[img]https://i.imgur.com/EbfXv8O.png[/img][hr] [hider=Eliza Prezelin (RP: Academy 218 ver. 1)][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Elizabeth Stacy Prezelin[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Eliza, The Cockroach.[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] 5'10 ft [b]Weight:[/b] 144 lb [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Olive [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Puerto-Rican, Chinese & American [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Eliza is a relatively average looking girl, seen a bit of excercise. She isn't ugly, but lacks super good looks - She's more plain than anything. That said, some of Eliza's features are masculine. She's very thin, solidly built without being fat - She has more of a build of a girl that's hard-worked. The trunk of her body is bigger due to having a thicker, broader torso and having more meat on her bones. She has fairly well toned legs that indicate that she's done plenty. Eliza stands a few inches above the average female height (5'10), and weighs a small amount for that height (144). Eliza has a mixed heritage. She is Puerto-Rican, Chinese, and American, to list all of them. She has light brown skin, that obviously show off the fact that she's a person of color. Her skin is far from flawless and clear, it's coated in bruises and scars from other physical activities. The most scars are on her legs, and above her elbows. Though, there aren't any large and dramatic scars on her. Eliza's head is oval shaped, and she has rounded facial features. She has small, less than round, cheeks, that seamlessly bend into the rest of her face. She has thick, full lips, with a less than wide mouth. She has a medium-sized, yet squared chin, she has a cleft in her chin - Her jawline is sharp. Eliza's nose is small, triangle shaped, hooked, with small nostrils, and appears to have been broken plenty of times in the past, and is crooked. Her eyes are small, slanted, and are a beautiful shade of a olive color. Eliza's ears are really small, round, and are pointed at the tip. Eliza's hair is well groomed, and neat. Her straight hair is a shiny black color which she keeps in a long, back-length. [b]Attire:[/b] Eliza's outfits usually are a darker color - Generally along the lines of a black, white or grey color. Her attire is usually bland, but Eliza usually chooses practical over stylish. But, she doesn't have one set style; she'd go from wearing a causal style, to a punkish outfit, to a tough girl attire. All depends on her mood. She tends to wear a jacket or something you'd see put over a shirt. Hoodie, leather jacket, coat, etc. She also tends to wear boots of some sort. Faust is always seen wearing either goggles or, sometimes, sunglasses on her eyes. Since it really helps her with her power. If someone were to take a good look at her waist, they'd notice a curled-up black leather bullwhip is kept on her side at all times - But it's usually concealed by her coat a bit. Finally, Eliza has large black headphones around her ears, connected to an iPod constantly playing music, most of the time. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Eliza is a very unpredictable and hard to approach person. Because of the simple fact that she's plagued by a constant state of flight or fight - To say the least; she's f*cking terrified of anything. Such as the little kid that just walked up to, what he can do, and what everyone will do. She's constantly in a state of either lashing out or fleeing. She's extremely jumpy and impulsive - To the point where someone surprising her can result in some broken bones. That said, she tends to jump the gun, and doesn't think some things through. Nor does she ever try to come up with a plan. Which is kinda her motto when fighting. Hit them hard before they react. Eliza is a loner at heart, she keeps to herself and stays her distance from people - Which means that it'll take a lot of mental preparations in order to get the courage to approach them. She is quiet, she rarely says anything unless spoken too, or if she has something to say. Eliza's morally is a grey-area. She's truly in it for herself, and is willing to do just about anything if it advanced her, good or bad. Basically she's a Chaotic Neutral at heart. But deep down, she is a really nice person, and she truly wants to be an ideal human being, but her erratic and impulsive nature makes it appear otherwise. Life just forced her to be a morally-grey douchebag. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Eliza has an interest in music of any kind. She's always looking for new and interesting songs, regardless of genre, to listen to. Which is why she's taken up DJing and trying to learn how to play instruments. Which makes her more likely to approach someone who plays instruments, or is a DJ. She also likes sports. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Eliza has perfected quite a few over the years. First, she's played a few sports; Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, etc - She's the best at Basketball however. Faust knows a little bit of knife-play - From being taught by her father. She knows how to throw knives quite well, even when moving fast she's accurate. Eliza is a good fist fighter, not from training in particular, from years of getting into fights with just about anyone that pissed her off. Her fighting skills in other areas are good too. That whip I mentioned earlier? Faust knows how to fight with it, integrating it into her fighting style and using it in conjunction with her other abilities. Eliza knows how to play two instruments: the Saxophone, and the Bass Guitar. She's not perfect at it, but it's good. Finally, Faust is a DJ. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] A trophy she got for winning a Basket-ball tournament. It remains in her room. [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"Look, just leave me alone..."[/i] [b]History/Bio:[/b] Not going to reveal much about this other than saying that she developed her power [i]very[/i] recently in an event that caught the eye of the Academy. She was sent to Academy 218 along despite having her power for little more than a week. That's all I'm going to tell. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] Eliza had a mother, a father, a grandfather and mother, and three sisters. After an incident, one of her sisters are deceased, and the rest of her family doesn't want anything to do with Eliza. [b]Friends:[/b] Eliza is willing to become friends with anyone willing to give her a chance. Anyone that'd truly understand her. However, she always drive them away somehow. [b]Enemies:[/b] Eliza tries to make zero enemies. But her erratic nature causes her to make enemies with people quite fast, whether she attacks them without thought or pisses them off. [b]Lovers:[/b] Eliza is always looking for a shoulder to cry on, whether it's a boy, girl, or other. To say the least; she's pan-sexual, gender roles or sexual orientation doesn't matter to her. She had a few crushes, none of them ever went anywhere or she was rejected. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Biological, Anatomical & Super-System [b]Power:[/b] [i]Rapid-Adaptation.[/i] Eliza is capable of watching a situation, and learning from it to quickly induce temporary mutations in herself and her power to overcome adversity. The power responds to the body's needs, not the mind's - The mutation to herself depends heavily on the situation before her, and her knowledge of the situation (Such as if she knows a gun can pierce her skin, her body adapts harder/denser skin). Whether it's super-speed to outrun a foe, super-strength to lift up a bus, denser bones/skin to take a hit, or adapting to a certain temperature - Eliza is capable of adopting several different bodily adaptations at once, as long as they don't overlap. The uses are too plentiful to possibly note, but this is a very versatile and powerful ability. However, these adaptions are heavily connected to the human flight-or-fight responses. For example; if she chooses flight, then she'll get enhanced speed, or if she chooses fight she gets super-strength in her arms. Meaning she can't control it per-se, only influence it in the right direction. Eliza also has a few side abilities that work in perfect synergy with her main ability: The first ability of note is [i]Adaptive Regeneration[/i]. It's a fast acting regenerating ability that heals Eliza, then makes her resistant to the same kind of trauma, regardless of what it is. It's a very powerful form of regeneration that slows down her aging, and makes her regenerate from minor wounds instantly, moderate wounds in a few moments, and major wounds within a few minutes. She's able to focus this ability on certain parts of her body, healing the chosen injuries at a much faster pace as opposed to the automatic regeneration of all injuries. This regeneration is so advanced that it allows her to regrow lost limbs. It also makes her resistant, if not immune, to toxins, diseases and parasites. At the moment, Eliza is kinda adapted to physical/blunt trauma, small/weak attacks will only bounce of her. Next up is her [i]Redundant/Hyper-Adaptive Body.[/i] It essentially means that she has zero weak points on her body. Which allows her to take damage like it was purely cosmetic. So if her eyes are taken out, she can sense through her skin, a slashed throat would have no adverse effects, etc, etc. If a vital organ is damaged, another adapts to take its place - That is until Eliza's body corrects the damage and reverts back to normal. She can even shift organs and other important stuff to different parts of her body in preparation for a hit (She'll need to see it coming first). The last ability of note is her [i]Anatomical Separation.[/i] It allows her to detach limbs, and control them just like they were still attached to her body. If she stuck it back, her regeneration will instantly start to heal, and reattach it. Which means that losing a limb will only inconvenience her momentarily. It's a result of her regeneration preserving her arm, and her redundant systems stopping her from dying. Each form of her Adaptation works 100% independently from each other, despite the fact that they overlap at times. However, there is a long-term effect on Eliza. The more that she uses her ability, the more she mutates into a humanoid-monster. It'll start gradually over time, with small, subtle changes to her body. The most extreme extent of her mutation is that she'll evolve into something absolutely inhuman, and she'll slowly start to lose her mind. However, at that point; she'll become something extremely powerful, and at the same time, monstrous... [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Eliza has recently developed her power, and as such, she has a limited understanding of the ability and her various capabilities. Which can be a weakness. Eliza's various mutations aren't entirely instant. It takes some time in order for Eliza to properly induce the changes to her body, a few seconds at best, a few minutes at worst. Which makes a sneak-attack very effective against her. Eliza can't adapt her body to too many things at once - They must not overlap. Which means she can't adapt both super-strength and enhanced speeds at the same time. More importantly, it takes some more time for her body to reverse the changes made to her body, since once she's through with the problem; her body will undo the mutations. The worst part is that she has limited control over her Rapid Adaptation, it happens as a spur of the moment kind of thing. As for her [i]Adaptive Regeneration[/i] - It's highly possible for her to get overwhelmed, as the more wounds she has, the slower her regeneration acts. Thus a clever foe can take advantage of that fact. If a weapon or obstruction stays in the wound; her regeneration will stop. Injuries to the brain can take a while to heal, and some injuries could kill her outright. Her adaptations only make her resistant to that specific type of damage, such as blunt attacks would only make her shock resistant, not resistant against things like slashes and blades. Regardless of how much Eliza adapts to a type of damage, she still has to be injured first, and there are plenty of attacks that she can't take. Eliza still feels pain like a normal human being. After healing too many injuries, her regeneration will slow down and come to a halt. In regards to her [i]Anatomical Separation[/i] she can't keep a body part separated for too long, or else it'll decay and she won't be able to reattach it. Fortunately, she can regenerate, but it'll take awhile. Eliza can't separate her head, or split her body in half, without killing herself. Finally, Eliza has zero defenses against mental attacks, or telepathy, so they are free to mind-rape her away. She doesn't have any ranged attacks either. Oh yeah. It'll slowly start to turn her into an eldritch abomination that'll eat away at her mind and memories.[/hider]