[color=purple]"You all have a good time killing Nefas! I'm going to free the rest of us!"[/color] V declared, once he had ensured that every prisoner that was willing had been armed with one of his quick and dirty enchantments. With that, he turned round to head even deeper within the prison asylum. His words were, of course, bold faced lies, but they would be good for this group's morale and thus increase their chances of surviving long enough to cause Nefas some sort of inconvenience. Maybe they would even surprise the poison spirit and kill the warden! No, of course not. Perhaps, if they were lucky, a serendipitous strike would weaken the cambion enough that V's entourage would be able to do os, but not them. Villiam did continue moving further into the place though. He had someplace to be. Someplace where a certain rat demon had likely already gotten, and if V knew Kritch like he thought he did based on the small amount of analysis he could perform before this mission, he knew that Kritch was going to need assistance with the last line of defense. Somebody as important as Betty? There was no way even the most idiotic of cambion's would skimp on security. Villiam was not disappointed. As soon as he melted his way through the wall into the maximum security wing, his eyes rested upon a bloody sight as Kritch was locked in combat with some random soul with a uniform marking him as the head of security. Though the man was bloodied and appeared to be weak, something about his posture and composure told Villiam otherwise. This was a man well versed in dealing with threats far larger and more dangerous than himself. Villiam smiled. Reminded him of his own nature. Then Villiam saw the name on the uniform: Mike Schmidt. That felt familiar, and his smile drifted away. [color=purple]"I feel like I know you..."[/color] V muttered, just loud enough to be heard by those paying attention. [color=purple]"That's no good. Familiarity is horrific for a man like me. You see, it means... Well, it means..."[/color] V's smile then returned in the most horrific manner possible. Muck and grime oozed and dripped down his face, connecting upper and lower lips together in a disturbing and threatening grin to combine joy and loathing. [color=purple]"It means that I was incapable of finishing you before!"[/color] Villiam shouted a guttural growl of those final words as he released a gaseous glob directly at Head Guard Schmidt's head, the same gathering of pure ozone he had been saving since his first encounter with Poncho.