Obott[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Ruben Tarblatt[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Fellow Teacher[/b] | [color=6ecff6][i]"Everything about Ruben is certainly strange. His appearance, his method of teaching... the way he thinks. I'm certain there is more to him."[/i][/color] | [b]Rosaline Marsh[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Fellow Teacher[/b] | [color=6ecff6][i]"She is cheery as some of the students. Annoying, but I can tolerate her. I respect her teachings."[/i][/color] | [b]Mika Baozai[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Student[/b] | [color=6ecff6][i]"Her father does good work - and she certainly shows respect towards his family name. She is certainly arrogant, but tempered, and composed. She uses her head and keeps to herself - which I can respect."[/i][/color] | [b]Zoe Gambino[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Student[/b] | [color=6ecff6][i]"One of my more annoying students. Like Mika, her father does work for Metahumans and is quite wealthy. Except she believes that money gives her an elevated status here. I often have to put her down in her place."[/i][/color] | [b]Casper Hayat[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Student[/b] | [color=6ecff6][i]"He is certainly timid - he also keeps to himself, fortunately. He is one of my least troublesome students, as his morality is on the right path. Even though he has an easily abusable power."[/i][/color] | [b]Trevor Lockhart[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Student/Nurse[/b] | [color=6ecff6][i]"In this world, the power to heal is easily the most gentle power in the world. Trevor is kindhearted, and dedicates himself to fixing others. That is why I respect him."[/i][/color] | [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Power[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Observational Power-Replication[/i] [INDENT]Adam is the all Father, and the inheritor of the Blackmore Hereditary Power to copy other powers. Adam's specific form of the power is that he copies a power by observing it in action. Instead of getting the whole power, he merely copies what he sees. The more he observes, the stronger the ability will get - Until it matches the original in terms of strength. For example: if he watches a firebender shoot a fireball, he'll gain a small amount of the ability, until he sees more. The more advance the use is, the more of the power Adam will example. If the Firebender created a massive fire-storm, then he would have copied a large chunk of the power. Adam would also have to watch side-abilities in action to copy them, though. In the case of passive abilities, Adam could simply watch the person for a while in order to copy their ability. Adam also has the power to instinctively and innately understand powers by watching them in action. Possibly, he can understand a power on a level they don't.[/INDENT] [list] [*][i]Air Manipulation[/i] [indent]Copied from his wife, from their youth, Adam has the power over the mighty winds. Pretty simple if you watched Avatar the Last Airbender. He can throw air in a variety of forms; a gust to knock someone down, tornadoes. But he can do plenty of out of the box things too. Such as telekinesis by bending the air around an object, use it to shoot objects off with more force, and minor sound manipulation. It also gives him the ability to flyyyy like an eagle. Because he's been fiddling with this power since his youth (And always had the power readily available in case he loses it), he's very skilled with the power. If you're asking how all this works: it just works.[/indent] [/list] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Adam's power, while strong, is quite limited. Adam can only hold three powers at a time, and can only use one at a time - he needs to stop to switch between them. Adam's biggest limit is the fact that he won't know how to use the power right off the bat. He'll have to train and practice with the power to become proficient with it. He'll never match the original in terms of skill. The most obvious limit is that he needs to see the power in order to do anything. Possibly blinding him would be a good idea. When Adam first copies a power, it will start out very weak. Up until he copies more of it. And no, even if someone has a very similar power, Adam can't build up on another person using the power (Which would copy another power). Adam's wind manipulation has an effective range of around ten meters, he'll have trouble manipulating wind outside of that. Adam cannot create air... which isn't limiting at all![/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Adam inherent the weaknesses of the user. Therefore, he doesn't have too many weaknesses of his own. However, if Adam is injured badly enough, then he will lose all powers that he copied. Virtually becoming powerless until he copies another power. Adam's Air Manipulation has quite a few weaknesses. First off, using it makes it harder for Adam to breath, as it disrupts the flow of air to his lungs. More he uses it, the worse it gets, until he begins to choke to death. Even at the start, he can break out into a fit of coughs. Using it also makes him pretty dizzy and light-headed. It also requires intense amounts of concentration. Fire can also be a problem since fire eats air. A big enough fire can provide a bit of trouble (Since Adam can't crate vacuums).[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Adam has been working in the Academy for eleven years. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izvOE3hyOMY[/youtube][/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Amanda Blackmore (RP: Academy 218 ver. 2)][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Amanda Daisy Blackmore[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Miss Blackmore, 'Manda, Daisy Moon, The Metal Witch[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 5'6 [b]Weight:[/b] 103 [b]Status:[/b] Returning Student [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Jet-Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Amber [b]Ethnicity:[/b] British and Korean [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Amanda is a young woman with a biker vibe when people first look at her. Height and weight wise, Amanda is fairly average, she's thin, she's averaged heighted. Nothing special about her. Though her legs are a bit bulkier likely because she's done plenty of running sports. In terms of race; Amanda is part British and part Korean, with her father supplying the British, and her mother giving her the Korean. She leans heavily on Asian in terms of appearance. With her skin being a light-yellow color, with a subtle white tint in her skin color. Amanda walks seductively, she intentionally makes her hips wiggle back and forth when she walks. Amanda has plenty of scars, brushes and blemishes all over her face and body. It really takes away from her looks - In addition to giving people the idea that she's been in some shady things. On her face she has plenty of scars. Most are small and short. Like something small, with claws attacked her. She also has a burn scar on the side of her head, by her ears, it looks like something round and very hot hit her there. She has other scars on the rest of her body, they're just too plentiful to be described individually and are covered by her outfit. Amanda has several tattoos that she got very recently. One is on her right shoulder of a blood-colored angel, extending it's wings wide and appearing to ascend. Above this angel is several clouds and what appears to be a light shining through the clouds. On her left shoulder is a large tribal style tattoo of an eastern dragon with a massive tail and wings, extending all the way to her wrists. However, it is concealed by her outfit and the most people will see of it will be the tail/wings of the Dragon. On her back, near her shoulder, is a tattoo with [i]GUILTY CONSCIENCE[/i] written. On her left cheek is a blue valentine heart, which would give her a cute vibe if it wasn't for the scars and bruises on her face. Her hair is jet-black, straight, and quite long. Amanda styles it as a long pony-tail, it is back-length. Amanda has some piercings, most are on her face. She has two large hoop ear-rings on her ears and has a ball tongue piercing. If she was to take off her shirt, you'd see that she has a belly button piercing. Amanda also has a lip piercing on the right side of her lower lip. Amanda inherits all the good looks from her father's side of the family, she can be considered cute, if you can get past everything. Amanda's head is large, and rectangle-shaped. She has a slightly larger than average head, which is considered to be a source of ridicule for some people (Key word: Some). Her face is squared, and well-defined. Her cheekbone are round, and small. She has a squared (Double) chin as well, with a very strong, and sharp, jawline to match. Her chin sticks out forward a bit. She has a small nose, with a short bridge and nostrils that stick out a bit. Amanda's mouth is a little wide, and her lips are average in terms of thickness. Amanda has a somewhat big forehead, it's wide. There's a scar directly above her lips that connect to her left nostril. Amanda does look much like someone who's up to some shadier tasks. Amanda's eyes are medium-sized, and are slanted, much like others apart of her ethic background. Obviously showing off that she's Asian. Well, at least 50% Asian. [b]Attire:[/b] Amanda's outfit changes from day to day, like all of my characters. She'll wear just about anything and has no particular style. She'll wear hoodies, jeans, jackets, coats, etc. Amanda likes to wear her over-sized leather jacket from time to time, this is clearly made for men's but she likes to wear it. This jacket has a white-colored skull on the back, and it's her favorite jacket in the whole wide world. One thing that people certainly will notice about Amanda is that she wears lots of metal. She'll wear a large amount of rings, bracelets and other jewelry - Anything that chimes when she moves. Sometimes Amanda can be seen carrying, and playing, an acoustic bass guitar. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A very unpredictable wild card. Amanda is very boisterous and wild. She tends to do even the stupidest things for her own amusement. Which includes saying anything to get a rise out of people - This gets her a reputation of being very annoying. Not really caring about people's opinions of her. To her, it's all about having fun, no matter if it's at the expense of others. She is very sociable, and always wants to have a conversation with someone. However, if she finds someone dull or boring, she'll leave them at the drop of a hat. Amanda is extremely flirty and suggestive, she likes to make sexual comments and advances on boys. However, she's more of a tease, and will rarely pursue an actual relationship. She does for the same reason as above, just to amuse herself. She hates the ordinary, and loves it when something crazy or exciting happens. Like a monster showing up, or an explosion. Amanda is quite the [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BloodKnight]Blood Knight[/url]. She loves to fight, just about anyone. The biggest and toughest people preferred. Her favorite kind of people to beat down are the types that [i]think[/i] they're tough. Merely to put them down, and inflate her own ego. Amanda is quite arrogant and overconfident, to the point where it could be interpreted as fearlessness. She uses both of those traits to carry her through. But, those traits have put her in bad situations more often than naught. She's quite impulsive and it's rare to see her think in the moment of crisis. As she doesn't see herself as a thinker, she acts. She knows that in peril, she can't be caught sitting around thinking. She has to act. This has landed her in hot water plenty of times. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Amanda is a natural born athlete. She's been good at sports, and is quite the runner. The sport that she excels at is Soccer. She's also invested quite a bit into other sports like Basketball and Baseball - Just that she isn't as good at them as she is at Basketball. Naturally, Amanda is very quick on her feet and is coordinated as hell. Amanda has been in plenty of fist fights, and can win quite a few of them with her fists alone. She's really good at Roller-skating too, if that's. Amanda is also a very good dancer, since she has danced many times in parties and at raves. Amanda knows how to play the guitar too, hand her a guitar and she'll try her hardest. She's not exceptionally good at it, but this skill is worth noting. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] The leather jacket I mentioned in her appearance section. [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"I know you want me, want me, stop playing hard to get."[/i] [b]Family:[/b] [list] Mother - Lisa BlackmoreGrand- Father - Logan BlackmoreGrand-Mother- Tersina BlackmoreUncle - Douglas BlackmoreUncle - Young-Jae BiyungAunt - Su-Ming BiyungBrother - Drake BlackmoreBrother - Charles BlackmoreBrother - Daniel BlackmoreSister - Victoria BlackmoreCousin - Nikki Biyung[/list] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Relationships:[/b] [b]Adam Blackmore[/b] | [b]Great![/b] | [b]Daddy![/b] | "The perfect father whom I am forever thankful for choosing to have me...." | [b]Nikki Biyung[/b] | [b]Great![/b] | [b]Beloved Cousin![/b] | "Oh my god, my beloved cousin! She's a bit of a loser, but I'm gonna fix that. She doesn't like talking to people, eh? I guess I'll have to throw her face first into a few." | [b]Deborah Termellio[/b] | [b]Meh[/b] | [b]Stranger[/b] | [i]"I seen Deebs mostly around that bitch with a pole up her ass Shannon, or that jackass boyfriend Valjean. She seems pretty chill. But I know she's totally a dyke."[/i] | [b]Valjean Vaseal[/b] | [b]Hated[/b] | [b]Rival[/b] |[i] "This guy thinks he's the shit but the second we step in the arena, he fights like a complete bitch, and talks like he's king of the world outside of it. Though I haven't been able to beat him due to his... erm, fighting style."[/i] | [b]Shannon Balore[/b] | [b]Very Bad[/b] | [b]Enemy[/b] | [i]"Oooooh, this bitch. This bitch right here. She has a pole up her ass long enough to touch the moon and a gigantic superiority complex. But she's really a wuss since she refuses to enter the arena. So I just do stuff to piss her off so she'd get off her high horses..."[/i] | [b]Vera Dubnin[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Room mate[/b]] | [i]"Haven't got the chance to get to know the dyke - But, she could TOTALLY make a great James Bond villain if she put on some muscles. She's ALREADY Russian. She can call herself Titties Galore or something..."[/i] | [b]Ethan Parker Jr.[/b] | [b]Amusing[/b] | [b]Target[/b]] | [i]"Parker here is pretty cute actually. How he dresses up and how he carries himself. He's like a little puppy... With some pretty damn unique tastes in women. Psst. I don't know if you know, but he's into trannies."[/i] | [b]Poppy Flanagan[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Acquaintance[/b] | [i]"Check it, Carrot-top here is basically a fish out of water. I don't know much about her, but I want to smack the shit out her parents. Like, who the fuck names their kid Poppy? It's so stupid. But, yeah, I seen her type before, and the story she caries - She'll be on the first boat out of here by the time the weekend's over..."[/i] | [b]Todd Thompson[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Stranger[/b] | [i]"Turning into stone is the only way he can get hard."[/i] | [b]Vespera Spindel[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Stranger[/b] |[i]"Spider-Tits is pretty damn annoying. Acting all high and mighty and full of herself! Makes me want to squash her like a roach!"[/i]| [b]Red Winston[/b] | [b]Dandy![/b] | [b]Butt-Slave[/b] |[i]"My new boytoy for the school year! I'm surprised he would be so dull as to let me command him. I'm going to driiiiive his ass crazy before the end of the week!"[/i]| [b]Jack Corvo[/b] | [b]Good?[/b] | [b]Stranger[/b] | [i]"I think I shoved an iron dildo up his ass once."[/i] | [b]Theresa Obott[/b] | [b]Bad?[/b] | | [i]"My God, the is just a delicious goldmine! I want to see the face on any guy who falls for him, then finds out, oh, he has a dick! Good thing he can regenerate..."[/i] | [b]Karlie Davis[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Friend[/b] | [i]"Oh my god! Karlie is my girl! I want to find a way to copy her power so we can play 'round like little kids!"[/i] | [b]Matt Detmer[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]New Crush[/b] | [i]"Matt is everything I want in a man. Strong, independent, thick skinned... I think I'm in loooove..."[/i] | [b]Peter Brooke[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Annoying[/b] | [i]"He can go fap his other arm off."[/i] | [b]Annabelle Ravencroft[/b] | [b]Amusing[/b] | [b]Teacher/Target[/b] | "I like the nice chick. I just want to tear it all down and let everyone see her for what she really is!" | [b]Tetsuya Kyuuji[/b] | [b]Idiot[/b] | [b]Retarded-Pandaman[/b] | [i]"Word up, this motherfucker runs into the room and jumps on someone then expects to not get his ass kicked. Preeeetty damn stupid to me."[/i] | [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Power 6 [b]Power:[/b] [i]Reactionary Power Replication.[/i] Amanda has the famed power replication of the Blackmore family. Her form is relatively simple, she copies the powers of whoever uses their power on her (Such as if a telekinetic pushes her, or if a healer does their thing, she'll get their powers). However, it's a bit more complicated than that. Whenever she copies a power, she sort of transforms into the power. Like certain parts of her body will change into the power, but not her whole body. Like a less extreme version of Drake's power. Her eyes, hair, hands, etc, will be transformed/wreathed with, the power of choice. Along with an immunity to the aforementioned power. Even if she doesn't transform, she is capable of using a "watered down" version of the power. Amanda can store up to three powers at once, in order to take on a new power, she must discard another one. Amanda will start off with Metal Manipulation. [i]Metal Manipulation.[/i] Amanda has a high-level elemental ability relating to the metals. When transformed, she can control all metals; she can move metals, shape metal into whatever she pleases, control the temperature of metals, and turn one kind of metal into another (When she changes metal, it'll be in it's raw/pure form). This control gets more precise when she is in contact with the metal. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] The two standard Blackmore weaknesses. Amanda doesn't know how to use a power right off the bat, and will have to practice a bit to get the hang of it. She will also lose any and all powers she has if she's badly beaten. The main problem with using this ability is that it can possibly kill her if she's not cautious. Amanda can still get injured from any attacks that are launched against her, before she copies a power. Amanda can't copy a wide range of powers, she can't copy powers that have no effect on other people (Such as regeneration), nor physical based powers (Such as super strength, speed, etc). Which mainly limits her to energy/ranged powers. She also can't control which power she copies, which means if any power is used against her, she will immediately switch to that power (Even if she already has a power active). She also cannot control which powers get discarded when she's at capacity. Amanda can only use one power at a time. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider] [hider=Amy Black Dellamorte (RP: Academy 218 ver. 1)][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Amy Black Dellamorte[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Ami[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 5'6 [b]Weight:[/b] 152 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Bright Blonde [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Lithuanian [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Ami looks like an average girl. One that doesn't look too remarkable. She does have a bit of a Tom-boyish vibe when people look at the way she dresses and acts. She also appears like a nerd from time to time. Ami puts quite a bit of devotion into personal hygiene, so she always looks clean, or else. That out of the way, Ami is an obvious European woman, northern to be exact. Born in Lithuania. Her facial features show off her racial descent. Her face is flat, and her head is rectangle-shaped. Her facial features are bulky and generally squared. Her face is also a little long. She has a square and large chin, which has a cleft. Her nose is triangle shaped, hooked, and very small, her nostrils are fairly small too. Her lips are thick and full, but usually are tucked in. Ami has large, pointed ears. Her forehead is average sized, to say the least, albeit a little tall. Her eyes are small and rounded, they have a green color. Ami's face is coated with light freckles. Ami's skin is Caucasian, and covered in various imperfections. Her knees are heavily scarred from falling over plenty of times. She also has plenty of scars on her arms and legs from such accidents. Ami has no scars on her face, however. Because her beauty cannot be tarnished. Ami is an average sized woman, standing at 5'6 and weighing 152 pounds. She's slim, but has a slight pot belly that few would notice unless she took off her shirt. Her limbs are quite long, and her fingers are too, her hand is quite bulky. Ami's figure isn't all that appealing. She lacks the super-model Hourglass figure. Instead she has a Banana, or straight figure, and her frame is somewhat boy-ish. Some may also immediately notice that Ami's right leg is prosthetic. Earlier in her life, she got into a car accident, which destroyed her leg. Everything under her knee had to be amputated, and replaced with a prosthetic limb ([url=http://eagleorthopaedics.com/imgs/prosthe1.jpg]Like this[/url]). This prosthetic limb is something that Ami had for years. It's been personalized with several stickers and other things she's drawn on - Some of which have been there for years. Ami's hair is a bright-blonde and kept quite clean and straight. It's kept in a straight style, and is back-length. [b]Attire:[/b] Ami doesn't dress spectacularly. She'll wear anything as long as it matches, and as long as the occasion is appropriate. Jeans, Coats, Jackets, Sweat-Pants... However, Ami is never seen without her fingerless gloves, and her beanie on her head. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] I'll do this later. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] A few. Amioore likes things like indie music, ancient civilization, contemporary weaponry, paleontolgy, lamps, pocket watches, and making clothes. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Ami is talented in a few things. Because she's lived on the Academy island for a good bulk of her life, she's picked up a few meaningful skills. She knows the entire island like the back of her own hand. Hiding places, and other places of note can easily be found. She's also quite in touch with the wildlife. Ami is also skilled at hunting, knows how to use a gun, and has used it before in a few heavily supervised occasioned. Ami is quite in touch with knife-play, and can throw knives. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Ami's journal, hidden in her room, which she calls "Her box of Fantasies" Which she'll guard with her life. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] Ami's extended family is unknown outside of her father, Dacious. It's rumored that her family has renounced them due to their Meta-human status. [b]Friends:[/b] A few here and there that she talks to every now and then. [b]Enemies:[/b] None. She's not the type to start trouble at all. [b]Lovers:[/b] None, Ami is rather sheltered when it comes to romance. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Cerebral [b]Power:[/b] [i]Psychic-Energy Vampire.[/i] Yes, Ami is a vampire in a way (Twilight Edition). Except instead of blood, she sucks Psychic energy. Psychic energy is a collective energy generated by the mind (Which includes Emotional energy). Everyone generates it to an extent. Residual psychic energy exists on objects too, everything that people often use or be around. There won't be a lot, just a small amount. However, Meta-humans have a larger amount of Psychic-Energy in them. Especially those with mental-powers. They generate an extreme amount of psychic energy because of their mind-based abilities. Which makes them an adept target for Ami. She can also absorb this energy if a mind power is used on her (Such as Telekinesis). Now, psychic energy does nothing to enhance Ami in any direct way. However, it fuels her power. Her ability is split up into several branches. [i]Psychic Energy Blasts.[/i] Ami can control Psychic-Energy itself for offensive and defensive purposes. This energy allows Ami to basically construct just about anything she can imagine, as long as she has enough energy to create it. She can create powerful barriers, blasts, etc. This energy makes a great weapon, as she can easily send out blasts that'd send people off their feet. In any form, really. Beams, shockwaves, explosions, you name it. Her most dangerous move is an all-around shockwave that boasts crushing force behind the wave. At will, she can use this energy to attack the mind instead of the body. Instead of causing physical harm, it'll cause mental damage. Whenever struck by her Psychic Energy, their mind will be in a jumble for a few seconds (Thoughts and emotions will be erratic). [i]Psychic Shield/Shadow.[/i] To an extent, Ami has a constant mental-barrier up at all times. Which will defend her against most mind powers. It will also alert her if someone else tried to access her mind. She can put a bit of effort into it and make the shield much stronger. This shield also makes cerebral forms of detection less than effective on her. [i]Telekinetic Virus.[/i] A form of telekinesis, an odd one at that. At will, Ami will release telekinetic energy out of her body, which will quickly travel around the area and "infect" everything they can. People, objects, other pure energy. Then they stop, setting, and Ami gains the ability to control everything effected by the "virus" like the usual telekinetic does. Being able to lift up the object, and move it at high speeds. Also doing stuff like crushing the object, or generally destroying it. Ami can't control what the Virus will infect, but she can subtly influence it. [i]Telepathy.[/i] Ami's Telepathy has recently manifested. At the moment; she can read minds of those around her, and send thoughts to them. The cooler Telepathic powers comes later. Such as hacking people's minds, mental attacks, mental illusions, memory-reading, etc. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Excessive use of Ami's ability causes extreme amounts of head-ache and mental disarray. She'll basically won't be able to think straight for a second. With her emotions and thoughts going wild. Being unable to focus on a single thing even for a second. Ami can not use multiple branches of her psychic abilities at a time. Being forced to use one at a time. For her telepathy there's an easy way to counter it and nullify any attempts for her to enter minds. Her Telepathy is very sensitive. If someone were to think a load of random thoughts while she's reading their mind; then she'll get overloaded and jolt. Stunning her for a few moments. This also makes reading multiple minds at once rather difficult without overloading. Ami's telekinesis only works in a range of around ten-meters. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Ami is the daughter of the Headmaster.[/hider]