[center] [color=4BE2A3][h3]Naija[/h3][/color] [color=4BE2A3]Lvl[/color]: 1 [color=4BE2A3]Day[/color]: 1 [color=4BE2A3]Location[/color]: Tetris Castle Briefing Room -> floor 49 -> Kingdom of Erion - Raganival [color=4BE2A3]Speaking with[/color]: none [color=4BE2A3]Mentions[/color]: Luigi[@Bright_Ops], Hapu [@ToadRopes], Edward Buck[@Aether Spawn], Gordon Freeman[@Hostile], Mario [@Holy Soldier], Fox McCloud[@Etherean Fire],Garrett[@Simple Unicycle] [color=4BE2A3]Seed deployed[/color]: None [/center] Hapu’s explanation left Naija with more questions than answers frankly, but it did give her specific terms to investigate later. She hoped the castle had some kind of archive that she could use to get up to speed on all this land stuff. What she got out of it was Hapu was a kind of priest/guardian of a deity of their island and that Mudsdale was this guardian deity she was speaking on behalf of. Naija did not have good experiences with gods or priests, but she would give the women the benefit of the doubt for now, she seemed like a decent individual. At this point Luigi whispered something in her ear that would probably lead to more embarrassing incidents if the meeting had not started with the expulsion of Quina Quen, which she would have spoken up about if she hadn’t been so busy being flustered. The talk gave her something to focus on and her mood quickly shifted to a combination of appalled and frustrated, the 7 where the last survivors and the collective had little to no information about the greater foe. Naijas head was planted firmly on the table muttering about not ever knowing what she was getting into before livening up at the exposition of the location they were traveling to. Demon kings and people sealed in crystal, magic rings and cauldrons of doom or rejuvenation. Demon was kind of an evil god and she had experience killing those. This seemed to be in her area of experiance, what was not was the fact that she was apparently the leader of a team. The closest experience she had to that was Li and a pet following her around while they adventure. The team also consisted of none of the people she had spoken to so far, apart from the brief introduction to Garrett. It also had Mario in it, who had forcibly inserted himself next to samus, much to the warriors distaste, that was going to be a handful. The meeting came to its conclusion and they were ordered up to the 49th floor for something called a vaccine and to teleport to the kingdom of Erion, in her worrying about her new responsibility resulted in her arriving near the rear of the procession, just in time to see Hapu calm down her large earthy creature she called Mudsdale. Ah, so she had been wrong about that then, the creature had presumably been in her inventory at the meeting, like how she kept her helper pets in there when they were not in use, though the beast was certainly larger than any she had commanded. What followed was a brief argument over why a person in a white coat was trying to stab her with a small metal object, followed by an explanation of what a vaccine was, another argument about how you can make a vaccine without having a sample of the thing you're protecting against, before she finally relented and accepted the dosage. Then there was the council's item policy as she was forced to trade out her stores of food for the odd seeds mentioned in the briefing that she was being given as team leader. Leaving the teleport room smelling of seafood she hopped through the portal and arrived in an area full of what she assumed where trees with a large stone structure looming in the distance. She decided to find an elevated position to watch for her team's arrival and eventually settled for a large 5ft diameter bolder nearby which she promptly sat down on. Mario and Garrett she would recognize and wave to when they arrived but Fox and Gordon she would have to find once the whole group was here, or perhaps they might know the two who she knew already. She would also need to introduce herself to the Squad leader Edward when he arrived. She believed she had heard him as the armored man who had initially taken responsibility for the food fight.