[img]https://i.imgur.com/wuqGBUn.png[/img][hr] [hider=Luther Billy Wallace (RP: Academy 218 ver. 3 {Unused})] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT][i] Luther Billy Wallace[/i][/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT][i]The Sunshine Child, The Stormbringer[/i][/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]10[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]4'8ft[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]83lb[/INDENT] [b]Type:[/b] [INDENT]New Student[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Bright-blond[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Bright Blue[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Caucasian - German, Dutch, & Iroquois[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]A small child that practically breaths youth. The first mistake you'd make about Luther Wallace is that he fits the standard definition of a "male". He doesn't have too much girth to his body, and lacks typical male features. In fact, he has so little masculinity in his appearance that he doesn't appear to be male. He's nearly androgynous in the facial department, but is still quite young. What doesn't help is the fact that he has plenty of straight, light, flowing, back length, blond hair. Which is usually attributed to girls. Along with a small, dainty body, he looks pretty frail. He's 4'8, a few inches under the average height for someone his age and weighs 83 pounds. That's a fairly healthy height-to-weight ratio according to BMI. While he looks girly and frail, Luther certainly doesn't look like he sits around. With the scars on his knees and shoulders that suggest plenty of rough housing. With feet that are heavily calloused because he tends to walk around barefoot a lot. Luther's right arm is heavily scarred, dotted with bite scars, seemingly from a dog. Whatever attacked him, it's clear that it did a serious number to his arm. Most of all, Luther has a slashing scar on his right cheek (starting at the top, going down to his jawline). Along with a few broken, and loose teeth in his mouth, Luther doesn't exactly have the best dentistry on the planet. Not that it mattered to the boy. He keeps a bright, sunshine, smile on his face as he makes his quick movements through life. Luther is undeniable Caucasian, he has very fair skin, that is tanned somewhat due to all the sunlight he absorbs. Has the aforementioned scars, along with his face and upper body being dotted with light freckles. Luther has several different Caucasian nations flowing in him. German, Dutch, & Iroquois. He looks fairly European, but not that anyone could easily tell. If anyone asks, he tells them that he's all American. Luther's facial features do little to suggest his masculinity either. With his slender, angular, facial features, on a heart shaped head, that look more on place on a teenage girl. Small, pointed nose, round cheeks, and feminine jawline makes him appear more on the girl-side. Luther has a thick southern accent when he speaks, his voice is also quite high.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]As for attire, Luther likes to wear loose outfits that don't stick too tightly to himself. The boy lacks a sense of style. Any sense of style. He wears outfits that don't match all the time. Nor is he ever seen wearing anything close to "formal" or "stylish". Sweat pants, T-shirts, sneakers. One could say that he dresses for practicality rather than style. Though it's more of a matter of him being utterly oblivious, and, by that extent, unconcerned, about what he wears. Luther likes to wear lighter colors, as white is his favorite color. It's rare to see him wearing anything that is of a darker shade. However, I should note that Luther is fine with wearing girl's clothing. Though, it's something that he does discretely, when nobody is around, or when he actually gets his hands on some clothes. However, one thing he's notable for wearing is a hat. Not just any hat, a ridiculously large women's sunhat (A straw sunhat at that). This hat has much more girth than his entire body, and is only kept on his head by a string. When the hat is large enough to completely obscure him if he were to angle it right, it's saying something.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] [INDENT]A wild-eyed child of the sun. A cheerful, adventurous, youth, that's always on the move. He's constantly on the move, and rarely stops to slow down. Not to say that he'll never stop. Luther is a child that can appreciate a quiet, relaxing, moment, much more than any other hyperactive kid. That's how Luther operates anyway. He spends his days partying, before finding somewhere relaxing to kick back. Luther is quite the young explorer. If he finds a place that interests him, he'll scope it out, until he finds out everything about that place and move onto the next one. Matter fact, that is his M.O for when he enters a new place. Scope it out, whether he's told to or not. It's just the thrill he gets from finding out something new. A similar thrill comes from being in the forest. Apart of his free-spirited upbringing is that he tends to spit in the face of authority. He does whatever he pleases, more or less. He lives life for himself, the way he wants to do it. He won't blatantly do it, he knows when something will screw him over, but he tries to secretly do it. Luther hasn't exactly been taught what's acceptable behavior, or how to change how he acts depending on different situations. He's always acting like himself, no matter where he is. Simply because he hasn't been taught better. But, he's also quite independent for his age. He knows how to do things for himself, and can competently act alone. Luther is a kid that loves and respects nature. One thing that would piss him off is someone destroying forests, injuring animals, or even littering. Slow, Southern, small town, life has certainly made Luther into the polite, humble, type. When talking to people, he's quite optimistic and kind. He treats people with respect, and unwavering kindness. Everyone knows how cheerful the boy is. And Luther loves surrounding himself with people, and he tries to make sure that they enjoy him too. He also always shows his emotions to the world since he's much more concerned about being true to himself rather than maintain his dignity. Luther loves praise, and makes no attempt to hide it. His face will get red, and he'll smile cockily. It doesn't matter what type of praise he's given. He's easily impressed to say the least. Even by the simplest display of affection or strength. Speaking of which, Luther has a budding sexuality, I have to say. He's getting to the stage where he's realizing his interest in the female gender. He can be swayed effortlessly by a pretty faced girl. However, he is smart enough to use his cuteness and perceived innocence to stay in a woman's grace, and keeps his perverted side hidden. Though, Luther rarely tries not to let himself get attached to girls. He promised himself he wasn't going to let another girl break his heart. However, the same Southern life has made some of his views rather "archaic". Luther has spent plenty of time around his (Somewhat racist) Grandparents, and never really interacted much with people of color. So, some of his interactions can come off as innocently racist, and very politically incorrect. Not that he'll be casually dropping racial slurs... but some of his comments. He'll refer to the African-American man as "the black boy" or make a landscaping comment about some Hispanics. It's not that he's truly racist, it's more of that he somewhat believes it's normal for people. He's simply unaware. Luther doesn't have a solid grasp on his world views, most of his are from his mother and grandparents. To him Christianity is the one true religion, immigrants and LGBT people are people he doesn't approve of. Luther isn't exactly fighter material, he's easily coerced away with force. Luther prefers flight over fight, and damn he's quick too. However, he will fight if pushed far enough.... Not that he'll use fists. He'll use his power. Luther can be called over-reliant on his power. He uses it too much, and barely has any fall back plans. Because his power is something that he feels makes him truly special. Something that fills him with pride and confidence like no other. Luther also has an unease with himself. A great one. He doesn't know what it is, but he doesn't feel "at home" in partaking in masculine activities. He feels strange, and he doesn't know why. Luther tries to keep it under wraps, but it's yet another thing that slips through his "emotional cracks". He feels it's because he didn't have a strong male figure in his life. He spent most of his life around women. The one place that Luther truly feels comfortable is the woods. A place in which he can escape into and be himself. Luther has a bit of a fascination with girly things. Their toys, their clothes, everything about them. Just another thing he keeps under wraps. And Luther has a fear of dogs. Big strong, scary dogs. And for that matter, big, strange, beasts/monsters.[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Naturally, the forest is where Luther really belongs. The child is adept at traversing the woods without getting lost. He has a good memory, and pays attention to detail. Thus he's good at remembering landmarks (That, or he'll make some!). Along with his knack for exploring, Luther is a great kid to have at your side when you're exploring the woods. Once he gets acquainted enough with some woods, that's where he really starts showing his affinity for the woods. He'll know his way around great, and will know plenty of places to hide. So if he's getting chased through the woods, Luther will know exactly where to escape to. And the child can be [i]very[/i] quick if he needs to be, and knows how to climb. Catching him is a challenge if someone doesn't have the means to already. He'd also be a bitch to find in hide & seek. Luther is also a choir-boy for his local church. He sings their songs quite well, some say he has untapped potential. Singing is something that comes naturally to him. However, he ain't going to get any better without training (*Montage music plays*). Other than that, the child is unremarkable.[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]Don't you dare touch his hat![/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT][i]"Bless your heart!" "Alright now, hold your horse, my hat almost fell off, teehee." "I think I laughed by accident. Hehee."[/i][/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [hider=Luther's Backstory][INDENT]Bastard son, of a bastard son, of a bastard son, Luther was born from a long line of womanizing, emotionally abusing, men. Which his mother, Susan Wallace, was yet another victim of. She had sex with the man, and he left quickly once he learned that she was pregnant. Never to see him again. She had no choice but to move on and live life as a single mother. Other than that, his infancy-through-toddler years were rather uneventful. Luther lived in an apartment, and was sent off to day care often, his mother being a Therapist, had little time to watch him in the mornings. She was barely making it for both of them. Costs of everything were starting to pile up until they were going to be evicted. She was a failing therapist who was about to lose what little she had, his mother had no choice but to call for help. She had plenty of friends and family, maybe they'd pitch in? She was wrong, no one would donate money without expecting it back. Which would have caused them more problems in the long run. There was one option: pack up, and move back in with her parents. It was a desperate move, but staying and getting tossed on the streets wouldn't have benefited anyone so she grabbed Luther and headed to the backroads of Texas, a small rural community that she had grown up in (and left behind for good reason). She drove an hour to the big city to get to work. It wasn't ideal, but it's what she had to do until she could walk on her feet. By the time Luther arrived in Texas, he was around seven. This is where Luther's life really picks up. He had to change in order to adapt to the changed environment. There weren't too many kids around, and the school was quite a bus ride away. Things slowed down, however, he had a bit more freedom. His social skills hadn't faltered, however, because he enjoyed his conversations with his grandparents. They were interesting enough to keep the young Luther engaged in conversation. His mother was quite the woman too. She gave Luther a lot of freedom, and taught him to value his free-spirit above all else. He was brought to the Church every Sunday, as his family was a particularly religious one. Eventually, he was signed up to be a choir boy. Which was a mix of multiple age groups since the town wasn't big enough to have separate ones. It was a little odd singing with the adults. But singing was something that stuck with the boy, and he practices to this day. Luther also had plenty of time to himself. He lived in the middle of piss-all nowhere, a clearing in the middle of the woods. He explored these woods on the weekends, and became strangely acquainted with them. He seemingly explored, and developed a love for nature and the woods. In addition to trying more "adventurous" methods of exploring the woods, Luther felt extremely comfortable in these woods. Along with being versed. As he got older, his love of the woods and exploring did not waver. However, by the time he was nine, Luther got a little too comfortable in the woods. Usually, he gave the wildlife a wide girth, but a stray dog had entered his vicinity. He walked up to it, expecting to find a friend. Only for the extremely aggressive dog to violently attack Luther by biting onto his arm. Luther thrashed around, and had no choice but to beat the dog with a stick in order to get it off. Luther was terrified, and he didn't know what to do other than leg it back to his house. After some very terrified yelling, Luther was rushed to the doctor, and the wounds were patched up. It was a little while before he could go back home, but once he did, he was scared of the very woods that he called home. He didn't want anything to do with the place. Though, he felt miserable, and empty. Like he was denied his purpose. It was months since the incident, and he didn't go anywhere near the woods. Thus, his feelings got more and more intense until he finally went through with it. He went into the woods to face his fears... there were no scary monsters or dogs. There was only the woods that he was familiar with. He didn't go far before coming back, however. He took slow steps back into the woods, treading over the same familiar ground again. However, he came in contact with someone new. A girl, the similar age as himself, named Sally. Whom had hidden in the woods to find solace from her rather overbearing family. Luther walked up to the girl and talked to her, and they talked about their problems. They bonded. They became friends. Luther had a great reason to come back. He explored the woods, and came back to that one place. Where he kept talking to Sally and bonding with her. To the point where he was developing a crush on her - after talking to his mother, she suggested that he simply confesses himself. During one of their meetings, Luther made an awkward confession of his feelings. Hoping that she'd say yes and they'd have fun for years to come. However, Sally rejected Luther because she was only there for the summer. Which was just about over. She left, and so did Luther. But he left heartbroken. He dropped to his knees, realizing that his first love was not all it was cracked up to be. He dropped to his knees, tears streaming down a mighty storm suddenly began raging. It came out of the blue, but droplets of rain began falling until it had changed into a thick heavy rain. Luther was sitting in the thick of it. Until he got up and headed home (where the storm started up again, fading away from his original location). It was odd, Luther felt a strange connection between the storm and himself. He felt the storm, where it was going to rage, and he also felt that he was causing it. When he asked someone about it, it was merely dismissed. The storm left, and life continued normally. However, a few days later, Luther went back into the woods, and tried something. There was something about that connection... it required further probing. He sat on a rock with his legs crossed, and focused. He thought really hard about the storm, clearing his mind of everything else. It was several minutes worth of concentration, but he finally managed to create a storm. This was something that filled the boy with pride and joy. The first thing he did was race home and show them that he could make it rain. The results were... mixed. Luther's grandparents wanted him out of the house before he destroyed something, with his mother fighting tooth-and-nail to allow him to stay. Luther and his mother had a long talk about what he is. She told him that he had a power, a power that he'd have to learn to control, and keep a secret with his life. She also told him to promise her that he'll use it for good, and never abuse it. Which is what Luther did, for the next few months, he slaved away learning his power. He created enough storms (Which got a lot of news reporters fired) that he could do it easily. He also learned that he could manipulate water when he's near it. This was incredible! Luther had dubbed himself the "Sunshine Child" and continued practicing, until a very special letter came in the mail. He was invited to some Academy, offering to teach him how to use his power along with an education. His grandparents were pushing for him to go (before he destroyed their house), and his mother was too - in hopes that he would learn something useful there. Luther, on the other hand, was ecstatic. Because it meant one thing.... ... It's time for the Sunshine Child to make an appearance![/INDENT] [/hider] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Father - Justin Tate (Disappeared/Luther never met him) Mother - Lucy Wallace Grandmother - Erin Wallace Grandfather - Brent Wallace[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Elemental[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Precipitation-Generation.[/i] [INDENT]Luther, the storm-bringer. This child is a raging storm. Where ever he walks, thunder follows. Luther has the power to alter the weather to create Precipitation of various types. Rainstorms, hailstorms, snowstorms, Luther can make it all. However his forte seems to be storms that have water in them. He can't seem to affect winds and lightning as well as water. But sleet and subzero rain are also in his potential. Of course, being relatively new to his ability, he doesn't exactly have that finesse or control that the other, older, members of the cast have. Right now, he can only create rain storms, with other storms and weather types being developments to his power. Once Luther starts up a storm, the area's weather (and temperature) over a two mile radius will begin to change. Then precipitation will slowly begin to fall. As he keeps it going, the more and more will fall as the storm intensifies. It usually takes forty-five minutes to get to their peak. There won't be lightning or raging winds in these storms. Nothing but good old precipitation. Luther also has an affinity for storms. He can sense when one is coming, and it fills him with a strange joy. It makes him stronger, and feel invigorated with a new energy. And just to be clear, this isn't full weather manipulation, it's merely the ability to create rainstorms.[/INDENT] [i]Water-Manipulation.[/i] [indent]Luther has a link to the classical element of Water. Luther can manipulate water around himself (He can't manipulate the waters inside of people). He can manipulate all waters within fifteen meters of himself, and preform basic water bending techniques. He does this through flowing body motions, such as swinging his hands to throw a wave of water, and etc, etc. Since water is an extremely flexible and common substance, this is a useful element. He can shape it in any way imaginable. He can smack people with a bucket of water, or surround himself in a whirling spire of water to defend himself. Still, his control is pretty basic, he can't do the fancy tricks yet. However, one ability he has is what he calls "water-walking". When he steps on a body of water, of any size, he will seemingly stand on it as if it's a solid object. At will, he can simply drop and fall into the water. This leads up into another trick he has. He can surf by standing on a body of water and manipulating it to move him around. Almost like it's carrying him. This is a go-to technique by Luther in order to get around quickly. It is possible for him to control ice and mist/steam, but those are future abilities (And dependent on the type of storm he's in). Future abilities he can learn are: sensing vibrations through water, changing water temperature, and changing the viscosity of water.[/indent] Future abilities... [i]Fog-Generation.[/i] [indent]As Fog is generally made out of water, Luther can create a fog and spread it out over an area. Which can obstruct the vision of foes and allow him to sneak around through it. The most fog he can create at a basic level is enough to cover twenty feet. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]There is a range of fifteen meters with his water manipulation. And only two miles with his storm creation. Luther can only really control pure water, he has trouble with diluted, and/or dirty, water. Fresh, rain, water is what he can control the best.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Luther is a powerhouse at his peak, yes. But the only problem is that he's a [i]situational[/i] powerhouse. He can't easily access the peak of his ability. He needs time and energy to prepare. The other weakness he has is simple: he's affected by his storms as much as everyone else. A raging thunderstorm will impede his vision and throw him around, and he could be frozen in his own blizzards. He can't control his storms nor can he easily dispel them. His storms will be free to wreak havoc. If he goes indoors, or gets knocked out, the storm will quickly stop and fade away. Luther's storms "follow" him, and he'll always be in the center of one. If he leaves the area and heads to another, the storm will fade away in that section, and has to start up again in another. So, say if he caused a massive rainstorm to take out a horde of mooks, and he is forced to retreat, that storm will disappear, and another will start up where he started. Which means he's not good at giving chase, or could be chased off himself. They also work much faster if he standing still. Creating storms is also very exhausting. Doing it too much will require a long recovery time. Luther's water manipulation has a few weaknesses too. Electricity is the most obvious problem. If he touches an electrified puddle of water, he's out. Using this power also dehydrates him quickly (FOR COMPLETELY NONSENSICAL REASONS). The more he uses it, the more water he will need to drink. If he's completely dehydrated, he'll be cut off from all of his powers (Along with a hoist of other problems!). Dry, hot, areas also impede his ability to control water. The more water Luther attempts to control, the less fine-control he has over all of it. Airbenders, and others of the sort, can simply blow away the fog he creates. Along with the fact that he is affected by the fog as everyone else is (Mainly because he can't control it, only create it).[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Themesong: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnU0vGDaSVA]Jojo - Go! Go! Zeppeli![/url] [/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT][/INDENT][/hider] [hider=Lemontea (RP: Othergrounds)][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Cassidy Isabella Rivest[/i] [b]Nicknames:[/b] [i]Lemontea[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Height:[/b] 5'8 [b]Weight:[/b] 138 pounds [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Bright Blonde [b]Eye Color:[/b] Grey [b]Nationality:[/b] Caucasian (Irish) [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Lemontea is that kind of person who just has the appearance of someone broken or incredibly shady. Years ago, Cassidy - or Lemontea, was a small and collected young girl that was considered sweet by her family (hence her name). Years later; after she had manifested her abilities things changed fast. She carries on the trend of looking like her mother did when she was her age. She stands at 5'8 feet tall, weighing 138 pounds. Since she's been on the run for a few years keeping her distance for a few years, she doesn't exactly have the healthy physique that she should have. Nope, she's pretty sickly with pale skin and a skin and bones build. She's Caucasian of Irish descents with the aforementioned pale skin. Lemontea has distinct, brightly colored blonde hair that's usually concealed under her hoodie. Some of her hair is brushed over her forehead. There’s a light spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and upper cheeks. Her face is fairly rounded and gets narrow going down to her chin area, and she has a small and hard to notice cleft chin. Lemontea has a rounded face, which can be considered pudgy. Her cheeks are very rounded and her cheekbones stick out a little bit. The bridge of her nose is very small, and her nostrils are very large and wide. She might be considered pretty if she didn't have ugly scarring starting from the right side of her neck and up her face in the form of what would appear to be thin claws. Three of the 'claw points' go fully across her face; the bottom one across her lip and teeth, the middle across the bridge of her nose to just under her left eye, and the top over her right brow. It's from a "previous" incident. [b]Attire:[/b] Lemontea doesn't dress very well. As she only has the clothes that she took when she left - carried around in a large black book bag that hangs off her back. I'll describe her outfits IC-side. Lemontea usually wears a hoodie. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Hobbies/Skills:[/b] As it was heavily rammed down you, the reader's throat; she lives her life traveling from city to city on the run (until she settled in the Othergrounds) since an incident years back. She's been on the run for two years now and has picked up many survival and self sufficient skills which allowed her to live. While she doesn't like to admit it, she also has some illegal skills such as knowing how to hot wire a car (taught to her by a friend), pick pocketing, and pick a lock. Lemontea is very good at sneaking around the school, and knows the place [i]very[/i] well. She also knows plenty of hiding spots around the school grounds. Lemontea also knows her way around a gun, and can draw and shoot a pistol pretty quickly. [b]Favorite color:[/b] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Power [b]Power:[/b] This power is inspired by One Piece. At will, Lemontea can protect a round field around herself that weakens the abilities of other Meta-humans. This field gives off a wavelength that interferes and ultimately weakens the abilities of whatever meta-human is inside of the field. It doesn't work instantly; as long as a meta-human is inside the field their powers will get weaker and weaker. How they weaken depends on the classes and type of power. Powers that are activated (such as elemental powers, super-system powers or transformations) will have far less strength behind their abilities until it's useless. Passive powers (such as enhanced senses) will also be weakened until uselessness. Inside the field Lemontea's field has also has the ability to weaken attack that enter the field, such a bolt of lightning will be a quarter of it's original strength once it enters her field. While she or anyone else is in the field they'll be immune to most cerebral (their minds won't be able to be read) and extra-sensory powers (they simply will be immune to it). This field also makes it hard for those with super senses to sense whatever is inside of the field. Lemontea can immediately weaken a meta-human's power to minimum immediately just by touching them with them with bare flesh. This ability also allows her to bypass things such as a force field by walking into it or another meta-human intangibility just by touching them. This ability gives Lemontea an edge when facing other Meta-humans. Lemontea can also fire blasts of this Meta-human interfering energy. Which will weaken powers more and more as she fires them at foes. Lemontea can also, at will, put up a barrier that will keep Cerebral-types out of her head. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Naturally, the first weakness is that it only affects people inside of the field, or affected by her energy. People outside are completely safe, and all someone has to do is get out of the field before their abilities go back to normal. Lemontea's field has difficulty weakening Bursts, since they are extremely powerful and will overload her field. Making it useless against a mighty Burst. Easily the biggest weakness is that she can only affect meta-human abilities, unless the user needs their ability to survive, no harm can come to them through her ability. Anyone with weakened abilities will still be able to walk up and punch her in the face and/or beat her down. Her field cannot make people who have permanent physical mutations lose them and revert back to their normal human form (For Example; it probably won't make Nicole lose her bird wings) without a Burst, that is. While it may not be a weakness, some Meta-humans are unhindered or completely immune to her power because of the nature of their power. [b]Burst Potential:[/b] Delta, Alpha, and Theta [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider] [hider=All versions of Lin Liu][b][u]Othergrounds Version[/u][/b] [hider=Lin Liu (RP: The Othergrounds)][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Lin Liu[/i] [b]Nicknames:[/b] [i]Mimic/Decoy Octopus, China-Girl[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female (She can change genders) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 (Across both forms) [b]Weight:[/b] 136 (Weight changes depending on current form, this is the weight of both of her forms) [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black, (Across both forms, her default form has jet-black hair) [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown (Default Form), Blue (Natural Form) [b]Nationality:[/b] Chinese [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Lin has two bodies she mainly appears as because of her Shape-shifting power. There's her super attractive "default" form, which is default because it is her preferred form. Then there's, her original/natural form, which is far less attractive. Lin can become virtually any human, and alter her appearance to a degree. In her "default" form, she is beautiful, even better looking than models. She no longer appears to be ugly, and unattractive like her natural/original form--- Now she's quite the opposite. Easily one of the most beautiful women in the Academy. She appears to be completely different as well, retaining many similarities to her original, natural form. Lin has a very athletic build. She has a thin body, with a muscular build. She appears to be muscular throughout her body, and she has six-pack abs on her belly. She's mostly muscular because she plays lots of soccer. Lin's skin is a perfect shade of yellow, true to her Chinese descents. Her skin appears to be much lighter compared to her original body. Her skin is plastered with brown freckles, the most of them are on her face. Lin's face is much, much better looking than before. She has a near avian-like face, that is very well defined. Her cheeks are small, and somewhat squared due to her sharp jaw-line. Her head is heart shaped. It is large at the top, and as it goes down, it gets sleeker and pointed. Her chin is pointed, and she has a very sharp and pronounced jawline. Her eyes are brown colored, and average sized. True to her Asian descents, her eyes are pointed at the side. Lin's lips are thick and full. They aren't that noticeable compared to the rest of her face. Her being is completely scar-less, and without any moles or blemishes. Lin's hair is an unnatural shade of black, and straight. She keeps it in a small bun, on the top of the back of her head. On the bun, she usually has a plastic flower stuck into it. In her natural form, she is far less attractive. She looks fairly bland and ugly to be honest. She has a slim, athletic frame. She has some wide shoulders and thick legs. She's also muscular, not as muscular as she is in her default form. But, her arms, and legs seem to be well defined. That obviously suggests that she has been living an athletic life. Which is true since she plays plenty of soccer. From that athletic life; she has plenty of scars on her body. Just plastered around her body, there isn't any scars with any major stories attached to them. Lin isn't exactly a looker. She's pretty ugly to be honest. She has a very wide head. Her face is rounded, and pudgy. Her cheeks are wide and pudgy, she has moles and blemishes all over them. She has a very small nose, with small nostrils along with a long nose-bridge. Her ears are average sized and slightly pointed at the very top. Her eyes are also a bit smaller than average, her eyes a beautiful shade of blue. It makes her look unlike her Asian descent. Since the usual eye color of that race is brown/darker. Lin has several brown freckles plastered across her face and some places on her body. [b]Attire:[/b] Lin's attire varies greatly from day to day, and it depends on her current form. Despite her (Usual) super-model appearance, she dresses quite blandly sometimes. She usually wears any clothes that both fit and match. She does like to wear frilled shirts and dress shirts. She is usually seen wearing tan jeans, or cargo pants. There is one thing that Lin will never be seen without a golden ring on the index finger of her right arm. It is a wedding ring, even though Lin wasn't married. Which is a gift from one of her oldest friends, before she went away. This ring reminds Lin of that special friend. On special occasions, Lin can be seen wearing an assortment of dresses. Most of them are modest, and show little to no naughty bits. Most of these dresses are white colored. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] Lin is a very nice and polite person. She almost never treats anyone unfairly and rudely at first. She's a very easy person to get along with, as long as you're nice in return. To those who aren't, she isn't exactly mentally or emotionally capable of dealing with them. She can easily be insulted if someone is nasty enough. She's not exactly good with come-backs either. Lin isn't a violent person. She usually avoids people who use violence for "wrong" reasons. However, she can tolerate a person who fights for good reasons (In her eyes). As long as they don't act like thugs. Lin herself will use violence or lethal force whenever it becomes necessary. Lin can be a bit of a doormat at times. Easy to intimidate with violence, and is easily bullied. She doesn't have the will to stand up for herself. This means that she can be forced into something that she doesn't want to be rather easily. Lin will try to avoid this by either running away or hiding from someone who does. This mentally that she has stems from earlier childhood bullying and abuse. Lin is a quiet girl when around other people. She just stays quiet (or in the background) while other people talk, and sometimes when someone says something; she'll speak. This doesn't count if she's apart of the active conversation. In terms of D&D Morality, I'd say she's [i]Lawful Good.[/i] [b]Hobbies/Skills:[/b] Lin has a near infinite amount of patience. It is almost impossible for her to get bored. Aside from that, Lin plays a lot of soccer. She's extremely good at running and very skilled with the sport. She's on the road to becoming a professional. As a side effect of this, she can run pretty fast (Depending on her current form). Lin is also a very good swimmer, she can swim quite fast. She also likes sledding, Peter Pan, country music, wind chimes, pocket-watches, whales, and meteorology. [b]Favorite color:[/b] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Cerebral (Main), Anatomical/Biological and Super-System [b]Power:[/b] [i]Telepathic Shape-Shifting.[/i] Lin's power is a mix/link between Telepathy and Shape-shifting. By focusing enough, she can read the minds of those she chooses, making her telepath. Albeit, from the start of the RP, a basic one. However, this is only the first step to her true power. Lin can read the minds of those around her, and Shape-shift into people based around those thoughts. When people think a thought about or relating to someone, no matter the thought, Lin can shape-shift into the exact person (s)he thought of (Regardless of gender). It can be a general thought, like "Did Alice turn off the TV?" or maybe remembering/thinking of a character from a TV show. It can be anyone. As long as the person's thought has someone in it, and that person knows who it looks like, Lin can flawlessly copy the person's form, from their outward appearance, all the way to their voice. The person thinking the thought just has to remember it. She'll also appear to have their scars, tattoos and other physical alterations (If it's remembered). This ability dives deep within someone's mind. Gathering as much information on their appearance as she can via all their memories. However, she won't know these memories, only know what the person looks like from the memories. Which means she'll always have a more complete shape-shift, without even knowing the person's memories. Lin can assume the forms she's assumed in the past as long as she remembers them. Through this power is how Lin went from a generally unattractive girl to an absolute Asian-bombshell. She asked several people what they thought was an amazing looking Asian-female. She recorded all the thoughts and went with the one that she thought looked the best. Lin has over a hundred different forms. Lin will also [i]always[/i] know if a Cerebral type is attempting to access her mind. Lin can freely alter some aspects of her body (Even if she's already shape-shifted into someone), to a degree. She can freely change the color of her skin, hair, eyes, to anything within the natural spectrum. Based off the forms she remembers, she can also freely change her facial features - She can change her eyes, chin, nose, lips, etc (You get the picture), and mix and match facial features. Lin can also freely change her gender, regardless of form - For maximum awkwardness. Even while she's already assumed a form of someone, she can do this. Lin can also create her own tattoos and scars, just by thinking about it. She can create intricate tattoos and some brutal scars freely. Which helps her disguises quite a bit. Lin can also create false injuries, she can mold burns and small cuts. This can help her fool opponents - However, she cannot create/draw blood. Finally, Lin can change her voice to that of others - All she has to do is hear it before. Lin has plenty telepathic abilities in her potential. She won't be able to reach all of them during the course of the story. Her telepathy will also get stronger as the story goes on - Right now it's pretty weak, but as the story goes along, she'll be able to go from reading one person's thoughts at a time to possibly reading several minds. Abilities she can learn: sending her own thoughts to people, digging into minds/memories (Allowing her to see memories), sending out a near-invisible wave of mental energy that will scramble someone's mind temporarily (Causing headaches, thoughts and emotions going crazy, senses being dulled, etc), mind-linking with anyone of choice, and putting up mental barriers that will defend her from Cerebral-type powers as well as cloak her from cerebral-based detection/location. Eventually, she'll also be able to shape-shift into anyone she thinks of, and alter her current body any way she pleases by thinking about the changes. The absolute form of Shape-shifting. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] At the moment her shape-shifting depends on her emotional and physical state. She must be either kept in a good emotional and physical state, or else she won't be able to shape-shift properly or maintain those forms as well. Some frequencies of sound and light will cause her to revert back to her original/natural form. Just not to defeat the purpose of having this ability; Lin can only assume forms based off the thoughts from people around her (Currently). It heavily depends on what the person remembers. Say if the person doesn't know something about someone, her own mind will subconsciously fill in the blanks. Which can easily mess up something major about someone's appearance. It can also be difficult when it comes to minor details, say if they forget about a scar on someone's then Lin's form will be without that detail as well. The same applies if they make a mistake about someone. In either case, if she's trying to impersonate someone and there's a mistake about their appearance; she's going to have a bad time. Since she can only shape-shift into whatever one person thinks; it can be [i]literally[/i] anyone. For example; it could be what someone used to look like, what they want the person to look like, etc. She may end up with some inaccurate, or unneeded forms. This can be either good or bad. Clothing isn't incorporated into the shape-shifting, she'll have to find some new clothes that fit her new body, if necessary. Lin can shape-shift into any form as long as there isn't a large mass difference. If there is a large difference - She'd either be a smaller/bigger version of that person. Which is a instant giveaway if she tries to disguise herself. She can only turn into humans. Animals and Animal Meta-humans are %100 out of the question. Lin will always have the same scent no matter what form she takes. Telepaths (and certain other Cerebral Types) can potentially see through her shape-shifting and know her original form. [b]Burst Potential:[/b] Zeta, Delta and Alpha[/hider] [hider=Lin Liu (RP: The Awakened)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ok0glLJsr4[/youtube] [b]Name:[/b] [indent][i]Lin Liu[/i][/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]17[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent][img]http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/yy234/lonestar4545/rsz_1asian_beauty_2_by_widjita_zpsiithanol.jpg[/img][/indent] [b]Backstory:[/b] [indent]Daughter of a rich scientist and owner of a company known as the [i]Liu Pharmaceutical Company[/i], Lin Liu was the oldest among a group of three sisters (Four, since her father also fathered a bastard daughter). She had everything she ever needed, and more. A life of comfort that was unheard of. Yet, her father pushed her to be the best. To have the best morals, to be the smartest, to be the most athletic. Whether she liked it or not. Which immediately put the idea in her head that she [i]had[/i] to be that way, or she'd be worthless. This mindset continued throughout her life, which caused a rift between her sisters (Who weren't as "pushed", I could say). Eventually, once she was old enough, her father flew her from the East coast to the West in order for her to attend the Copperworth Academy in Oregon. She felt relieved, without her father bearing down on her, she was free to relax. Yet, she knew her father would be disappointed if she didn't get the best grades. However, recently, she's been hearing things... things she shouldn't know....[/indent] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Telepathic Shape-Shifting. [/i] [indent]Lin Liu has a telepathic ability, the basic mind read-y business. She can do the basic techniques of reading surface and innermost thoughts, sending thoughts of her own, mental attacks on others, defend herself from mental intrusion (She will always know if someone's trying to get into her mind), etc, etc. This telepathy gives her a people-sense, allowing her to know exactly where people are in a twenty foot range, and the ability to freely access their minds. She can focus a bit, and with a bit of effort, extend the range. The most she has extended this range was fifty-feet. This is only the first step to another ability. Lin has a side of shapeshifting, that uses her telepathy to gain new forms. If someone thinks of a person, animal, or object, Lin can perfectly shape-shift into it. Limited only by the laws of mass conservation and by the fact that it must be real. If Lin shape-shifts into an object or animal, she will have all their abilities/traits/whatever. She can assume past forms long as she remembers them. There's plenty of customization for her shape-shifting. She can change features such as skin/hair/eye color, facial features, add things such as tattoos and scars, change genders, and false wounds - Regardless of what form she is currently in. It's in her potential, but it's highly possible for her to shape-shift into anything she thinks of, rendering her telepathy obsolete. Lin can learn a few telepathic abilities. She can learn how to dig deeper into minds (Read memories), launch stronger mental attacks, mind-linking with multiple-people, and mental-cloaking.[/indent][/hider][/hider] [hider=All versions of "Lily Santo"] [b][u]Academy 218 version[/u][/b] [hider=Carmen ''Lily'' Santo (RP: Academy 218 ver. 1/Othergrounds)][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Carmen Brenna Santo[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] Prefers to be called; [i]Lily.[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 5'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 154 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Naturally brown - Dyed bright purple [b]Eye Color:[/b] Grey [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Hispanic - Puerto-Rican [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] When people look at Lily, they get the feeling that she's a punk-type girl. The kind of girl that'd cause all sorts of trouble. Her personality thoroughly betrays feeling - But that's not for here. Lily has a nice, shapely figure, with curvy hips. Plus from all the running she did, she's quite thin. A little muscular around the legs and arms, but otherwise her muscles aren't that visible. She's very unimposing, and weak-looking, not the type you'd be afraid of in a dark alley-way. Mainly because she's quite short, a few inches under the standard female height. Lily's pretty, and kinda cute in terms of looks - No where super-model beauty, but she kinda has a long broken visage. Like a girl that used to be normal, before tragedy struck. Lily is Puerto-Rican, her skin is a nice shade of a light-brown color, and obviously showing that she's Hispanic. Her skin is a nice color... But far from perfect. Years of abuse and hardship have made her skin appear, less than perfect. It has plenty of scars, bruises, blemishes, and moles. Lily has her share of scars, everyone does. They range from the child-hood blunders everyone gets, to the more darker ones. By darker, I mean more interesting. She has a few facial scars. She has a two-point claw scars next to each other on her right eyebrow, that are a few centimeters in length. Her next scar is a scar that goes across her lips and her chin. Lily's last facial scar is one on her nose, that starts at the very tip of her nostril and goes a few inches towards her upper face. Like someone cut her nose open. She has plenty of scars on her body, but they're either small or generally irrelevant. Lily has a chemical scar on her chest, that starts over her right shoulder, and goes across her chest on to her right breast. Like someone (or thing) sprayed her with freaking acid. One notable thing about Lily is that she wears plenty of piercings - Which contributes to the punk vibe. Her piercings are all a matching silver metal. She has three small ball-piercings a inch or two under her right eye. On her left eyebrow she has two small silver rings firmly embedded in her skin. Lily has a some piercings on her nose too. Another tiny ring placed on the septum of her nose. Two ball piercings were also placed on the bridge of her nose. As it may have been expected Lily's ears have been pierced, she keeps large hoop ear-rings in them. Aforementioned, Lily's quite pretty, except a little broken. Her head is heart-shaped, and her facial features are quite sharp. Lily has strong, round cheeks, with rather large cheekbones that stick out a bit. Lily's nose is a little large. Her nose is triangle shaped with a pointed tip, her nostrils are a little small, and her nose-bridge is very large and pronounced. Her lips are medium-sized, and kinda large, they have a light-brownish red color to them. She has a bit of a large mouth. Lily's eyebrows are thin, and they orbit her eyeballs - Like it's been mentioned before, she has scars, and piercings, on them. Her chin is flat, and small, it blends into her jawline quite well. Lily has large, round ears, that point outward. She has a sharp and pronounced jawline. Lily's eyes are very large and rounded, due to her mutations they turned to a dark-grey color. Lily's hair is quite well maintained. Clean, and always looking shiny - The shiny could be because it's dyed bright purple. Her hair is straight, very long, back-length, and she has lots of it. She keeps it in a long pony-tail, but a little bit of her hair is brushed over her right eyebrow to conceal her scars. [b]Attire:[/b] Lily dresses to accomplish two things; to cover up much of her skin as she can without looking crazy, and to look stylish. Lily, most of the time, dresses up like a punk, or a tough-girl. She's always seen wearing a jacket of some sort. Leather, jean, etc. Usually unzipped to show any shirts that she has underneath (Mostly T-shirts). She wears gloves, any gloves, as long as they match her jacket, and never goes without them. For footwear, it all depends on if it'll match, but most of the time she'll be seen wearing some sort of boots. Lily's a fan of high heels, so she'll sometimes be seen wearing those too. One thing Lily will never be seen without is a scarf wrapped around her head. The color, pattern, and size changes from day to day. She'll also be seen wearing a variety of jewelry, such as bracelets, rings, ear-rings, necklaces, etc. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A calm and controlling girl. She speaks calmly, in a normal voice, something appearing less than enthusiastic about conversations. Sometimes sounding quite nervous. One thing about her is that she generally displays a large amount of maturity whenever people interact with with her. She is quite jumpy, and easy to scare - Tending to react to people touching her with a jolt. That is one thing I should note: Do [i]not[/i] touch Lily's skin. She will utterly lose her sh*t when anyone touches her skin. Which she'll respond to by scathingly telling them not to touch her. A similar reaction occurs when people ask about her power - That's just something she does not like. She can be quite easy to aggravate at times. Mostly when people do things she generally disapproves of. Lily always displays great irritation when people complain about first-world problems, and seems to be quite detached from them. More of a "F*ck you and your problems. I lived on the streets you over privileged b*tch" kind of irritation towards those kinds of whiny people. Lily is quite judgmental, the moment that you piss her off she'll think less of you until you redeem yourself. But deep down, Lily's just a broken bird. She's lived a rather bad life rather recently and has been through some things. The things that left her traumatized and feeling like utter scum. Which is why she doesn't do too good in social situations anymore. She feels less of herself than ever before. Lily goes out of her way to prove herself as a good person, instead of a Hispanic punk. Deep down, Lily really does care about people, and hates to see them in times of misfortune. Which is why she tends to take a situation by the horns and take charge - Because she feels that her way is the best course to take. Lily definitely isn't the romantic-type. She keeps any and all relations platonic at all costs. She isn't truly asexual, it'll take a bit of effort for Lily to become romantically attracted to someone. Though, her power makes it extremely difficult for her to have a relationship without killing her partner. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Lily has a few. Lily's a fan of TV shows, the kind about crime, police and detectives. Such as Law & Order. It may sound rather childish; but it's one of her fantasies that she's one of them. Lily also likes gardening, and flowers in general. That's one thing, and how she got her nickname - Her favorite flower is the Lily flower. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Lily has lived on the streets for a little while - Which has given her a few skills. Well, a few skills she already had learned, but living on the streets really perfected them. Like Lily's good at sneaking, and stealing stuff. She can also pick locks well, if given the right tools, she can open up most locks. Lily has a small bit of medical training, the practical kind. She knows how to use a first-aid kit, and preform CPR. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Lily's lucky scarf - Which is kept hidden in her outfit at all times. [b]Quote:[/b] [i]"How can my deep secret make us all suffer..."[/i] [b]History/Bio:[/b] It's dark and tragic. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] The Santo family currently consists of four people, aside from Lily. Her mother, her brother, and her two sisters - All of them Meta-humans. Lily's father had disappeared ages ago. Once receiving her power, Lily had ran away from home in fear after someone became interested in her... She's never spoken to them in ages, nor does she even intend to - Unfortunately for her. [b]Friends:[/b] Lily's previous friends are long gone. She abandoned them went she went on the run. [b]Enemies:[/b] Lily has one true enemy... Who will be described once her backstory gets revealed. [b]Lovers:[/b] Lily's had plenty of boyfriends over the years, who suddenly got powers. She's long separated from them and hasn't seen them in ages. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Power [b]Power:[/b] [i]Meta-Human Energy Manipulation.[/i] Much like her power she had in the Othergrounds, Lily has her own form of the Meta-human energy, she calls it 'Pseudo Meta-Human Energy.' This is a bright red form of the energy, and surges through her cells (Skin, bones, blood, etc), and she constantly generates it. There's more to it than this. Lily has an innate and instinctive connection to all the energy within every meta-human as well. She can see the Energy surging, constantly fluctuating, within them, and easily tell what their powers are by being near them while in action. Which gives her Meta-human sensing ability that pinpoints the exact location of any Meta-human, also gauging how powerful they are. This sensing bypasses any and all stealth abilities - Basically, once they're in her range, she will sense them. [i]Super/Over Charging.[/i] The first thing I should note is that the moment she comes in skin contact with someone, she'll transfer a bit of this energy into their being. This energy charges the abilities of Meta-humans proportionate to how much energy they get charged with. This has an interesting effect on powerless humans; this energy will give them powers - Infecting them, in a way. Their powers will manifest months later, and what power they get is completely random. The problem is that Lily can't control it, so even the slightest tap will cause her to charge them, and give powers. Which is why she's left behind a trail of Meta-humans. Another terrifying aspect of her charging is the "over-charge." This is when a Meta-human is flooded with so much power that they can't possibly control it, or hold it in, forcing them to release this power. When a Meta-human is overcharged, they tend to cause massive damage to the surrounding area. The over-charge lasts a few minutes, but can still be quite dangerous. Afterwards, their abilities are permanently enhanced. Lily's mere presence makes Meta-humans stronger, and feel stronger to match. [i]Power Hacking.[/i] Lily has the ability to "hack" into people's powers if she's given the time. Hacking is a technique that requires Lily to focus on a single Meta-human, and access the essence within them - Though, she is capable of hacking into anyone's powers that are within her range. This particular trait has a variety of uses, the passive and subtle use is that it gives Lily instinctive info on people's powers, regardless of what it is, by hacking. The simplest capabilities are relatively straight forward; she can strengthen, weaken, and temporarily stop conscious use of powers. The more complex uses are glitching people's powers, temporarily severing the link to their powers, activating/deactivating a power, etc. The furthest extent of this gift is downright "possessing" a power, gaining control over their powers like she owned it herself, and the owner was just nothing but a host (EX: She could make Sage create any light construct. Or make Drake change into a specific form). What she can or cannot do depends on how long she's hacked into someone's powers. The simpler applications I mentioned can be done almost right off the bat, while the other uses take much time and effort. It's a time consuming process. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] As you may have realized from her personality section: Lily [i]really[/i], doesn't enjoy her power. She doesn't like talking about it, she's very reluctant to use it. And she does not want anyone to know of it - Hell bent on keeping it a secret. In fear of repeating past traumas. So don't expect her to use any of these awesome powers unless the lives of people depend on it. Lily's power is quite uncontrollable. Even the slightest touch will super-charge a Meta-human. Which means enemies can be charged too. When Lily charges anyone; there is a high chance of ashing. The worst part is the chance of over-charging someone. Unless she hauls ass out of the "blast zone" there is a high chance she'll be caught in the over-charged chaos. Most over-charges end in ashing, anyway. After a charging, a Meta-human's power is weak for a period. Hacking into people's powers takes awhile, and takes a tremendous amount of effort in order to pull off this ability. An effort that could easily be interrupted if someone knows what they're doing. Anything that Lily does while hacking someone's power will immediately start to reverse itself once she stops, and the power is line-of-sight based. To top it off, she can only hack into one person's power at a time. [b]Other:[/b][/hider] [hider= Carmen ''Lily'' Santo (RP: Black Fall ver. 2)] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Carmen Brenna Santo Jr.[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Lily[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Height:[/b] 5'3 [b]Weight:[/b] 132 [b]Home District:[/b] Uhhh... She's a street rat. Sooo... [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark-Brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Amber [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Hispanic - Puerto-Rican [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] When people look at Lily, they get the feeling that she's a punk-type girl. The kind of girl that'd cause all sorts of trouble. Her personality thoroughly betrays feeling - But that's not for here. Lily has a nice, shapely figure, with curvy hips. Plus from all the running she did, she's quite thin. A little muscular around the legs and arms, but otherwise her muscles aren't that visible. She's very unimposing, and weak-looking, not the type you'd be afraid of in a dark alley-way. Mainly because she's quite short, a few inches under the standard female height. Lily has a long broken visage. Like a girl that used to be normal, before tragedy struck. Lily is Puerto-Rican, her skin is a nice shade of a light-brown color, and obviously showing that she's Hispanic. Her skin is a nice color... But far from perfect. Years of abuse and hardship have made her skin appear, less than perfect. It has plenty of scars, bruises, blemishes, and moles. Lily has her share of scars, everyone does. They range from the child-hood blunders everyone gets, to the more darker ones. By darker, I mean more interesting. She has a few facial scars. She has a two-point claw scars next to each other on her right eyebrow, that are a few centimeters in length. Her next scar is a scar that goes across her lips and her chin. Lily's last facial scar is one on her nose, that starts at the very tip of her nostril and goes a few inches towards her upper face. Like someone cut her nose open. She has plenty of scars on her body, but they're either small or generally irrelevant. Lily has a chemical scar on her chest, that starts over her right shoulder, and goes across her chest on to her right breast. Like someone (or thing) sprayed her with freaking acid. One notable thing about Lily is that she wears plenty of piercings - Which contributes to the punk vibe. Her piercings are all a matching silver metal. She has three small ball-piercings a inch or two under her right eye. On her left eyebrow she has two small silver rings firmly embedded in her skin. Lily has a some piercings on her nose too. Another tiny ring placed on the septum of her nose. Two ball piercings were also placed on the bridge of her nose. As it may have been expected Lily's ears have been pierced, she keeps large hoop ear-rings in them. As I mentioned, Lily's a little broken. Her head is heart-shaped, and her facial features are quite sharp. Lily has strong, round cheeks, with rather large cheekbones that stick out a bit. Lily's nose is a little large. Her nose is triangle shaped with a pointed tip, her nostrils are a little small, and her nose-bridge is very large and pronounced. Her lips are medium-sized, and kinda large, they have a light-brownish red color to them. She has a bit of a large mouth. Lily's eyebrows are thin, and they orbit her eyeballs - Like it's been mentioned before, she has scars, and piercings, on them. Her chin is flat, and small, it blends into her jawline quite well. Lily has large, round ears, that point outward. She has a sharp and pronounced jawline. Lily's eyes are very large and rounded, and a amber color. Lily's hair isn't very maintained, a little while of living on the the streets makes that difficult. Her hair is straight, very long, back-length, and she has lots of it. She keeps it in a long pony-tail, but a little bit of her hair is brushed over her right eyebrow to conceal her scars. [b]Attire:[/b] Lily dresses to accomplish two things; to cover up much of her skin as she can without looking crazy, and to look stylish. Lily, most of the time, dresses up like a punk, or a tough-girl. She's always seen wearing a jacket of some sort. Leather, jean, etc. Usually unzipped to show any shirts that she has underneath (Mostly T-shirts). She wears gloves, any gloves, as long as they match her jacket, and never goes without them. For footwear, it all depends on if it'll match, but most of the time she'll be seen wearing some sort of boots. Lily's a fan of high heels, so she'll sometimes be seen wearing those too. One thing Lily will never be seen without is a scarf wrapped around her head. The color, pattern, and size changes from day to day. She'll also be seen wearing a variety of jewelry, such as bracelets, rings, ear-rings, necklaces, etc. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Lily's a very conducted and composed woman. Lily has seen a lot in her life, and it shows in her rather aloof and distant personality. Lily is usually very nervous around other people, and is equally jumpy. People can easily scare her. But the one thing that she fears the most is contract with other people. Lily doesn't like to be touched, nor does she like to touch other people. She'd like it if everyone kept their hands to themselves. But all in all, she can be quite friendly and warming. She displays a high level of kindness, maturity, and even has a motherly side. Lily is very protective of the people she cares about, fiercely in fact. It goes to show that, despite living on the streets and not having the most ideal past, her social skills and morality have not faltered. Though, she's not very open - she'll keep her lips sealed when it comes to her past, and more importantly her power. Lily has had bouts of depression from time to time, and is extremely sentimental. If anything reminds her of her past, she will go into a deep longing state. Longing for a normal life, longing for anything really. Lily can be quite spiteful and judgmental if pushed, if anyone does anything that she doesn't approve of. She doesn't forgive people that easily - even if they apologize, she'll still think less of them until they're redeemed - and even then, she'll still make a few snarky taunts. That said, Lily has a very short temper, but is capable enough to keep it to herself and herself controlled. But it tends to erupt when people complain about small things, or when things really don't go her way. Going off of that, Lily sees herself as a great leader. She believes that her choices are the best ones, and that she's the rightful leader of any group she becomes apart of. To the point where she becomes extremely domineering. Which is a habit that puts her at odds with other people [i]very[/i] quickly. But deep down, Lily's just a broken bird. She's lived a rather bad life rather recently and has been through some things. The things that left her traumatized and feeling like utter scum. Which is why she doesn't do too good in social situations anymore. She feels less of herself than ever before. Lily goes out of her way to prove herself as a good person, instead of a Hispanic punk. Deep down, Lily really does care about people, and hates to see them in times of misfortune. Which is why she tends to take a situation by the horns and take charge - Because she feels that her way is the best course to take. Lily definitely isn't the romantic-type. She keeps any and all relations platonic at all costs. She isn't truly aromantic, it'll take a bit of effort for Lily to become romantically attracted to someone. Though, her power makes it extremely difficult for her to have a relationship without killing her partner. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Lily has a few. Lily's a fan of TV shows, the kind about crime, police and detectives. Such as Law & Order. It may sound rather childish; but it's one of her fantasies that she's one of them. Lily also likes gardening, and flowers in general. That's one thing, and how she got her nickname - Her favorite flower is the Lily flower. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Lily has lived on the streets for a little while - Which has given her a few skills. Well, a few skills she already had learned, but living on the streets really perfected them. Like Lily's good at sneaking, and stealing stuff. She can also pick locks well, if given the right tools, she can open up most locks. Lily has a small bit of medical training, the practical kind. She knows how to use a first-aid kit, and perform CPR. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] N/A [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"How can my deep secret make us all suffer..."[/i] [b]History/Bio:[/b] Lily's early life was relatively simple. She was the first born child of five sisters, and she lived in New York City for a majority of her early life. However, by the time she was six, her father had disappeared one day without a word, and never came back. Lily's mother attempted to go find him, but since he was a long adult, the police didn't make any effort to go locate him. They just assumed he didn't want to be find and called it a closed case. Her mother went sad with depression and grew rather apathetic, and her daughters took an even worse hit. They had to go through crucial points in their lives without a father figure. This left a few negative marks on Lily's upbringing. Life carried on without Lily's father, but once she became ten, she was gifted with a very powerful ability. The kind of ability that'd make NEST tremble. She gained the ability to gift people powers, and super-charge them far beyond their established potential - along with an innate connection to the energy. But at this point, Lily had no clue about her power. When she first developed her power, it was so weak that she barely noticed it, and it would go under NEST's radar for a long time. What she didn't know is that through every contact with another person - every brush, every hug, every kiss - she was transferring a bit of her power into them. Slowly giving them powers themselves. Lily's life continued, but once she hit her teens her lack of a father figure, and freedom, became painfully apparent. She didn't exactly know how to conduct a non-sexual, nor was there anyone who really stopped her from going to events like parties. So, in short, she became the kind of girl that did all the things she wasn't supposed to. Sex, drinking, drugs, all of that. It was all in the name of fun, so why did it matter that she basically became a hedonist? A consequence she wasn't aware of was that her power was developing. Rapidly. The potency of her power had almost quadrupled by the time she had first got it. Which meant that extended contact with her would develop powers. She had left a trail of Meta-humans - ex-boyfriends, friends, and family - behind her. By the time she had realized she had a power, when she was around sixteen, her entire family had developed powers, and many of her friends did too. It was a big deal for NYC's NEST branch, since they had get to the bottom of why so many people were spontaneously developing powers. An investigation was conducted, and Lily stayed the hell out of it. She was afraid of what would happen if NEST found out about her. Fortunately, the energy inside of her was unique to her, and downright incompatible with their sensors, so they wouldn't have known that she's a Meta-human. That said, she tried to continue with her usual lifestyle while trying to keep her power a secret - she had little clue of what her power could do, nor could she control it. Unfortunately, she couldn't keep her power a secret [i]and[/i] continue living with her lifestyle. While in a rather intimate encounter with her current boyfriend, whom she had given Telekinesis, she had discovered the most terrifying aspect of her ability: the Overcharge. It was an effect when a Meta-human is filled with so much energy that they are unable to control it. That said, her boyfriend created a telekinetic storm while on top of her, but fortunately she was able to get away from him in time. It absolutely leveled a city block... and not everyone was able to get away. NEST was immediately on scene, just as Lily was getting away from there soon as possible. She ran home and stopped functioning for what seemed to be days, she was so shocked by what happened she couldn't move. She told her mother everything, everything. This was when Lily decided to change. Turn her back on that lifestyle, become a new, different, person. One that didn't indulge in every physical pleasure out there. One that would learn how this power of hers work - she didn't go to NEST out of fear that they would arrest her for the deaths of those people (And hiding the fact that she's a Meta-human for what had to be years). Lily stopped going to school for a while, and fell out of contact with the bad crowd she had become integrated with (Purposely, she doesn't want to associate herself with them anymore). Since her entire family had turned into Meta-humans, it allowed her plenty of people to practice on. Lily had worked out the basics of her power, and learned that she actually charged Meta-humans by transferring her energy. Along with the revelation that she could control the powers of others to a limited extent. Already this news made her realize that she is an extremely powerful Meta-humans. Something that she was desperate to hide, she wanted to live a normal life. It was a year before she went back to school again, immediately turning her back on her old habits. But it was hard... witnessing the consequences of her actions. Which happened to be plenty of Meta-humans made out of her former friends. She also learned that many of them didn't make the cut and were deemed unfit to function in society (Thus, placed in containment), and she felt guilty for them. That said, she integrated back into school quite well, turning her back on her previous life. Lily lived her life to it's fullest. However, Lily's life took a turn for the worse by the time she was almost twenty, her home was attacked by that boyfriend she had overcharged a few years ago. He was imprisoned by NEST for losing control of his powers, but during a security slip up, he managed to get away. And the first place he went was Lily's house. You see, he had developed an obsession for her, he longed for her, he longed for the power she had given him. Whether it was the overcharge corrupting him, or that he lusted for power, was up to debate. Back to that, he launched an attack on Lily's family. A battle took place, which resulted in Lily's house getting destroyed, and her entire family being sent to the hospital. NEST arrived on scene to bring down her boyfriend, but he managed to escape. In the aftermath of it all, Lily was the only one who made it out uninjured, but she had received many mental wounds (And these wounds, they will not heeeeaal). NEST had arrested her entire family, believing that they had an equal part in the battle. Worst of all, her crazed boyfriend was still on the loose. She had one choice. Run. Lily grabbed everything she could set out onto the world... Just heading anywhere that wasn't where she was. She left New York City, and traveled the northernmost part of the East Coast. Day after day she went to a new location. It was the hardest part of her life in fact. Trying to get by on scraps and charity, and evading NEST. She was barely even sure that she was followed by him. Whatever was the case, she felt so guilty that she managed to get the people she cared about injured, and she felt as if their lives would be better without her and her troublesome power. Lily's adventure brought in her contact with many different Meta-humans, of many ages, genders, and powers, via the Black Fall effect. Which allowed her to make friends with people to score herself a meal and a place to sleep sometimes, but she never stuck around for long. Just out of fear that somebody would catch up. While she attempted to keep her power a secret and avoid using it, out of fear of NEST tracking her, she found herself in situations where her power got used. In rather unpleasant ways. The best she could do was pack up and move on. Her next destination was Black Fall... [b]Family:[/b] Lily hasn't spoke to her family in years, but she's given her entire family powers. Mother - Carmen Santo Sr. (Has Empathy) Father - José Santo (Disappeared) Sister - Vanessa Santo (Has the power of Metal Mimicry & Manipulation) Sister - Alicia Santo (Has Super-Speed) Sister - Julieta Santo (Has Telepathy) Sister - Nicole Santo (Has Power Replication) [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class & Rating:[/b] Power 9 [b]Power:[/b] [i]Pseudo-Meta-Human Energy.[/i] Lily has an innate and instinctive connection to the very essence of Meta-human powers. The power reacts to her differently, and she can see the energy within them. Through this connection she is capable of gathering information about the powers of those around her. First and foremost, Lily can sense Meta-humans and any usages of their power. She constantly knows of every meta-human within a thirty meters of herself, how strong they are, and she can pick out individual meta-humans. But it is possible for her to expand her radius with focus. One thing I should note is that this ability to sense bypasses any and all stealth abilities - because that stealth is the result of a power, fool! Lily is capable of scanning whoever's power she can focus on, but she also automatically gains information on powers whenever they are used in her vicinity. That's getting the information aspect out of the way, the other half of her power is that she contains a unique version of the Meta-human energy. A bright red and flowing "Pseudo energy" as she coined it. Lily can release this energy through physical contact, or alternately, she could fire it off in forms like bolts, beams, and more - but Lily rarely does this. It's entirely possible for her to fill a room with this energy. But before you get any ideas, no, this isn't an offensive technique. The energy she emits cannot harm people (directly). But, this energy's special property is that it absorbed into the bodies of humans and has different effects, depending on if you're a Meta-human or not. If you're a regular baseline human, the energy will be harmlessly added to their being and will cause powers to develop. This all depends on how much energy she pumps into a single human. A small amount wouldn't cause powers to develop, but an extended amount would. Powers would develop months later, but yeah, she can still cause people to develop powers. What it can do to Meta-humans is enhance their abilities. Anyone she enhances will find that they can use their power with far more strength, efficiency, and control. The more energy Lily charges someone with, the stronger they'll be, and the longer the charge will last. She could give a pryomancer the ability to conjure a fire-storm with a flick of their wrist, or allow someone to regenerate slightly better. As a side-effect of having this unique form of the energy, Lily is immune to NEST’s anti-meta-human technology as it’s incompatible with their devices. However, Meta-humans function somewhat similar to a battery. They are only made to contain a [i]set[/i] amount. And like everything made to contain a certain amount, when it reaches the top, [i]it's gonna come out[/i]. Which leads into the most terrifying and destructive aspect of her power, the Overcharge. It's when they're filled with more power than they can possible control, and are forced to release it. The results certainly are... destructive. Think of an overcharged Meta-human as a bomb, capable of causing destruction on a large scale. Any Meta-human that gets overcharged has a [i]very-high[/i] chance of ashing - but if they survive it, their powers are permanently enhanced. But surviving the over-charge is quite rare, and I'm going to be honest here when I say that NEST will hunt down any Overcharged Meta like a dog. So it's unlikely that they'll be able to enjoy their newfound enhancements. Lily has also realized that she is capable of manipulating the Energy inside others to an extent. This gives her a very limited form of Power Manipulation. She can temporarily alter the traits and capabilities. Such as focusing someone's strength into one usage, or enhancing one aspect of someone's power for another. That's just a few examples, this ability has a ton of usages. One technique of note is that Lily can save someone from ashing. It's a simple action of stopping the ashing process, but unless she immediately does it, the victim will still receive permanent damage. Lily is also capable of inducing negative alterations in someone's power. She can't outright weaken powers, but she can make powers harder to control, and use much more energy to use. [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] Lily's body constantly produces the energy, and she too has a limit to how much energy she produces. That said, whenever she uses her power, any active power usage, she will use up a bit of this energy. But, once she uses her power a lot, instead of simply being cut off from her power, it forces her body to produce more of the energy. Which can be quite detrimental to her biology. At best, it will cause pain, cramps, and exhaustion. At worse, it can devastate her metabolism, cause her immense physical pain, and will bring her close to ashing. But, the main problem that Lily has is that her power has been so hard to control. She could unintentionally activate every aspect of it as it takes a conscious effort for her [i]not[/i] to use it. This may not seem like a weakness, but she could unintentionally release the Meta-human energy and charge the people around her. Especially under times of intense emotion. It's more of a personality weakness since she's rather desperate to keep her power a secret. The overcharge is an extremely destructive and terrifying force. One that is capable of widespread destruction. That said, Lily could easily be caught up in the chaos if she doesn't hightail it fast - which is hard, since Lily is most likely going to be in the epicenter of the whole incident. There's a very high fatality rate, and she might as well kiss that guy goodbye. In regards to her Super-Charging, After the charge wares off on someone, they'll find that their powers will be weaker for a period. Anyone using their supercharged abilities will find themselves getting tired out much easier - especially if they perform the larger and flashier usages of their power. Worse of all, people she charges will be at a much higher risk of ashing. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Due to the unique nature of Lily's power, she remains under NEST's radars. [b]Themesong:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12qObUZo7xM]Delphic - Clarion Call[/url] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Leon Vahan (RP: Academy 218 ver. 1)][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Leon Maddox Vahan[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Old Man[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Height:[/b] 6'3 [b]Weight:[/b] 234 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dirty-Blond [b]Eye Color:[/b] Leon's eyes are a bottomless expanse of space sooo... I'd say white. [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian - German, American, British, Scottish... [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] A towering man. Leon is like a man that you'd see in movies as the badass security guard (Though, he's not quite what you'd expect). Leon is built like a body-builder from all the hard-work he does in his free time, and has bulging muscles. He has muscles on top of his muscles, and even his eyes have muscles. Despite this; Leon isn't exactly attractive, he isn't painful to look at, nor is his super-model quality. Leon is Caucasian, with beige skin. Ironically, his love of swords have caused him a few horrible accidents, so he has some scarring here and there. He has a massive one on his forearm, that appears like he almost cut his arm off. His head is an oblong-shape. Leon's face is rounded, and wide. Usually he has a plaintive, bored expression on his face, so his eyes are usually half-shut at all times. His chin is very large, and sticks out almost freakishly. His lips are very small, and thin, along with his tiny mouth. His nose is very large, and disproportionate in comparison to his lips. His nose has a large bridge, nostrils, and other features. Leon's forehead is very large, and sticks forward quite a bit. The interesting part comes when I discuss Leon's eyes. He has no eyes, only a swirly glowing hole, constantly emanating a white light through his shades. Leon's hair is blond, and shaved. [b]Attire:[/b] Leon wears a variety of outfits. Like some of the other teachers, Leon usually wears a suit of some sort when teaching, and usually has a coat over it. Other than that, his outfit varies. However, Leon is always seen wearing sunglasses - If he's without em... Expect him to be rolling on the floor in pain. Expect Leon to always be walking around with a sword. Leon has a belt, with a sheath attached to the side, which is where he'll keep his sword sheathed until he needs it. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A chilled, lazy, laid-back, and near apathetic individual. He's not the type of person who'd react to things that much. Nothing really phases him. He rarely speaks, and is more of a man that'd watch people - Ironically there are few things that Leon will consistently pay attention to. He's a bit forgetful, and will forget where he put his car keys when he had them in the exact same spot FOR TEN YEARS. When he does speak, he's either spouting out Brainy quotes-like crap or a sarcastic comment. Leon speaks (or tries to) with a bit of wisdom - Since he actually is an infinite fountain of wisdom. Most people don't listen to him too much, though, since, most of the time he doesn't know what's going on. He has a bit of a sarcastic sense of humor. Often throwing out sarcastic comments about basically every mishap a person makes. Well, he tries not to do it when things are serious - Due to his habit of paying attention to things, he kinda does that. A good thing about Leon is that he displays super humans amounts of level-headed and calmness, driven by logic and discipline, even in the heat of the moment. Rarely does he do anything impulsive or stupid. However, should the situation get horrifying enough, that calm visage will be broken. One thing that always freaks him out are when kids come into his room, and touch his sword collection. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Leon is absolutely obsessed with Medieval swordsmanship (If the sword wasn't a big enough indication). He adores swords, which is why he keeps a collection of them stored in his room. Leon also loves gardens, small-animals, and tea. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Swordsmanship. Leon knows his way around a sword, and while he hasn't engaged in a Medieval sword-dual like you've seen in the movies; he's done a great deal of fighting with them. Leon's good with either Katanas or long-swords. Leon has also done plenty of fencing, so he's good at that too. He's also super calm, and rarely does anything impulsive. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Leon's sword collection. Which he constantly has to defend because the little sh*tstains keep touching them. [b]Quote:[/b] [i]"Ah... I bear the All-seeing eye and there's some baaad mojo in him..."[/i] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] The Vahans are a family of Meta-humans that are situated in Brazil. Leon contacts them from time to time. [b]Friends:[/b] When you're Leon, you forget that you even have friends. [b]Enemies:[/b] The little sh*ts who keep touching his sword collection. [b]Lovers:[/b] None. He's asexual. [b]Marital Status:[/b] ALOOOOOOOOOONE [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Extra-Sensory [b]Power:[/b] [i]Eye of Providence.[/i] Leon has the all-seeing eyes of God. Well, sort of. Basically Leon has an array of vision/seeing related powers. The first one of note is that he can, at will, observe a specific location like he's there watching them. Strangely enough, he can hear, and smell the location he's observing as well. There is no limit to where he can see - If he wanted to, he can observe a person on the other side of the planet. He can use this ability to spy on people from afar and basically become near-impossible to sneak up on. Leon can also see many things with his ability. Such as abstract concepts, and things that normal people shouldn't be able to see. Like ghosts and concepts specific to Meta-human powers. These observation powers can be focused on a single person, basically seeing into them like a telepath could. Except no mental barriers can keep Leon out, as his abilities works on a different level than Telepathy. Leon will be able to see a person thoughts, personality, motives, emotions, when he's looking into them. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Leon's eyes are the source of his power. Remove them, and you have yourself one powerless man. If anything covered his eyes, he'd also be powerless. Leon's eyes are very, very, very sensitive. Which is why he wears sunglasses. If his sunglasses were removed, he'd receive quite a shock and a metric f*ckload of pain. I mean curl up in the fetal position and cry like a baby kind of pain. Observing multiple locations/people at once is quite straining on Leon. Powers that oppose vision (Like invisibility) are also effective against Leon. He can't observe too many locations at once, it'll strain him mentally since he doesn't have the mental processing power to see many different places at once. Once again, can't really think of weaknesses, lol. [b]Other:[/b] One of the many Power Instructors for the school - He usually teaches the students with Cerebral, Extra-Sensory and Super-system powers.[/hider] [hider=Samantha ''Lash'' Allger (RP: Unknown)][b]Name:[/b] [i]Samantha Lucille Allger[/i] [b]Code-Name:[/b] Backlash [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Vajayjay [b]Danger Rank:[/b] 3 [b]Appearance:[/b] Due to Lash's power, she drastically changes in appearance quite often. So I'm going to describe her basics--- What is consistent about her, and what she looks like right now. Lash has a very rugged appearance. One of the first things that people tend to notice is her tom-boyish feel. She's about 5'11 which makes her above average in height, she has a lithe shape. Lash isn't too muscular, her strength is only shown when she's in physical activities like lifting objects and running. This said, Lash doesn't have a drop of body fat on her body. Of course during certain transformations her body. Lash has small eyes, which their color often changes to match her emotion. Fortunately they only change within the eye color spectrum. At the moment her eyes are bright green. Her hair is lush, long and thick. She gives it a rather unique style; most of the hair on the right side of her head is cut short like a boy, on the other side are five thick dreadlocks. These dreadlocks are so long that they go halfway down her back. Due to her powers, her hair color changes as well. Naturally it is black, other times it can be dirty blonde, or red. At the moment it's black colored. Lash wholly appears Caucasian in terms of Ethnicity, she is actually mixed. Her father is American, and her Mother is Hispanic, Dominican to be exact. His skin is beige and would normally add on impression of her beauty, except it has it's fair share of scars, blemishes and tattoos. There are few notable scars on her being, other than the burn scar that rests on the shoulder of her right arm. This scar takes up her entire shoulder, and is extremely hideous. Which is one of the reasons why this scar is hidden by her attire. The next scar is on her face, and harder to hide. This scar is S-shaped and appeared to have been caused by a blade of sorts. It's not as bad as her burn scar, but still rather bad. Lash has several tattoos all over her body. The first tattoo is across her her right arm, it's black colored [i]HEAVENLY[/i] written in old English font, with fire integrated into it's design. The next tattoos is of the rather iconic image of Lady Justice across Lash's back, holding the scales (Holding Drugs, Alcohol and Holy Crosses) in one hand and Glock 17 Pistol in the other hand pointing it at the sky. The last notable tattoo she has is on the base of her neck, rarely seen depending on her outfit. It is of a simple Rose, colored black like her other tatttoos. Lash's style is either very tough looking, or intentionally bland. It's depending on if she feels like being social or not. When she's in the social mood she usually dresses up to appear bad ass, or tough. Not over doing it, usually she'll wear a coat or a leather jacket (sometimes even an all leather outfit). Usually to give people an idea of what to expect from her. Other times when she's in a bad mood or just doesn't want to be bothered then she'll wear something so bland that it'll take notice off of her. Most of the time she'll wear hoodies hiding her features. When she does this she usually likes to "hide" in large crowds of people. Regardless of what she's wearing she tends to have her X26C Taser, and can of Pepper Spray stick out of her pocket. [b]Personality:[/b] Not the most pleasant person on the planet. Lash is very logical and intelligent for her age. Just not the nicest person on the planet. She tends to get annoyed and aggravated very easily, and has rather a rather short temper. Most of the time she keeps it to herself--- Occasionally making a subtle jab at them and looking annoyed. She only keeps it to herself because she knows that it's better to not alienate everyone that annoys her in the slightest. However, when it becomes too much for her she will usually leave and probably avoid the person. Lash usually goes about her business alone. Not feeling the need to approach people unless she has good reason. If she is approached by anyone she'll do her best to keep the conversation going (even though she may sound rude if said person interrupted something). Even though it won't be too much of an exciting conversation since she's not too interesting at first. If someone can stand her for that long they may pick up that she's moody. Due to her power her emotions are susceptible to change. One thing that Lash does is try to keep a neutral emotional state at all times--- Often failing horribly when she's annoyed. Sometimes she just feels like her life is ran by her emotions and just feels hopeless. Lash can be manipulated by people if they take advantage of her emotions. Lash also has a small habit of categorizing people rather quickly. Nothing major, she'll judge people quickly, and she'll judge them according to criteria which have no bearing on their character, such as gender, ethnic background, or hairstyle. Nothing major, she'll keep this in her head. Lash tends to let go of things rather easily, if someone pisses her off and comes back a week later she'll try to put it aside. Lash also knows when it's time to put aside petty grudges, if it's for the greater good and it helps everyone's collective goals. She isn't exactly the most motivated person in the world: if something turns out to be hopeless then Lash would be the first person to drop out. Her sense of humor is heavily sarcastic or "smart-ass". She tends to make sarcastic jabs at people quite often. Most of the time she's just joking, but sometimes she crosses the line. Lash does know when she crosses the line (joking or otherwise). Naturally she does feel a bit of guilt as a result. In terms of D&D Morality I would say that she's Lawful Neutral. [b]Powers:[/b] Lash's power is essentially a mix of a shape-shifter, and an empath. She has powers related to her emotions and the emotions of others.*Lash's power goes into three paths: her main power, and two sub-powers. Her main power is what I'm going to call Empathetic Metamorphosis or Shifting. Essentially depending on her emotions will cause her appearance to change (drastically), and she'll acquire a power related to that emotion. The change of appearance and power she'll receive will heavily depend on the power she has. Positive emotions will give her better looks while weaker powers, and Negative emotions will make her ugly while it gives her much stronger powers. It depends on the intensity of the emotion, stronger emotions will cause her to change in appearance much quicker and give her stronger abilities consistent with that emotion. If she's going through one metamorphosis and changes emotion, then her powers and appearance will slowly shift towards that. If she has a apathetic/neutral emotional state then she'll remain in her current form. Her current appearance and power will remain the same as long as she maintains this emotion. When Lash shifts to a different emotion then small sparks will start to fly off her being of every color. Below are the possible appearance changes and powers she'll get. [b]Anger.[/b] Anger will cause Lash to start getting an incredibly gruff appearance. She'll grow larger in size and her muscles will get larger and well defined. Making her look like even the best body builders. Lash will start to get very ugly in this form and appear like a gruff man even at the most basic part of her transformation. Her skin will start to take a reddish tone. She'll get the power to emit a thick blood red gas out of her sweat pores. With one focused thought this gas will sort of "combust" giving anything that is touching it one very bad electric shock and will immediately dissipate. Anyone who breathes in this gas will get twice the shocking. Lash will also get small strength boost as well. [b]Fear.[/b] Fear will cause Lash to get much taller and bony. Her skin will turn paler until it's paper-white. Her body will get slightly deformed as she'll appear to be just skin and bones. The power Lash will get the ability to become invisible and inaudible at will. Giving her the ability to sneak away from what's causing her fear. [b]Love/Lust.[/b] Love will cause Lash to turn into a bombshell. She'll slowly transform into an incredibly attractive woman with a perfect hourglass figure and body. She'll get large breasts/butt, a perfect face and look sexually appealing. The power she'll get is that she'll be able to heal people's wounds (both physical and emotional) through physical acts of affection (Hugs, Kisses, etc). How much someone gets healed depends on how much she loves that person. It is possible for people to become addicted to her love. [b]Happiness.[/b] Happiness will cause Lash to get a youthful, athletic appearance that is pleasing to the eyes. Her skin will revert back to a state where it has no imperfections or anything wrong with it. No scars, no tattoos, no moles or blemishes. Lash will be able to induce calmness and peacefulness in people by touching them. This will cause them to lose all forms of aggression. This power will only work on people who are feeling negative emotions. [b]Sorrow/Grief.[/b] Sorrow/Grief will cause Lash to get a blue-ish tint to her skin. Her eye sockets will appear to be empty--- There will just be darkness in her empty eye-sockets. Lash will begin to look creepy and monstrous as she shifts into this form. As this emotion escalates tears will run down her eyes that act as an actual tear gas. These tears will emit a powerful gaseous chemical that will (painfully) sting every single orifice of those who are close enough. Causing them to cry like she has. [b]Hatred.[/b] Hatred will cause Lash to take a bit more bestial appearance. Her entire eyes will turn paper white and her teeth will get sharper. Her nails will also start to grow sharper and needle-like. Her skin will take a blacker-tint as it starts to look rougher. Lash will be able to force anything she touches to rot. Anything organic will wither, rot and decay. While inorganic will start to break down or rust. [b]Desire.[/b] Desire causes Lash to take a slim appearance with an hour-glass figure. Her skin will get much darker. She'll get more attractive appearance, not as attractive as her Love/Lust emotion. Lash will get the ability to project an illusion of what people desire the most. This illusion looks different depending on whoever looks at it. It's intangible and will be completely static. [b]Nostalgia.[/b] Nostalgia will cause Lash to appear much younger than she is. Slowly reverting her appearance back towards her teenaged days. If she reaches a full metamorphosis then she'll appear exactly like she was when she was a child. Lash will get the ability to see a short vision of the past. Retro-cognition basically. She won't be able to see very far back--- She'll only be able to see back a few hours, or maybe a few minutes. [b]Courage.[/b] Courage will cause Lash to take on a valiant and glorious appearance. She'll become more attractive and muscular. Much like a princess (or something). Lash will get the ability to protect an invisible field around her that literally drains the fear out of people. As long as they're in her field they won't fear a thing. She also won't feel any fear as long as she has courage, making it impossible to metamorphose into fear unless he feels another emotion first. The second ability that she has is Empathetic Smell. It's a version of emotion reading/detection. Except she uses her smell to detect these emotions. Emotions are like an odor that people give off, good emotions smell good, while bad emotions have an odor. Each emotion has it's own smell that she's learned to somewhat tell apart. The thing is that she can only properly smell an emotion up close. Otherwise the emotion has to be strong for her to detect it and track it from distances. However, she can be overloaded with too many smells if she's in a large crowd of people. Which is why she tends to wear nose plugs to alleviate this. Lash's third and last ability is Empathetic Imprint. She can leave an emotional imprint on any object that she touches. Whoever touches this object will feel the emotion that Lash "infects" it with. This can be any emotion that she thinks of. It isn't instant though, it takes a few minutes for the victim's emotions to escalate. The reason why I choose this power out of everything she could do is because it was easily her most useful ability (and the only one that was really used). The imprint would ware off after thirty minutes, and all the victim has to do is let go of the object to return to their original emotional state. There's also no "I can't let go of this" mind control bullshit. It's easy for people who know of her ability to resist it, because it's not exactly a subtle change in emotions. Lash can only infect one object at a time, she'll have to wait for the previous imprint to wear off before she imprints another object. Lash can only metamorphose into one form at a time. Her biggest weakness is that she can't control her metamorphosis, nor does she understand it. In order for her to control the metamorphosis she would have to learn how to control her emotions completely. Which is rather difficult since her powers had made her more susceptible to changes in her emotional state. Because of this it's difficult (if not impossible) for her to achieve a complete metamorphosis. She's also weak against telepaths and other meta-human's whose powers relate to the mind. For reasons I'm not going to explain; she has literally no "mental barriers" because of her power. Powers that enter her mind cause her great pain, and can cause her to emotionally crack. Telepathic powers also disrupt her existing powers, meaning while a telepath is messing with her head, she'll be cut off from all her powers, and will remain in her current form. Because of her ability to smell emotions--- that sense can be overloaded with senses if there's too many people around, causing her great discomfort and even pain. The same would apply if there's too many strong emotions around. Finally, Lash doesn't have much skill in any of the abilities that she gets when she's metamorphosing. She knows how some of them work. That's just about it.[/hider]