[center][b][color=orange][h2]Avey StormChaser[/h2][/color][/b] Chapter 1.5 All Wizards have to work sometime [/center] [hr]([i] The harborers head|Crocus [/i])[hr] [Hider=Deals with a devil] Avey really just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Apparently Zee was on her way to report Avey's 'misconduct of magic', a hefty fine if one wanted to avoid interrogation and gaol. Then there was still the matter of the buildings outer wall, the bed, the damage to the room and mess on the street. The costs compounded and sky rocketed quickly. He couldn't cover one let alone all! Luckily for him this strange shy little girl had a solution to all his problems. He just had to do a little job... The prospect of work and debt had Avey running in an instant. A gust of wind fluttered around him bending the light, making him near invisible, and in a flash he leapt out the open window. He looked down at the street below him, scattered with the rubbish and glass from the room. People dodged the mess and grumbled as they walked around avoiding it. Only Avey did not soar past the picturesque scene below as planned. Instead hovering above it as he slowly descended. He felt a tug on his leg and looked back to see the dark haired girl reeling him in by a chain that had mysteriously been hooked around his ankle. Avey's magic was not strong enough for him to get away and he could do nothing as he was brought back into the room from where he had tried to escape. Choosing to land on his own two feet he dispelled the light bending breeze that swirled around and lifted him. His captor frowned disappointingly at him. "[b]We also know what happened to your little friend. I really didn't want to have to resort to bribery.[/b]" she says. [b][color=lightblue][i]Blackmail[/i][/color][/b] Avey politely corrected. [b][color=lightblue][i]Alright[/i][/color][/b] he said with a sigh sitting back on the bed. [b][color=lightblue][i]What do I have to do?[/i][/color][/b] The girl gave another wicked smile and Avey instantly knew he wasn't going to enjoy this. [/hider]