[center][h3][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4084485]Red Vino[/url][/h3][/center] Interacting: [@medalliah][@KimmiNinja] Location: Concert Hall,Sacalonia [hr] Igor was practicing on the guitar it was a slow gentle tempo until he made a mistake and he stopped. He checked his twitter, reading some of his fans post. His most recent photo of his idol self was doing quite good with its likes and shares. It was a slow increase from the last few days, but it was still a increase. He started the practice up again. It was a routine, while he practiced. One round of practice, interact a bit with your fans over the media, repeat a few times. His phone rung with his favorite song announcing he had a text, causing him to make the same mistake on the same note. That was how he discovered he was sign up for a concert, he didnt have a manager yet, which only increased his confusion how he got in to begin with. It was too good of a promotion to say no, and he was gonna definitely reach out a lot more people if he attended. Igor, preferred not to let the world know who he was behind the idol name. It was one of the reason he was having blond long hair instead of dark brown long hair. Color contacts instead of his glasses and viola no one could recognize him. Added with the different attitude, not even his collage friends put one and one together. The only people who knew were the nurses and doctor who was taking care of Sara. They made sure to never let his sister miss him when he appeared on television. For now at least the good people were keeping his secret a secret. At the concert hall were just as many people as he awaited. He spend quite a bit time allowing the photos to be taken of him, making a few poses here and there. Making sure his body would be shown in its best light. Like always the paparazzi attention snapped onwards to the next arriving idol, and Red simple walked into the main hall, flipping his hair back. There were quite a few interesting people already. Some he knew from their music some he only knew over the rankings. Igor would have simple minded his business but Red was not like that. Red walked with a easy step to the highest ranking idol he spotted. [color=fdc68a]"Hello there. If I am not drunkenly dreaming I am seeing Minami. Its will be great experience measuring my own skills against yours."[/color] He turned his head to the other guy there, it took him a few moments before he connected the face. [color=fdc68a]"And you are the rock idol Law, right? You have quite a good beat going. I myself was debating if I should try something in the direction of rock ballads."[/color]