Interactions: [@Grey][@Loki Odinson] [color=bc8dbf]"Indeed Lady Knight you're kind is not unknown to me though it is well to see a person who has some honor in this age. Were we enemies, or may we shall be, I would be honored to meet you as an equal partner. However I must insist that you do not distur-"[/color] Saber began as he shook his head as the mysterious new servant came out and shouted to all those who would hear her that the others should come of hiding. [color=bc8dbf]"I had pegged you as Saber when you came but I'm not entirely sure now that is indeed what you are. Or maybe you are simply not as I expected you to be in which case I apologize."[/color] Saber grumbled as he tried his best not to let his guard down. This woman could very well be dangerous. The fact that she openly revealed herself meant she had little fear of the other servants which meant boasting of extraordinarily powerful abilities, and statistics. All the same if it came down to it he he hoped it wouldn't come to that. He would dislike to cut down such a strong woman if he could help it. [color=bc8dbf]"I hope for the sake of any innocents around here that you did not draw them with your shouting. Remember we aren't natural beings."[/color] Saber admonished the other servant. [color=39b54a]"You know fancy pants. I think that's my cue to leave. Things aren't going so well over here. Maybe I'll come back with my master some other time. Regardless if you go down there with that oaf, and whoever those two losers are then I wish you the best of luck. For now...I think I should go check out what's happening over there."[/color] the orange haired servant said with a simple and casual tone as he walked off the edge of the building with just a minimal wave of his hand to say goodbye to Caster. Where he went was of little importance but the interesting note is that he made no noise as he left, and he made no noise as he presumably landed. Wherever, or whoever that servant was in specific was to be found out at a later date as the chances of chasing him where slim to none. ==== [@Turboshitter] [@BubbleGumKing] [@Loki Odinson] [@Phase Transit] [@Shadow Daedalus] Father Walter had stayed silent for far to long as he raised his hand up, and asked for silence for a moment. [color=a36209]"Please I ask that all of you remain frankly within the boundaries of calmness. As rude as Mr. Togami is, and as indignant as Prince Albert may be this is still a holy place. I ask that all of you treat it with respect less consequences you do not foresee will come to reap those who fail to respect it's glory. Young masters, and sir Takumi I am an old man. I have seen many things in my life, not all of which I enjoy recounting, but for the moment all I asked of you in return for allowing you a warm room to come and discuss this exchange of information with each other is a simple politeness and respect for those inside this cathedral."[/color] Walter said as he coughed twice heavily before nodding his head. [color=39b54a]"Sure father I understand. I apologize if I've been rude. Well look guys I'm all the more willing to discuss this but if no one has anything nice to say then I don't think we're going to get anywhere."[/color] commented Leon as he stood up from his chair and stretched out his arms. [color=0054a6]"As I said I have important matters to do so unless you people have more to discuss I'm leaving. As for Albert I have the slight inclination to believe that he was trying to correct, or insult me but I could barely understand every other word out of his mouth so for the matter as it stands I will let it go. However as it stands I believe I can correct him on some of his misinformed opinions. We all did indeed make a mistake about revealing ourselves. However Takumi is a servant, the old bag over there is more experienced than any of us by age, I'm more than capable of defending myself, the fools who arrived just before you did seem to have the air of well honed killing machines, and Leon over here must have some sort of ace in the hole otherwise he wouldn't be here like he is. Unless he is indeed a fool in which case I'm sorry Leon but please leave the war immediately. As for me making more mistakes...well everyone does but I make very few of them. Feel free to look up my name on the internet Prince Albert, if you like to know more about me I'm not a very hard man to find. To kill is a different matter all together. If you want to come for the strongest mage in this war Prince then feel free to visit me in my penthouse so I can kill properly. If not and you'd like to not part with your head so soon I'd say you're better off waiting. I'm sure we will cross paths inevitably. And then we'll see if your servant is better than mine."[/color] commented Togami as he looked his shirt's cuffs and adjusted them, and his glasses slightly. His eyes focused on Albert with a dull disinterest in him, and everyone else in the room. It seemed like all he wanted to do was go home. ==== Meanwhile on the other side of town... [color=39b54a]"You know I really should've seen that coming. A big guy like that with those eyes shouldn't be all that mentally sane."[/color] grunted the brown haired servant with a dirty scruffy looking beard beard on his chin, a red cape, long black boots, a pair of white Pantaloons, and green armor as he ran around the corner. Shortly behind him was one of the other servants. She kept pace with him rather well but was clearly very unhappy about their shared situation. She was very scantily dressed with loosing fitting samurai armor that showed off her rather poor midriff, and her black cape floated behind her as she ran. [color=6ecff6]"____-San I thought I told you that this whole endeavor would end badly."[/color] said the woman with a calm flatness in her voice. [color=82ca9d]"Hey it was worth a shot you know. It worked with you figured it may work again. Let's just focus on-"[/color] the male servant ducked quickly as his well honed instincts kicked in narrowly dodging a flung object that would've landed him firmly on his ass if he had gotten hit with it. [color=6ecff6]"Regardless the sooner we're done with this the better. We must keep going be sure not to die. I will need you in this fight."[/color] stated the female servant as the male one chuckled. [color=39b54a]"Grown fond of me that quickly have you?"[/color] laughed the male one as the female one snorted. [color=6ecff6]"No I'd just prefer not to die so quickly before the war has even truly begun."[/color]