[hider=Sudochi] Appearance: [img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/13256765_591382101040523_617062146_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI2NDk0MjYxMTYwMTEzMDg2Mw%3D%3D.2[/img] Full Name: Sudochi Isiko Age: 17 years Gender: Male Nationality: Japan Club (Optional): Host Club Rank (Clubs only): Vice-President Type (Only for Host): The Older-Brother Type Class: B, Year 2 Special Skills: Sudo is great at cooking and cleaning, learning from his maids how to do laundry and household chores. He knows how to patch up a wound, whether it is a small cut or a large cut. He gets nauseated at the sight of blood, which is a downside. Personality: Sudo is a motherly yet stern character, caring for his classmates and members when they get hurt. He hates seeing anyone alone or in pain, which has lead him to the dream of becoming a doctor. Though, pissing him off might not be the best idea… Especially if it's because someone was messing with his friends. His clients love how caring he is towards anyone, making them think he is gentle and innocent man, but some fangirls fantasize about his wild side. Odd Habits: Playing with other member’s hair, getting distracted, tripping over invisible items Likes: All of his clients, children, helping people, cats Dislikes: Sweets, bullies, hurting people, water/swimming, being under pressure Family: Sudochi Harukasi (father), Sudochi Managaru (mother), Sudochi Tikinaru (little brother) Other Info: 1. His family is best known for their line of herbal tea, which has grown famous among the families of the rich. His father wants him to take over the company after school ends, but strives to become a doctor. 2. On rainy days, when the bell rings for school to get out, he will tell the Host Club he will be late that afternoon, and dash off to somewhere else. He will come back to the Host Club while it is open, and act very nervous around the members. This is because he is hiding some sort of kitten or two with his jacket, and when caught will use the excuse of, “They’ll get a cold!” 3. Though most people don't know it, Sudo hates chocolate or sweets of any kind. When girls or boys give him chocolate, he will try to eat it, but will be sick for the rest of the day in order to save their feelings. The water scares the guy greatly. This is because he almost drowned in the pool, which left a scar on him his whole life. [/hider]