[centre][hider=Short Filler Intro] [centre]Doom True Evil Never Dies[/centre] True evil never dies.. a rather foretelling platitude depending on how much you truly know about evil. Throughout the entirety of human existence evil has been one of the most overused phrases to describe despicable acts. They say a murderer is evil or a man who touches a child is evil, hell they even say being gay is another form of evil. Most whom describe evil are usually backed by religious babble to support their interpretation, not to say that religion does not know evil, but it is in the interpretation that the true meaning is lost. True Evil... true evil was what the Union Aerospace Corporation released into our realm. For those few of you who are unaware Union Aerospace Corporation or UAC for short was once upon a time a very powerful and well funded company. The UAC was the on the forefront of some of the greatest technological advances that the human race had ever seen, this was mostly due to the fact that they operated on a base far from Earth, a base housed on Mars. This in itself gave UAC the ability to create without the interference of ethical or moral dilemma. Some might argue it was this same reason that the UAC base on Mars was completely destroyed. The truth behind the incident on Mars even till this day has never fully been revealed to the public, even after the numerous lawsuits which bankrupted the UAC, no one ever truly knew what transpired on Mars. The only one who survived it never spoke of it, the horrors he had witnessed too damning to ever repeat it. It has been over fifty year since the UAC went feet first and the sacking of the Mars Facility, the once great complex on Mars has lingered, decaying into nothing for no one dare approach it. But like everything, that is now changing, a new company on the rise has decided that the Mars Base is the perfect place to base their new company and with little resistance they bought the old facility and began construction to renew it to its former glory. But something has gone wrong, people are starting to act weird and others are losing their minds succumbing to a mysterious insanity. The few who knew of the incident on Mars are now scrambling to discover the source of these events fearing what might happen if it were to go unchecked. It was only recently that contact with the Mars Base was completely lost, the worst case scenario becoming a strong reality the time for action is at hand. Two lone soldiers have been dispatched to the Mars Base to ascertain the meaning behind these events. True Evil never dies, it merely lingers until the time comes again to rise. [/hider] [hider=Hello There!] Okay so lets not waste no time here, obviously this is going to be a Doom roleplay, this roleplay takes place in the realm of Doom 3, it takes place over 50 to 55 years after the incident with the original Mars City once owned by the now Bankrupt UAC. A new company on the rise has bought the facility and has begun reconstruction on it to form it into their new main facility, however near the end of construction many weird occurrences involving sudden insanity and disappearances has raised an alarm and contact with the new facility has now been lost. Fearing the events from years before two lone soldiers have been dispatched to Mars to ascertain the fate of the base and discover the cause of the events plaguing it. I am currently looking for a male or female partner to get this roleplay up and running, I am ideally looking for someone who has played the Doom series or at least has knowledge of Doom mechanics involving weapons and demon types, knowing the story would be a great bonus as well. There can be romance but it isn't mandatory and as for preferences I play Male characters solely and do not mind same sex relationships. I am really looking for a dedicated person to play this through to the end and contribute to the story so if your interested please shoot me a message. Also I do Thread or PM not really into chat programs for roleplaying. [/hider] [/centre]